
The Beauty Behind the Beast

*Baekhyun's pov*

After the mysterious girl ran away I stood on the rooftop and just thought. How can she not know that she is so beautiful? I decided that I would ask the one girl who knew everything about everyone: Kim Sunny. If anyone would know it would be her. I called her up and told her to meet me on the rooftop, and of course she agreed. Aftr about five minutes of waiting she appeared and embraced me in a hug. "Oppa!!!! I missed you so much!! Why did you run away from me??" I sighed, maybe it was a mistake calling her up here, but I guess it's too late now. "Sunny. I called you here because I want you to find a girl for me." Her eyes narowed into slits, "What do you mean excactly oppa?" I sighed, "Before I called you up I followed a girl who I thought was ugly up here," Sunny's eyes widened in shock, "this girl...I thought she was ugly but...she then took off her glasses and-" "That %&@#>!!!" "huh?" I was about to ask Sunny what she meant but she ran back into the school. "why is everyone running away from me?" I wondered out loud.

*Sunny's pov*

"Before I called you up I followed a girl who I thought was ugly up here," oh no oh no oh no "this girl...I thought she was ugly but...then she took off her glasses and-" NO!!!!!  "That %&@#>!!!" I ran off the rooftop as fast as I could. How could she do this? When did she find out about her beauty? How could this happen? And my Baekhyunie of all people! She must have done it on purpose...yeah this must have been her idea of revenge or something. well boy of boy, I am going to teach this girl one hell of a lesson when I find her!

*Your pov*

I sat on the sidewalk and cried and cried. When Sunny finds me she is going to kill me. She told me that if anyone every found ou about my ugliness it would be so embarrassing to her that she would kill me! That's why she kept the fact that I am her sister a secret! And now everyone will know..."YAH KIM SONHAE YOU DIRTY %@>!!!!" I looked up at my sister's fuming face as she grabbed me by my hair and shoved me roughly against a wall. "WHEN DID YU FIND OUT THAT OU WERE BEAUTIFUL? WHEN YOU LITTLE %$#@&?!?" she through a hard punch at my stomache and I felt one of my ribs break. "I didn't mean to show my ugliness I just took off my glasses to eat, I thought I was alone I didn't know he was there! Unni chaebal!" she slapped me hard, "SO NOW YOU ARE GOING TO LIE TO ME???" she punched me again and I fell to the ground. "I am not lying, I really didn't mean to-UGH!!" Sunny kicked my stomache, "YOU KNEW DAMN STRAIGHT YOU WERE PRETTY AND I WANT TO KNOW HOW?" she kicked me again and I coughed up blood, "Mwo? Unni I am ugly, I have always been ugly. You have always reminded me of my ugliness." unni began kicking and punching me over and over and I began to lose conciesnes. Before I out I saw unni pick up a pipe off the ground and begin to swing it at me, but the impact never came. I tried to look up to see why but I passed out.

*Baekhyun's pov*

After the incident with Sunny I decided I didn't feel like going to class anymore so I went out to go look for Sunny gain and try to get some more informtion out of her. I looked all around the school but couldn't find her so I gave up and headed towards the school gate so I could go home. When I reached the gates I heard what sounded like fighting. Keeping my distance I just listened to try and find out what was going on.  I heard a loud slap, but I didn't intervene yet. What can I say, I like fights! I didn't become kingka by being a sissy! "SO NOW YOU ARE GOING TO LIE TO ME???" I recognized that voice immidietly, it was Sunny for sure. I guess she didn't become queenka by being a sissy either! I heard a punch and a sobbing voice,  "I am not lying, I really didn't mean to-UGH!!" The voice sounded slightly farmilliar but it was hard to tell with all the crying. "YOU KNEW DAMN STRAIGHT YOU WERE PRETTY AND I WANT TO KNOW HOW?" Hmmm, that reminds me slightly of the girl on the roof..."Mwo? Unni I am ugly, I have always been ugly. You have always reminded me of my ugliness." Oh my gosh that is EXACTLY like the girl on the roof, but she said unni and as far as I know Sunny doesn't have any siblings. I decided to take a peek and saw Sunny crouched over a girl throwing ferocious punches and kicks! Too bad I couldn't clearly see the girls face with Sunny hovering over her. FInally Sunny got off the girl and I got a good look at her face, and it WAS the girl on the roof! I looked over at Sunny and saw her grabing a pipe! She began to swing it but I jumped out of my hiding place and tackled her. "What the hell are you doing, Sunny-ssi?!?!" She looked up at me with terrified eyes, "Did...did you see..." "HELL YES I DID AND I  WANT THE KNOW WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPEND!" Sunny looked from me to the girl then back to me then ran away, "YAH KIM SONHEE!!!!" I started to chase after her but I then I remembered the bloody unconcious girl on the sidewalk. Picking her up I carried her to the nearby hospital a block down. Everyone stared at her bloody body and the nurses took her in very quickly. After about an hour they took me into the room and explained her injuries to me, "She has two broken ribs and we had to put 3 stiches above her eye, two on her lip, seven in her right leg, and four in her forehead. She is very lucky you brought her here so quickly or else she very well could have died. Of course she ost a lot of blood so when she does wake up she will be a little out of it for a while." I thanked the doctor and sat down, in shock from all her injuries. Guilt washed over me. Why didn't I stop the fight? "Sunny, Sunny stop hurting me..." I heard her mummur in her sleep. I went over next to her bed and sat down. She grabbed onto my hand and held on tightly, "Sunny, I don't want to be ugly anymore..." I looked at her face. Even in the swollen, bruised condition she's in now she is still beautiful. How could I have never noticed? A tear escaped my eye. What a sad life, to have so much and never know; to live your life thinking that you are the beast when actually...you are the beauty. "From now on I will protect you." I whispered. "From now on you are mine."

*Author's Note*

Thank you for reading and supporting my story!!! I hope you like it so far :) I have definitely been working hard haha the time is 1:54am right now so I have been working a LOT on this chapter because this chaper defines the beginning of Sonhae and Baekhyun's relationship!! Please dn't forget to subscribe and please continue supporting The Beauty Behind the Beast!!!

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : Wuaahhh.. This is cool !! Wow just ... Wow.... How can she be so innocent ?? I mean like cant she tell ?!?... Please update soon authornim..