Did you say Baekhyun?!

The Beauty Behind the Beast

Your POV:

I didn't even try to open my eyes; from the familiar beeping and bustling I knew where I was without even looking around. 

"Hospital again." I sighed, "What did Sunny do to me this time?" 

In my head I tried to replay who I got to the hospital but everything was still foggy. Finally opening my eyes, I tried to sit up but winced. Looking down I saw bandages covering my chest and arms, and blood staining some of them. Looking around I finally took in my surroundings. From behind the cutain sheilding my bed I could see the outlines of bustling doctors and nurses, in my right arm there was an iv connected to a water bag; and laying on my lap was a...boy?!? I quickly turned to my night table and went to grab my classes but they weren't there! I searched under my covers, accidently jostling the mysterious boy during my frantic search.

"Glasses, glasses, oh where are they?!"

The boy sat up and yawned, "You're finally awake?". Keeping my face turned away from him I swore under my breath.

Clearing my throat I replied, "Have you seen my glasses?" 

The boy laughed, and it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard, "I have your glasses right here."

Covering my face with one hand I turned to take the glasses from him but he pulled his hand back.

"Only if you uncover your face and let me see you."

I froze.

I mean what if Sunny put him up to this to test if I really learned my lesson or not?!

"No. Just hand me my glasses, please."

"Sunny really messed your mind up, huh?" The boy whispered softly under his breath.

I shook my head, not fully understanding what the boy meant by that, but also not caring. 

"My I please have my glasses?" I pleaded softly.

Finally giving in, I felt the boy put my glasses in my hand. With a happy sigh I placed them back on my face where they belonged, and turned to the boy to say thank you, but he was already walking out the door. Over his shoulder he called to me, "I'll be back soon, just right now I really need some fresh air."

As soon as the boy was gone, two young nurses bursted into my room,

"Omg was that you're boyfriend?!"

"He's so handsome!"

"And he stayed by your side all night and wouldn't let you out of his sight! Such a gentleman!"

I was so confused, "What? Oh no he's not my boyfrienf, I don't even know who he is?"

The nurses gave me a confused look,

"Well you probably don't remember because you were out cold, but last night that boy carried you in his arms all the way from your school to here! He didn't leave your side once, AND he paid the whole medical bill!"

I couldn't believe my ears, who could this boy be?! I didn't even have any friends! 

"Did...did he give you his name?"

The first nurse paused for a second, deep in thought, 

"I believe he said his name was...Baekhyun? 




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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : Wuaahhh.. This is cool !! Wow just ... Wow.... How can she be so innocent ?? I mean like cant she tell ?!?... Please update soon authornim..