Chapter Five

Extra Credit

Jessie’s chin was propped up in her hand as she sat in class. Her eyes wondered over to the clock above the whiteboard. Just 10 more minutes and then she’d be free to go home and get lunch. She clapped her hand over as she felt herself start to yawn.

She gave a quick shake of her head to bring herself back and berated herself once more for having skipped breakfast.

Five mornings a week, for three hours, filled with four classes, listening to the instructors go on in Japanese about Japanese. It was exhausting. And they were only two weeks into the three months intensive language course.

Still she had to admit; she had already learned and remembered more in the two weeks than she had thought was possible. Anything other than Japanese was forbidden in the classroom. And since the students were from a variety of countries, not everyone spoke English, so they had no choice but to try and communicate as best they could with one another in Japanese during class.

Besides being forced to use Japanese in class, she had been forcing herself to use it when she was out and about.  Usually on the neighborhood kids when she was walking Tai. They tended to be more forgiving when she messed up and were willing to correct her. And in return they practiced their English on her. Meanwhile she continued to train Tai and teach him his commands in Japanese. She figured if she was learning it, he might as well too.


Aiba drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited, parked on a street in Shibuya. He looked at console clock. Nora had told him Jessie got out of class at 12:15. It was now 12:30.

He started to worry if just maybe he had missed Jessie coming out of the building. Even though her short honey blond hair helped her to stick out from the crowd, her height didn’t.

Just then the door he’d been watching opened and group of foreigners poured out onto the sidewalk. Sitting up straighter Aiba scanned the group, only to slump back with a sigh when she wasn’t among them.

Thinking he should go just on, he reached to restart the engine. As soon as the engine sprang to life the door opened once more and Jessie appeared talking with an older gentleman who Aiba guessed was her teacher.

Jessie’s brow was furrowed, and he could tell she was thinking as she spoke slowly and carefully. Clearly whatever she’d been trying to say was correct, or had at least come across as understandable because the teacher nodded as he replied and Jessie’s face broke into that familiar smile.

She gave a teacher a quick bow and then turned to head down the sidewalk, digging into her purse as she went.

Aiba scrambled to get his door open. He pushed at the handle twice and then rattled when it wouldn’t open. He cursed under his breath when he realized it was still locked. Finally he got it open and exited the car, being careful of the oncoming traffic. Going around the front of the car he hopped the sidewalk railing and took off after Jessie.


“You’ve got a meeting with potential investors? Charlie that’s great!”

“Yeah, I’ve already got the business plan and proposal all ready to go. It just need’s your special touch.”

Jessie rolled her eyes and switched her phone to her other ear as she walked.“In other words, you want me to go through and format the visual layout for the report as well as your PowerPoint?”

“It would be good for the visuals to match up with the website and the product line.”

“I agree, but I’m not the only graphic designer you have. I’m already neck deep in the next batch of designs for the summer. Not to mention my Japanese language studies.”

“You’re the best one I’ve got, and the only one I trust with it.” Charlie’s voice took on a begging tone.“This is a big deal. If all goes well, I’ll be able to hire more people, move to a bigger facility and finally open my first shop. Please?!”

“Fine. I’ll do it. But you’re paying me for the extra work.”

“Of course. Now, when are going to come back to New York? It’s crazy for you to work for me but live in Japan…”

“That’s the beauty of being a graphic designer Charlie. I can work from anywhere. And you know why I moved to Tokyo.”

“No, I know why you left Okinawa like you did. What I don’t get is why you didn’t just come back here when you were only in Okinawa for a visit to begin with.”

The crossing light turned red before Jessie reached it. “Charlie as much as I would love to talk about my family issues, If I don’t get some food in me, I’m going to pass out from hunger.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll send you the report.”

“Bye.” Jessie hung up and pressed a hand to her stomach as it rumbled painfully.

She had planned on waiting till she got home to eat but didn’t think she could wait any longer. She knew there was a ramen shop nearby that some of her classmates frequented. They’d even invited her along a few times before they realized she preferred to keep to herself most of the time. She’d have to backtrack a bit to get there.

The crossing light turned green. For a moment she stood watching everyone else cross. Finally reaching a decision she turned around. Jessie hadn’t even taken her first step when she bumped into someone’s chest.

“Oops.” Jessie quickly stepped back and looked up. “Sumima… seriously?”

Aiba rubbed his sternum. “You have a hard head Jessie-kun.”

It took her a moment to process what he’d said. “I do not! You have hard… body!She stopped. “Okay that came out wrong…” Jessie shook her head. “Why you here?”

“I was looking for you.”

“Me? How you know where I am?”

Aiba crossed his arms and looked very pleased with his self. “I asked Nora-chan.”

“Figures…” Jessie’s stomach grumbled again, this time loudly and she blushed.


She nodded. “No breakfast.”

“Come on.” Aiba grabbed her hand. “We’ll stop and get you something to eat from a convenience store on the way.” He began to lead her back down the street.

