
My Lifetime Crush
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"Mini!" I shout, as we play on the play ground

"Come and catch me Kyu!" He shouts back. Our parents used to take us to the park together everyday

"I'll get you!" I scream as I run up to the top

"Oh no! You got me!" He says as I tag him

"I told ya, I'd get ya!" I say before I lose my footing and fall to the ground "Waaa!"

"Kyuhyun!" My mother shouts as she runs to my side, "Kyuhyun are you okay?"

"Kyu!" Sungmin shouts and slides down the slide, "Here, I'll give you a kiss to heal your boo-boos away."

"Sungmin..." His mother mutters under her breath

"Are you feeling better Kyu?"

"Mhm!" I say cheerfully

"Are you sure Kyuhyun?" My mom asks me

"Yesh, mom... Let's go play Sungmin."

"But I want ice cream..." Sungmin pouts with that face no adult could say no to "Please Mrs. Cho? Can Kyu and I get ice cream?"

"Ice cream!!!" I shout and run off after the ice cream truck

Kyu!! Wait for me!" Sungmin shouts after me

"Mini, buy me ice cream!"

"Two ice cream sandwiches please."

"I'm sorry, you only have enough for one."

"That's okay, we'll just share, right Kyu?"


"Oh there you are Kyu!" My mom says after she catches up with us "Are you sure you two don't want another ice cream?"

"No!" Sungmin and I shout in unison "Okay, Kyu you get this half, and I get this half."

"What about the middle?" 


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awwwww can't wait for the next update!
elmokyu #2
Chapter 12: awww great that Kyuhyun is willing to try.
hope they get to know each other all over again...
is Kyuhyum back for good?
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 12: Awesome, they are trying to be a couple, hope for the best.....cuz i love kyumin :)
elmokyu #4
Chapter 11: OMG how sad.... but who was the one Minnie confessed to?? I guessed because Kyu didn't try hard enuf to make Sungmin see hia feelings. So all these while, Sungmin was not aware abt Kyu's feelings.
And Kyu going away would surely broke Min's heart...
Peachit #5
Chapter 11: I'm broken heart.
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 11: wow kyu really leaves minnie?
jeskyu #7
Chapter 2: awwww first kiss :D
sayasayangtodae #8
Chapter 9: So ktu n min chat without kyu revealing his face? What will happen if min see kyu face
Chapter 9: I wonder how min will react when he sees kyu o.o
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 8: wow is min really oblivious to kyu'-s feeling?