Stranger Danger

The Beauty Behind the Beast

*your pov*

"Beep beep beep beep bee-" I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock and dragged myself out of bed. "I really hate Mondays..." I thought to myself as I brushed my teeth. Of course I hated everyday that I had to go to school because of the nonstop teasing from my sister and her friends. I threw on my school uniform, put on my precious glasses, grabbed my bag, headed out the door, and began walking to the bus stop, not bothering to wait for my wicked sister Sunny whose personality is anything but. I knew it would be pointless to wait for her since she was probably just flirting with the kingkas again. "Birds of a feather flock together" I thought to myself as I boarded the bus. I scanned my card and headed over to an empty seat next to a boy with a similar school uniform. "Hmm" I thought to myself, "maybe he goes to my school...". But I didn't speak up, instead I tried to sneak a peek at the boys face. He must have noticed me staring because he turned towards me, "Do you go to Seoul High School also?" I jumped up in suprise, my eyes wide with shock. Not knowing what to do I jumped out of my seat and got off the bus. "What was I thinking?!?" I mentally scolded myself, "Now I am going to have to walk the rest of the way *sigh* I am going to be sooo late!"

*Baekhyun's pov*

The bus stopped and a girl with these HUGE glasses got on and sat next to me. I noticed she had my school uniform on, but I had never seen her before. I shrugged off the thought at first but a few minutes later I saw her eyeing me curiously. "She is going to hurt herself the way she is craning her neck like that to look at me." I thouht to myself, "Maybe she knows me." I turned to her and asked, "Do you go to Seoul High School also?" her eyes doubled in size and she jumped up really fast and ran away. "What was that all about...? I thought to myself, "Does my breath stink or something?" I exhaled into my palm and sniffed, "Nope, totaly minty fresh." I replayed what had just happened in my head and laughed, "she totally looked like a kangaroo the way she jumped up like that."

Finally the bus got to school and I got off. As usual, around a hundred of my fans surrounded me as son as I stepped off. I sighed and looked over at my friends for help, but they were surrounded as well. "Being a kingka really isn't easy" I sighed to myself and continued to walk to class.

*Your pov*

I ran as fast as I could through the halls and burst into my class dipping with sweat. "And why are you so late Miss. Kim?" interogated my teacher, Lee sonsangnim. I took a deep breath and was about to explain what happened when I looked up and made eye contact with the boy from bus, "He's in my class?!" I thought to myself- how could I have not have noticed? "My glasses must need an even stronger presciption" I mumbled. "Excuse me??" shot back Lee sonsangnim. Quickly I stammered out the first excuse that came into my head, "I missed my bus, Lee sonsangnim. I am so sorry, it wil not happen again." She nodded and told me to get to my seat. I sat down next to Lee Jieun (one of the queenkas in my school) and immedietly began working on my school work and didnt say a peep for the rest of class. I felt a bit bad for lying, but the truth was way too embarassng to confess! And after all, what if the teacher got upset with Baekhyun for suprising me like that? Then again I guess it was more my fault...wait why do I even care about if Baekhyun gets in trouble- I was midway through my thoughts when a piece of paper flew onto my desk. Without looking up I just assumed it was for Jieun and passed it to her. I heard a screech of a chair and footsteps coming toward me, but once again I just assumed it was one of Jieun's friends. I didn't look up until a hand pulled the textbook I was pretending to read out of my hands and spun me around. I turned towards the owner of the hand and jumped up, terrified of the angry figure who stood before me. "Yah!"

*Baekhyun's pov*

Songsangnim was in the middle of a lesson when the door flew open. I looked up, startled, and saw the girl on the bus! I tried hard not to laugh as I looked her over: her hair was a frizzy mess, her cheeks were bright red from excersion, and she was seriously sweating! I laughed to myself, "she must have ran all the way here!". When songsangnim asked her why she was late, I got ready to expain that it was my fault when I heard her say that she missed her bus! She lied! I suddently felt really angry for some reason, "Most girls would boast at any chance they got after being seen with me! And this girl lies about it? I should be the one lying about being seen with someone as ugly as her!" I angrily thought to myself. Okay, so maybe I took it a little too far in my head but it was too late now because the next thing I knew I was writing her a note and passing it to her desk. And you know what she does? She doesn't even look up, but just passes it to Jieun! My blood boiled! Thankfully Lee songsangnim stepped out of the class at this team so I could really give this rude girl some trouble! I stomped over to her seat and waited for her to turn around, when she didnt I lost it and grabbed her textbook out of her hand and spun her around, "Yah!"


Author's Note

 Hi everone! This is my first ever story on! I hope that you will suport it and tell all of your friends! Because I am a kind person I will not FORCE you to subscribe (because that is not nice!), but I hope that you will anyway because there is a whole lot of awesome coming your way! Also, I really apreciate commenting and really value you guyses opinions so please do not hesitate to give me some feedback! I know this is a short chapter but I really spent a lot of time on the poster (hehe) so I didn't ave a lot of time to work on the chapter. Another thing, please comment who YOU want to be the supporting male lead in this story! He does not have to be from EXO so you can pick whomever you want! Thank you all for reading, please support my story!!!!


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : Wuaahhh.. This is cool !! Wow just ... Wow.... How can she be so innocent ?? I mean like cant she tell ?!?... Please update soon authornim..