Jessie had to walk quickly to keep up with his longer strides. “Where we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“So much for getting any work done today,” she said, her words falling on deaf ears.


Jessie was in the process of eating her second store bought onigiri when they pulled up next the playing field that was located alongside one of the city tributaries. Two groups of guys milled around on the field, talking and playing catch.

“Baseball?” Jessie asked around a mouth full of rice.

“Today I’m going to show you just how cool I can be.” Aiba got out and went around to the back where he opened the trunk and pulled out a bat and two gloves.

They crossed the street and headed down the slope to the field. Reaching the ‘dugout’ Jessie took a seat and Aiba leaned his bat against the bench. One of the guys from the group closest broke off and came towards them greeting Aiba with a hug and slap on the back.

“Dai-kun! Hey!”

“Ma-kun, you made it.”

“Sorry I’m late.” Aiba tossed a thumb over his shoulder. “I was bringing a friend along to watch.”

“New girlfriend? Can you even understand each other?”

“We understand each other. And she’s not my girlfriend.”

Dai-kun gently lobbed the ball he was holding at Aiba. “You’ve never brought a girl to our games before.”

“Well she said I was useless on vs Arashi…” Aiba frowned as he caught the ball.

“See, you’re trying to impress her.”

“Think what you want. I’m here, let’s get this game started!” He turned around. “Jessie-kun, hand me my glove.”

Jessie pulled her bag off over her head and set it on the ground and brought over both gloves.

“Ma-kun we can’t play. We’re short a player. Wakabe-kun had to cancel, and everyone else I’ve called can’t make it.”

“So,” Aiba took a glove from Jessie and pulled it on. “We play a player short. No big deal.”

“No big deal; except the other team is being stupid and refuses to play us unless we have nine. Or we don’t play and we forfeit… how do you forfeit a friendly game of field baseball?!”

Jessie tugged on the sleeve of Aiba’s shirt. “What wrong?”

“They have nine.” He pointed to the other team. “We have only eight.”

“I play,” she offered.

Dai-kun snorted. “As cute as the whole gaijin speaking broken Japanese is, I’d like to win this game. We can’t do that if she plays. If she can even play. And look how small she is. She’d get hurt playing against all us guys.”

Jessie furrowed her brows. She might not have understood any of what he’d just said. But she recognized the tone well enough. She slapped the second glove into Dai-kun’s chest making him look at her in surprise, stalked back over to the bench were she grabbed the bat and returned.

“Masaki,” She held out her hand. “Ball.”

Aiba handed it over wordlessly.

Stepping out so she was far enough away not to hit anyone Jessie took up a batters stance. By now the rest of the field was watching her. She threw look over at Dai-kun and then winked at Aiba. Tossing the ball up into the air, she gripped the bat with both hands and swung.

The sound of the bat meeting the ball let out a resounding and satisfying ‘CRACK’. Every head turned to follow the balls trajectory.

Dai-kun’s mouth dropped open and Aiba grinned. He held out his hand as Jessie came back towards them, bat resting on her shoulder. She returned the high five and then turned to face Dai-kun.

“High school baseball. Boys team.”

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omg Eri san, would you please continue this series? I love this series sooo freaking much and I really want to know how will they end up :D
lmao!! oh Aiba...explain before they get the wrong impression of the situation between u and Jessie otherwise i have a feeling she'll punch him with one good right hook....Hana Yori Dango style. lol tho that would be pretty funny to watch.
LOL Aiba...Explain it well or else they will think you did something "You know" XD<br />
and Oh-chan i love you so much(random)
*gigsles* seriously now thats why we dont make assumtions, hear people out till he last minute xD ah Oh-chan you always know how to make my day~ xD
Hiwatarii #5
“Well, I sort of made her…” - really Aiba? xD you're making it worse~ <br />
you should probably say "she slept next to me" , cuz "with me" sounds like you did 'something' with her xDDD <br />
How will Jessie react to that? xO
belladory #6
I was really hoping Ohno was aware that Aiba didn't mean sleeping in THAT way... but then he choked on his food. So.<br />
ASDFGHJKL grinning all over xD
LOL!!!!! that last part was FUNNY!!!! thats what happens when you enter in the middle of a conversation. you get the wrong idea and people look at you weirdly.<br />
and YAY!! they were CUDDLING! they're gonna fall in love~ and YAY!! im excited now~<br />
update soon~!!!!!
kawaii~!!! i feel bad for her, but aiba wouldn't hurt her~ he's too sweet and he'd probably freak out if he tried ^^<br />
update soon~ im waiting~!!
Hiwatarii #9
aww :3 Jessie should definatly start sleeping with Aiba-kun ... ( that doesnt sound very right~ ^^' ) <br />
Kawaii deshou?
lol Tai~ you sweetheart matchmaking dog you~ xD ahh~ Aiba-chan turn around a cuddle her darn it~ you know you wanna ;P Cant wait for the next chappie~