The Blank Face inside the picture frame

Memories of me and you

Haelin's POV

Mom told me that I can go back to school by next week. We were going back to Seoul tonight. My mom said that she confined me in a hospital here in the Philippines because she wants to visit her parents and maybe relax here for a while. Well.. that place is good but again... I wonder what Seoul was like? We packed up our suitcases .. Because I didn't use much clothes.. I just carried along a sling bag. We went straight to NAIA terminal 1 (a known airport in Manila) Mom gave the tickets to friendly-looking receptionist. In a few minutes we boarded the plane to Seoul. I sat on the window side of the plane , curious to see what the place looks like when we are on air.  Mom gave me my Iphone. I saw the wallpaper and found a picture of me with this guy. The picture was clear though but the guys' face is blank. I wonder why? Out of curiousity I plugged the earphones into my phone and started listening to some songs. The first song that played was... Beautiful by Lee Donghae. Somehow... I was familiar with that voice..  Like the song was rightfully mine. It soothed me down and melted me with the sincerity of the singer's voice. The song,, somehow , touched my heart and I just found myself smiling. 

 "Haelin-ah... Haelin-ah.. wake up! We're here!" My excited mom wriggled me out of my sleep. Wow. It's so cold here.We got off the plane and got our suitcases.  

"SEOUL! How I missed you" Mom shouted and threw both of her hands up in the air. I just giggled with her childish actions. I kept on wandering around the airport. I was curious enough to look at the stalls there. I didn't realize that I was far from where my mom is. 

 " Haelin-ah! Come here you don't want to get lost do you?" My mom signalled me to go over. We went outside and hailed a cab just outside Incheon international airport. Wow.. this place sure is awesome. I wonder why mom had to confine me in the Philippines? The ride back home was quiet since we were so tired from the flight. We stopped over in front of a three story white house with a large lawn in front of it. It was so grandiose.

" Honey , We're home! " Mom walked in a huge black door and hugged a tall guy with eyeglasses. When the man saw me he released from my mother's hug and dashed to my side with tears welling up his eyes. 

" Haelin-ah! You don't have an idea on how worried I was. Come inside! We missed you! " He hugged me tightly and escorted me to enter the house. 

"Kids! Come down! Your Haelin-unnie is back! " and like the speed of light two kids came rushing down the stairs. Tackling me with a hug. I just found myself being bear hugged by my family. 

"Dear , It's sad to say this but... Our daugher... She has amnesia. The doctor said she can't remember anything... even us." Mom told them the truth that would surely crush their hearts. All I can see and hear now are sobs of the 2 kids holding my hands. 

"Unnie.. You don't remember us anymore?" The petite girl tugged the hem of the white skirt I was wearing. She was crying really hard that she was hiccuping.

"Unfortunately , Yes... but Unnie here will do here best to remember the people who are important to her okay? So stop crying." I smiled at her. She suddenly smiled and wiped away her tears using her arm. Then.. she flashed back a cute smile to me.

"Arasso.. Haerin will help you remember! , AJA!" Awww. The girl was so cute when she said that. She pumped one arm and shouted again "AJA!" I had a fun time talking to my family. They shared many stories about me.. Trying hard to make me remember even a few. 

"Haelin-ah. You can go to your room now. Its upstairs on the first door on your left. " My mom shouted from the kitchen. I went up the stair and entered the pink door on my left. The room was huge. It had a white , flowery wallpaper and a pink princess-like bed on the center. It had a piano and many posters of a group of men were in the wall. There were also a stack of dvds and albums on one corner. I sat on the bed and looked at my room.

"So.. this is my room." It felt nostalgic , caressing the sheets of my bed. I noticed the picture frames on my side table. I was with a guy on those picture frames. On another frame , he was hugging me and we were flashing big smiles on our faces. Still the guy's face was blank. Suddenly a teardrop fell on my cheek. I don't understand why I was crying that time. 

"Knock Knock" Mom entered the room and sat beside me. I immediately wiped the tears away and faced her.

"Mom.. who is this guy" I pointed to her the blank-faced guy on the picture frame. Her eyes bulged out. She was obviously shocked. 

"No one. You better sleep now. Your school starts tomorrow." She tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead. She turned of the lights and bid me a goodnight.

"I wonder who that guy is..." I dozed off while wondering who the blank-faced man was.  

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SuperShineeB2st #2
Update soonnn !!!!!
leehaelin31 #3
Guys~~ Please comment :)) I would gladly appreciate it.