About Me

I've been an Arashi fan since late 2008. Love all the guys, but Sho is my favorite. I love to read and write, which is why I've been dabbling in Arashi fanfiction recently.

I was born in and grew up in Japan, but I am fully caucasian American. And my Japanese is weak at best. I went to international schools, and at the time didn't realize how lucky I was to be living abroad and learning a second a langauge. I do now, even if it is a bit late.

Just to clear things up, this is the third account of set up for my writing (not on this particular site) so if you've read something I've posted before, don't freak. Even if it was read under a different name. Those names include nagai_seiko and erifin (at my wordpress account). Though from the looks of things, this will becoming my primary place for posting since it seems to be the easiest (for me anyway) to use.