He Knows

The Beauty Behind the Beast

*Baekhyun's pov*

"Yah!" I yelled at her, "What's your problem?" she looked up at me confused and a little afraid, "Did I do something wrong?" she asked me. I thought about yelling some more but stopped myself...did she do anything wrong? Why was I getting all angry all of a sudden? Of course she thought the note was for Jieun, why would the school kingka pass her a note, she is so ugly! I sighed, "No, I just, uh, no, sorry." I muttered and rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed. She nodded slowly, "Then, um, could I have my textbook back?" I looked down and realized I was still holding it, "Oh, um, yeah, here." I handed it to her and she muttered a thanks and went back to studying. She didn't look back up from the book until lunch. When the lunch bell did ring she simply grabbed her things and left the classroom. Without realizing it I followed her. Didn't she have any friends. She passed through the halls like a ghost-head down, not speaking to anyone. No wonder I had never noticed her before. She silently got her lunch from her locker and headed over to the staircase that led to the rooftop. I tried to follow her but I was soon spotted by my fan club and was instantly surrounded by girls. "Sit with me oppa!" "Eat this lunch I made for you oppa!" "Saranghae oppa!" I tried to push through them so that I could keep following the mysterious girl, but I was carried away to the cafeteria. "Damn." I muttered to myself. I don't know what it was, but despite her ugliness there was something about her that drew me to her. "Yo Baekhyun!" the voice of my best friend Kai pulled me out of my thoughts. I waved to him and sat down at his table. I had just started to eat the lunch one of my fans made me when two hands covered my eyes, “Anyonggggg oppaaa” a sickly sweet voice whispered in my ear. I recognized the voice as school queenka Sunny. “Anyong.” I replied plainly. She pulled back her hands and pouted at me, “That’s all? You’re not even happy to see me?” I rolled my eyes, “If you keep frowning like that at me you’re going to put creases in your foundation. It’s a little much don’t you think?” she gasped, her eyes doubling in size, “O..oppa..heh heh you know I’m all natural...heh heh” she stuttered. “Lies” I thought to myself as I stood up from the table, “You ruined my appetite.” And with that I excited the cafe and checked my watch. “Still another 20 minutes until class...” I looked over at the staircase leading up to the rooftop, “maybe that girl is still up there.”

*Sunny's pov*

Ugh. Why does Baekhyun have to be so difficult! Can't he just realize that we were mean't to be? *sigh* oh well, I'll get him eventually.

*Your Pov*

*Ringggg* "ah, that must be the lunch bell" I thought to myself as I began to gather my things. I went to my locker to grab my lunch then headed to the staircase heading up to the rooftop where I usually eat my lunch. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw someone following me, but dismissed the thought. Stepping onto the rooftop I took a deep breath and smiled, "Ah, the air is so fresh up here!" I took off my glasses, sat down, and began to eat my lunch. I thought I heard the door open but ignored the thought. Nobody comes up here,” I laughed, “That’s why I like it.” I put in my headphones and kept eating. Without realizing it I began to sing along *Listen to this and pretend it’s her singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJUP-GclgcM *

*Baekhyun’s pov*

I headed up the stairs and opened the door slowly and looked around, “hmm, seems empty.” I was about to turn around to leave when I heard this beautiful voice singing. “Is that her?” I followed the voice until I saw her. The sunlight fell on her face, illuminating her beautiful pale skin. Her eyes were closed in concentration, her cheeks a pale shade of pink. She was so beautiful. When her eyes fluttered open I saw that they were a stunning shade of light brown and were very large. She had long, thick eyelashes and such a perfect nose. Her lips were a nice natural pink shade and were very moist and perfectly plump. “She’s so beautiful...” I whispered to myself when her head quickly turned towards me with a look of horror on her face, “Don’t look at me!” she yelled as she tried to cover her face with her hands. I was shocked, “wait what?” Tears began to stream down her face as she scrambled to find her glasses, “Please look away!!” She cried as she continued to try to both search and cover her face at the same time. I didn’t know what to say, why was she trying to hide her beauty? “Wait hold on! Why are you covering your face? You’re beautiful!” When she finally found her glasses she turned to me with her head hung, “Please don’t make fun of me, it’s not my fault I look like this.” And with that she grabbed her books and left. I stood there dumbfounded, not fully understanding what just happened. “So...ugly girl is really beautiful...and doesn’t even know it?”

*Your pov*

I ran as fast as I could away from there, from him. “No...” I cried, “He saw me...now everyone will know that I am a beast.” I sobbed and ran faster. I heard a teacher yell for me to stop but I just kept on running. “That I am a monster” my heart threatened to burst, “That I am an animal” the tears continued to fall, “A bug” I reached the front gates of the school and collapsed on the sidewalk shaking uncontrollably, “Ugly.”

*Author's Note*

Hi guys! So here is chapter 2 and omgggggg he saw her!!!!! But more importantly, what about that anxiety attack Sonhae had after he did see her. She must be seriously messed up from her sister's abuse because that was crazy! Sobbing and running through the halls? Yikes! And now that Baekhyun knows that Sonhae is actually crazy gorgeous, what will happen next??? I bet Sunny is going to FLIP when she findes out (if she finds out heh heh). Don't forget to subscribe so that you don't miss out on the action!!! -JJongFan


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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : Wuaahhh.. This is cool !! Wow just ... Wow.... How can she be so innocent ?? I mean like cant she tell ?!?... Please update soon authornim..