
My Lifetime Crush
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It's a really scary place, and I don't know anyone here. My only friend is Sungmin and he's in second grade...

"Hey!" A kid shouts at me


"Do you want to be my friend?" He asks


"My name is Henry. What's your's?"

"I'm Kyuhyun."

"Cool. You'll be my bestest friend from now on Kyuhyun."

"But I already have a bestest friend!" I pout then explain to him my relationship with Sungmin

"Do you love him?" Henry asks


"Do you love him like your mommy and daddy love eacch other?"

"Yes. I love him. Then when we get older we're going to get married and we're going to have like five gazillion babies together!" I say excitedly

"Hey!" Someone shouts "What are you kindergarteners doing on our playground?"

"This isnn't your playground!" Henry pouts

"Yes it is and if you two don't get off it, I'm going to kick your butts."

"Leave them alone!" I hear someone else shout

"Sungmin!!" I shout as I jump into his arms

"This kindergartner knows a second grader?"

"Yeah, and if any of you touch him. I'll kick your butts." Sungmin threatens

"Sungmin, you saved me." I whisper as he drags me away from Henry and back towards my classroom

"It's okay Kyu, I'm here now."

"Sungmin, I love you." 

"If you ever want to play with me and my friends, you can hangout with us."

"Really?" I ask excitedly

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awwwww can't wait for the next update!
elmokyu #2
Chapter 12: awww great that Kyuhyun is willing to try.
hope they get to know each other all over again...
is Kyuhyum back for good?
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 12: Awesome, they are trying to be a couple, hope for the best.....cuz i love kyumin :)
elmokyu #4
Chapter 11: OMG how sad.... but who was the one Minnie confessed to?? I guessed because Kyu didn't try hard enuf to make Sungmin see hia feelings. So all these while, Sungmin was not aware abt Kyu's feelings.
And Kyu going away would surely broke Min's heart...
Peachit #5
Chapter 11: I'm broken heart.
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 11: wow kyu really leaves minnie?
jeskyu #7
Chapter 2: awwww first kiss :D
sayasayangtodae #8
Chapter 9: So ktu n min chat without kyu revealing his face? What will happen if min see kyu face
Chapter 9: I wonder how min will react when he sees kyu o.o
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 8: wow is min really oblivious to kyu'-s feeling?