You're So Innocent


{ KILL COUNT: 005 }


As the roar of the car's engines subsided within seconds, Kyungsoo turned around to unbuckle his seatbelt. He noticed the boy beside him fast asleep, eyes fluttering every few seconds. It was not known what washed over Kyungsoo's satanic nature that day, but he decided that the young sleeping boy would get his rest. His shallow breaths and peaceful expression which was a huge contrast with the face he had pulled all night before showed that the boy was indeed tired from the deed. Afterall, it’s his first kill in his barely legal life. 


Kyungsoo didn’t realise he was indirectly staring at the sleeping boy until he snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head to condemn the ungodly deed he had done earlier (and he wasn’t talking about the murder). Feeling rather bored other than to wait for Jongin to wake up from his slumber, Kyungsoo took his phone resting on the dashboard and plugged in his (rather expensive) earphones. With the soft music lulling in his ears, his eyes also slowly fluttered shut and his world turned dark and peaceful. 


It was only when the sound purring of annoying stray cats and the chirping of obnoxious birds, Jongin finally woke up from his slumber. He felt a nagging headache, something that was common if he slept too long or way too comfortable once he opened his eyes. Instead of the usual dark grey ceiling in Kyungsoo’s room, it was a car’s hood. He straightened up to look at the surroundings and confirmed that he was indeed in a car and the driver beside him was still letting out soft snores. Seeing his attire and the car, he got reminded of the terrible mission he had completed with Satan only a few hours earlier. 


His stomach churned at the particular memory and the images, particularly bloody, still fresh in his mind. He groaned and slammed his head back into the headrest and that was when the body beside him stirred. A cough resonated in the car and the door was opened. Kyungsoo stepped out of the car, and made a beeline to the house. Jongin, not knowing what exactly is going on, followed the Satan back into the house, hoping to get some rest.


Upon reaching the house, they met Xiumin at the kitchen island preparing some pancakes for breakfast. "Hey! Glad you guys are back, you guys took a long time this time huh?" Xiumin caught sight of the two people who just went through the main door, and one of them were particularly disheaveled. Kyungsoo just offered a light smile and Jongin with his eyes still half-open and attempting to wave at him. He chuckled lightly at the sight of the duo before both went upstairs.


I wonder what happened to them, Xiumin thought, as he heard the toaster ding.


Back in the room, Jongin just plopped his limp body on the mattress, giving no s about the world. Kyungsoo on the other hand, was up and going down for breakfast. 


"You're not eating?" Kyungsoo asked, strangely out of concern since he distinctively remembered Jongin picking at his food like a spoilt child last night. Jongin, still in his 'not giving s about the world' state just shook his head. 


Closing the door, Kyungsoo made a mental note to tell Xiumin to set aside some food for the young boy. Definitely not because he cares about him, its because well, killers need to eat too.


As expected of Xiumin, Kyungsoo thought as he opened his bedroom door, patting his happy tummy. His sensitive hearing picked up a few grunts and whines and it belonged to the young boy sleeping in his red mattress. Kyungsoo stepped closer as he cocked his eyebrow at the sight. Jongin's eyebrows were furrowed, and beads of sweat were plastered to his forehead. 


Instinctively, Kyungsoo threw his arms around the frail boy. He has a nightmare, Kyungsoo deduced, and he knew exactly what to do. Until the whines calmed down, he then slowly released his arms around the boy. 


(food)note:  Hi guys, I'm not exactly back yet. I just had a feel to write again, so please enjoy this! My personal life has been a mess right now so I will have to deal with that first I guess... So enjoy this short, very rambly chapter and I will see you again, hopefully soon ^^

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Chapter 6: I love this story so muuuuch! Hooe you will have time to update oson
Chapter 4: Aww their first mission together >.< poor Jongin! I'm not sure he's cut out for this XD love the update, looking forward to the next one ^_^
Chapter 4: I love Satan Soo! Can't wait for the next chapter! ^^
Chapter 3: Waaaa! this is so good so far, I LOVEEE ITTTT, so excited for more, can't wait :)
Good luck for your exams, you'll do great :D
Fighting!! ~~~~~~~
neko-likes-mangas #5
Chapter 2: I like it very much >< And I'm kind of looking for a D.Ominant ~ herm ! D.O's so dark in your fic, and I can't wait to see JongIn improve himself or idk what :)
Fighting for your exams !! Looking forward to your update !!
adibahzaidi #6
Chapter 2: God! Kyungsoo seriously scary in this story! (●´∀`●)
Hwaiting authornim!!!