Middle School (Part 1)

My Lifetime Crush
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"Kyuhyun!" Henry whisper shouts as he throws a paper ball at me. I was sleeping in class again, but only because this stuff was so easy. I even finished the homework while my teacher was explaining it.

"I'm up!" I whisper shout back at him, rubbing my head where the paper ball hit me

"Read the note."

"Are we meeting up with the 86 liners?"

One thing I should explain. No the 86 liners aren't a bunch of football players, 86 liners just refers to Sungmin's friends who are in his class. We, Henry and I, call them that because they were all born in 1986, two years before me, and three years before Henry. Henry's one of those "Gift and Talented" children whose mom put him in the class a year ahead of everyone else, but none of us really care because Henry acts more mature than even Sungmin.

"Are we?" Henry asks

"Yeah at lunch."

"Am I boring you Mr. Cho, Mr. Lau?" Our math teacher asks

"No..." We both say in unison

"Then please pay..." She starts to say before the lunch bell drowns her out and Henry and I dash out of the classroom as we head towards our usual spot in the courtyard. As we enter the courtyard I see Donghae crying over something and Eunhyuk's trying to console him

"It's okay Donghae. she doesn't know what she's missing..."

"What happened?" Henry asks

"One of the girls in our homeroom rejected him."


"Because she thought I was dating Eunhyuk. When I told her I wasn't she told me she doesn't... doesn't date losers..." Donghae whimpers as tears collect on the edge of his eyes

"You're not a loser, she's the loser..." Eunhyuk says, tenderly carresing Donghae's hands

God they're the most clueless couple. Donghae clearly likes Eunhyuk, but Eunhyuk's an idiot and doesn't see. Meanwhile, Eunhyuk show's his affection rather clearly, but since Donghae doesn't return Eunhyuk's flirts, Eunhyuk thinks he doesn't stand a chance.

"Hey guys." Zhou Mi mutters as he walks up to us

"Don't ask." Eunhyuk says, not even sparing Zhou Mi a glance as he discreetly massages Donghae's inner thigh

"I wasn't."

"Where's Sungmin?" I ask

"He stayed behind."

"Again?" I pout


"I'm here." Sungmin says as he swaggers on over here

"Why did you stay behind this time?" I ask concerned

"It's nothing Kyuhyun."

"What did you do?"



"People thought that I was hanging out with you and Henry because I don't have friends in my grade. So I punched him out."

"Sungmin! You did that for me?"

"Of course, I wasn't going to let them make fun of us. I've know you since you were born."

"Thank you

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awwwww can't wait for the next update!
elmokyu #2
Chapter 12: awww great that Kyuhyun is willing to try.
hope they get to know each other all over again...
is Kyuhyum back for good?
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 12: Awesome, they are trying to be a couple, hope for the best.....cuz i love kyumin :)
elmokyu #4
Chapter 11: OMG how sad.... but who was the one Minnie confessed to?? I guessed because Kyu didn't try hard enuf to make Sungmin see hia feelings. So all these while, Sungmin was not aware abt Kyu's feelings.
And Kyu going away would surely broke Min's heart...
Peachit #5
Chapter 11: I'm broken heart.
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 11: wow kyu really leaves minnie?
jeskyu #7
Chapter 2: awwww first kiss :D
sayasayangtodae #8
Chapter 9: So ktu n min chat without kyu revealing his face? What will happen if min see kyu face
Chapter 9: I wonder how min will react when he sees kyu o.o
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 8: wow is min really oblivious to kyu'-s feeling?