~Chapter 2

Unfortunate Mishap

Zelo’s POV

I watched Daehyun grow somewhat angry when Shaina leaned against Youngjae, so Youngjae shrugged her off and hid behind Bang Yong Guk from Daehyun and Shaina both. I witnessed a hidden smile on his face when Shaina started to make her way towards him, then it quickly faded once he was pushed out of the way. I looked at where she was looking and time slowed as she walked towards us, well towards Shaina. I wonder if she has a boyfriend, a girl as pretty as her would obviously have one.
“Hey! You are coming with us, yes? Good, I’m glad.” Shaina said grabbing Aislean’s arm and pulling her along.
Where is the car at that we are supposed to be riding in?” Aislean asked, rolling her eyes.
“There.” I managed to say happily while pointing to the car.

We all pointed to a stretched, black, Sudan with tinted windows and waved when the chauffeur walked out and bowed before opening the doors and inviting us in.
Seriously, you guys have one of those things too?” Aislean and Shaina both asked in unison.
They started laughing and got in the car, sitting across from each other, as the seats were facing each other. Daehyun and Bang Yong Guk sat on either side of Shaina, while Himchan and I sat on either side of Aislean; leaving Youngjae and Jong up sitting towards the front of the Sudan, the chairs’ facing our backs.
Yah, why do we have to sit up here, why can’t the girls sit up here!” Youngjae whined, pointing to them.
Youngjae got an angry glare from Himchan and Bang Yong Guk after he suggested that to everybody and shut up very quickly. He sat there quietly the entire way home.

We pulled out in front of a building that I hadn’t yet recognized. I know the manager said that we would be going to one of the girls’ house after school so that we can talk to the parents about their kids living with us for as long as we are here. I know we are going to stop at both girls’ houses but which one was first, I had no idea.
Yah! Why are we at our house?” Shaina asked curiously.
“You aren’t going to like that answer, so we’ll just wait to tell you. For now, go inside and we have to follow.” Bang Yong Guk said, sternly.
Shaina did as she was told, though before getting out; she pushed Daehyun out of the car first, then followed behind him, Bang Yong Guk following behind them.
“I’ll stay and wait here…” Youngjae said, holding onto Jong up so he couldn’t leave either.
“Yah, I guess I will too…” Jong up said, sitting back down beside Youngjae.

I shrugged and got up, allowing Aislean to get out, then Himchan followed excitedly behind her.
Yah, why are you so excited?” I asked, punching Himchan lightly on the arm.
We get to see where the girls live! Who wouldn’t be excited to see where someone they know lives?” Himchan replied, cutely as he followed behind Aislean, his eyes full of anticipation.
I just shook my head smiling as I followed. When we walked in, a beautiful young lady stood and greeted us with a smile as well as a bow. She must be their mother because I can tell where they get their looks.

She kept her hand flat while motioning to the furniture to sit down. As we all walked further into the room, we noticed the manager Hyung was already there talking with their mother.
Annyeonghaseyo! Nae ileum-eun Krystal ida. mannaseo bangawoyo!” The lady said happily as she bowed again and sat back down.
“Umma…You didn’t…” The girls whined as they walked in and saw the manager.
“I’m sorry girls. They are offering us 500,000 dollars just so you’ll live with them and teach them English for a year. We need the money, you know that, so we are doing it! Or well, you are doing it…” Their mother said, smiling.
“Ugh, Umma. I know we need the money but can’t we just get jobs? Why do I have to live with them to teach it to them?” Shaina whined, on her knees in front of her mother.

About two seconds later, a tall handsome man walked into the room. He sat down next to their mother and grabbed her hand.
“I support your mother on this… You girls should do it. We need the money and this is an easy way to get it…” Their father said smiling.
You could smell the alcohol on his breath even though we were sitting across from him on another couch. I am positive that he is one of those dads who drink a lot though, cleans up nicely when needed, is trashy any other day.
“Besides, we wouldn’t have to keep paying for your sorry needs. We could afford two people as long as you girls were out of the house. I could use the left over money from you girls to buy alcohol…” The father replied, pushing Shaina backwards onto her and off of her knees.

Shaina hit the coffee table knocking it backwards a few inches and I noticed that Daehyun jumped slightly as if to help her but sat back down when the manager Hyung looked at him. Aislean just looked away and mumbled something under her breath.
“Honey, that’s not why…” Their mother started.
“Yes, that’s exactly why I want them to go… Although, I don’t want them to come back; Shaina is above 19 and Aislean is 17 almost 18. They are old enough to move out and live on their own.” Their father said.
“Well I am sorry that we are good for nothings that should have never of been born. If you didn’t want to deal with us then you should never have had us. You know what, we’ll do it. Only guess what Oppa, the money goes to us for doing it, not you!” Aislean said, standing up angrily as she stomped out of the house, slamming the door on her exit.
Damn, I never thought an Oppa could be so mean to his kids.” Himchan whispered to me sadly.
“Please don’t mind her sir, She is nothing but a spoiled brat. I apologize for her actions…” Their father said, bowing to the manager Hyung.

Manager Hyung stood up and bowed then started to head out the door pushing us ahead of him.
You guys wait in the car, I need to handle this…” The manager said angrily.
I have never seen the manager this angry at someone. I waited for everyone to leave then, stood by the door so I could watch what was happening. Manager Hyung helped Shaina to her feet and pushed her behind him as he looked at her parents with fire in his eyes.
“She will be staying with us, and Aislean is right. The money will be going to them, not you. They won’t be coming back ever, and I will specifically make sure of that. Pleasure doing business with you, they are my girls now.” The manager said, taking one last look at them before turning to leave.
He pushed Shaina in front of him as he made his way to the door, and turned around as the father yelled something behind them.
“You can have them; all they are is good for nothing little spoiled brats who just want the world to revolve around them. I am tired of dealing with the little es, you have full rights to them!”  The father yelled angrily.

I noticed Shaina walking to the door with covered and her eyes teary. I must admit, she looked really cute at the moment but I felt bad at how crappy of a family she grew up with. As soon as I saw her, I opened my arms as she walked towards me and instantly, she collapsed in my arms, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Well, I guess if you come by tomorrow we can sign the rights over. I must agree with my husband, I never liked the demonic spawns of Satan anyway. They never did a single thing you asked and they were constantly only thinking of themselves and nobody else.” The mother replied, shrugging as though it didn’t bother her not even a little bit.
Arasso. It’s okay, you have us now… If that’s any better.” I said, trying to comfort her as best I could.
“Fine. I will be by tomorrow to sign the paper work.” Manager Hyung said leaving without bowing or even glanced back at them.

Manager slammed the door when we left and I walked Shaina to the car. Once we climbed in the back of the car, I noticed that Himchan was comforting Aislean but as soon as I stepped in the car and Daehyun saw Shaina crying, he immediately sat her on his lap and began to comfort her. Her back was to his chest and he had his arms around her waist wiping her face every once in a while to wipe away the tears. He moved the hair from her face behind her ear. He would whisper things into her ear every now and again and she would elbow him in the stomach while slightly laughing. I noticed that Himchan was getting pretty close with Aislean and Daehyun was getting pretty close with Shaina. I am happy and all but I like Aislean so far. I want to get to know her and become one of her best friends, maybe a little more than a friend. I have to wait and see how close her and Himchan get first though, I don’t want to take her away from Himchan. If anything, I at least want to be her best friend next to Shaina.

Aislean and Shaina eventually made their way to each other and pushed Himchan and me closer together, so Himchan moved over and sat next to Daehyun. The girls cuddle up together on the bench seat beside me and fell asleep. We eventually made it to the apartment and the girls were still sleeping on the chairs.
Try not to wake them, they have been through enough today. You will start English lesson tomorrow and you will treat them as your sisters. For now, they will stay in the apartment with you until I can find another place for them. These are my girls now, so I expect you to take care of them.” Manager Hyung said pointing to us all as if we were trouble makers or something.
Yes Hyung but, who’s room are they staying in for now?” I asked curiously.
I will let you boys decide that since it will only be temporary. For now, pick them up and carry them to the apartment after deciding and let them sleep. I will call the school and allow you all to skip school tomorrow.” Manager Hyung said smiling.
Yes! Aislean can sleep in my room!” Himchan cheered.
No, she is not. I share a room with you and I don’t want her in there with us.” Jong up said, feistily.
Aislean can stay in with Zelo and Youngjae.” Bang Yong Guk said, flashing me a smirk.
Arasso.” I replied, looking back to her cute sleeping face and posture.
Shaina can sleep with me! I mean, in my room.” Daehyun said happily as he picked her up bridal style.

I watched Bang Yong Guk frown a little bit but smiled when he realized that him and Daehyun share a room together. Although, I don’t think Bang Yong Guk will be able to go out with Shaina. I know that her parents said that Shaina was 19 but Bang Yong Guk is going on 24. That’s a bit of an age difference. Aislean is 17 going on 18, therefore we are pretty much the same age. I turn 18 in about another four or five months so Aislean and I are pretty close in age. Daehyun just turned 20 about two days ago so him and Shaina are closer in age rather than her and Bang Yong Guk. I just hope those two don’t get in a fight over her.
“Yah, Can we switch rooms? I want to sleep in with Zelo!” Himchan whined, begging Youngjae.
Yah! What makes you think I want to do that?” Youngjae protested.
Because I said so…” Himchan said instantly turning evil as he gave him a demonic glare.
Fine, we can switch…” Youngjae replied, hiding behind me.

I walked over and picked Aislean up bridal style and she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself as we walked them up the steps to our apartment on the fifth floor. We walked in and I walked to my room and put Aislean on my bed but she wouldn’t let go of my neck.
Yah! Himchan, help me get her off…” I said trying to pull away from her.
Manager Hyung said not to wake them, I don’t want to wake her up. Just lay in bed with her, when she wakes up, I can explain everything…” Himchan said laughing at me quietly.
As long as you explain and she doesn’t think I did bad things to her or something.”  I said, blushing at the thoughts running through my head.
Himchan laughed and climbed in on the other side of the bed smiling at me. I fell asleep soon after he did.

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shineexoo, Thanks! I am glad you liked it ^.^ I will be updating very shortly, so hope you enjoy the chapters ahead as well! :D <3
Chapter 3: I really like it :)
Chapter 2: Aww zelo is cute
Chapter 1: I love it so far (prolly going to comment on every chapter to catch up)
Looks really interesting, can't wait for an update ^.^