Prologue & Chapter One

Extra Credit

“You’re getting married? To who?”


“Your waitress? She’s 20 years your junior! You’re old enough to be her father for crying out loud.”

“Watch it.”

“What, is she pregnant or something”


“Oh my god, she is, isn’t she?”

“That not why I’m marrying her.”

“I’m sure you love her very much.”

“Don’t take that tone with me.”

“You know what, forget it.” The chair screeched as it was pushed back.

“Don’t just walk out of here. This conversation isn’t over.”

“Like hell it isn’t.”


The door slammed shut.



Chapter One

Exiting the stairs leading up from the subway in a swarm of people she blinked against the bright light, and lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. She was jostled from behind when someone ran into her shoulder and then continued on without even uttering a quick apology.

She stepped to the side, away from the flow of human traffic and pulled out her iPhone. She scrolled across until she found the app she wanted. With a press of her finger she located and mapped her present location, then she slipped the phone back into its assigned slot, adjusted the strap of the bag which she wore crossways across her body, and picking a direction started walking.

It wasn’t long till she opted to leave the main road and crowded sidewalk for a less busy cross street. As she walked, and turned various corners, the buildings became smaller, and more shops and small restaurants began to pop up, leaving the larger and more obvious establishments behind. And the commercial and residential areas became more blended.

It was one of her favorite things about aimlessly exploring the city. You never knew what you might find or where you’d find it.

Everyone once and while she’d stop, using her phone to map her progress or take a picture of something that captured her interest.

Coming across a short alley between two buildings that were actually connected on the upper level, she was curious as to where it led and what hidden treasures were on the other side. When she reached the end she discovered an open space that was formed, and shielded, by the buildings surrounding it on all sides.

Liking the way the light and shadows spilled down into the man courtyard, she pulled out her phone and began taking pictures. Aiming her camera up, she took steps backwards trying to find the perfect angle to capture the light as it came over the edge of the roof and reflected and bounced off the adjacent windows.

Finally lowering her arms and turning to get a better look at the images she had captured, she didn’t realize how close she stood to a heavy duty door, or notice it as it swung open.


Being the first to complete his individual shoot after the group shots, Aiba was looking forward to having the rest of his afternoon free. He said goodbye to the guys, and Nora, who barely acknowledged him, she was so preoccupied with her job search on Sho’s laptop, and collected his belongings.

Leaving the dressing room and going downstairs he stopped to thank the photographer and studio staff for their hard work. Reaching the door he pressed down on the bar and pushed it open, putting his shoulder and back into it.

The door connected with something on the outside resulting in a thud, which was then followed by a thump, and pained groan.

Aiba peered around the edge of door. Seated on the ground was a girl with short blond gamine hair. She wore skinny jeans, a plain black t-shirt and pair of yellow sneakers. She was clutching at her nose with one hand, which resulted in the thick black frames of her glasses being pushed up and off kilter, and her eyes were scrunched shut.

Dropping his bag, Aiba squatted down beside her. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

She opened her eyes just enough to squint at him. They were grey behind the tears that threatened.

“My nose…”

Nozu?” Aiba repeated.

She pulled her hand away.

Aiba’s eyes got big. “Damn.”


“Um, guys…” Aiba rubbed the back of his neck.

“Did you forget something?” Sho looked up from his paper.

Rather than answer Aiba just stepped aside revealing the girl who only came up to his shoulder and was clutching a bloody nose.

Nino nearly dropped his game. “What the hell did you do?”

“I’ll go ask one of the staff for a towel and some ice.” Jun exited the room.

Nora set aside the laptop and got to her feet. “Here, take a seat.” She guided the girl to the sofa. “Are you okay; what happened?”

“I got a door to the face is what happened.”

“You hit her with the door?” Sho turned an incredulous look on Aiba.

“It’s not like I did it on purpose! I didn’t know she was standing there.”

“Way to be Aiba.”

“Nino, hush.” Nora frowned at him over her shoulder.

“I think it might be broken.”

Jun came back with a plastic baggy full of ice and towel, a curious Ohno in tow. Jun handed the towel and ice over to the girl who took them with a grateful bob of her head. She wiped off some of the blood and then wrapped the ice in the towel, and carefully placed it on her face.

“Ohno-kun,” Nora got to her feet. “Aren’t you supposed to be downstairs doing your solo shoot?”

“I wanted to know what was going on.”

Nora rolled her eyes. “Okay, you know what; she doesn’t need everyone hovering over her. Ohno-kun, go back downstairs and finish your shoot. You,” She pointed at Aiba, “and I, are going to take her to the nearest hospital to get her checked out. Did you drive here yourself or were you picked up?”

“I was picked up…”

“Well, Sho drove us here, so... Sho give him your car keys.”

Sho went to dig his keys out of his bag.

Nora turned back to the girl. “Hey, we’re going to take you to the hospital to get your nose looked at okay?”

“Who’s we?”

“Me and him.” Nora pointed at Aiba.

The girl eyed him warily. “Great.”

“I’m Nora Fremont by the way, and that’s Aiba Masaki.”

“And the others?”

“Well the one with the sloping shoulders…

“I heard that.”

“… is my boyfriend Sakurai Sho. The one playing the video game is Ninomiya Kazunari. Matsumoto Jun is the one who brought you the ice...”


“And the one who was just here and left again was Ohno Satoshi.”

The girl nodded. “Nice to meet all of you. I think.”

Aiba spoke. “What name?”

She raised an eyebrow at him and lowered the towel and ice, the bleeding appearing to have stopped. “Jessica Donnelly. Call me Jessie.”

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omg Eri san, would you please continue this series? I love this series sooo freaking much and I really want to know how will they end up :D
lmao!! oh Aiba...explain before they get the wrong impression of the situation between u and Jessie otherwise i have a feeling she'll punch him with one good right hook....Hana Yori Dango style. lol tho that would be pretty funny to watch.
LOL Aiba...Explain it well or else they will think you did something "You know" XD<br />
and Oh-chan i love you so much(random)
*gigsles* seriously now thats why we dont make assumtions, hear people out till he last minute xD ah Oh-chan you always know how to make my day~ xD
Hiwatarii #5
“Well, I sort of made her…” - really Aiba? xD you're making it worse~ <br />
you should probably say "she slept next to me" , cuz "with me" sounds like you did 'something' with her xDDD <br />
How will Jessie react to that? xO
belladory #6
I was really hoping Ohno was aware that Aiba didn't mean sleeping in THAT way... but then he choked on his food. So.<br />
ASDFGHJKL grinning all over xD
LOL!!!!! that last part was FUNNY!!!! thats what happens when you enter in the middle of a conversation. you get the wrong idea and people look at you weirdly.<br />
and YAY!! they were CUDDLING! they're gonna fall in love~ and YAY!! im excited now~<br />
update soon~!!!!!
kawaii~!!! i feel bad for her, but aiba wouldn't hurt her~ he's too sweet and he'd probably freak out if he tried ^^<br />
update soon~ im waiting~!!
Hiwatarii #9
aww :3 Jessie should definatly start sleeping with Aiba-kun ... ( that doesnt sound very right~ ^^' ) <br />
Kawaii deshou?
lol Tai~ you sweetheart matchmaking dog you~ xD ahh~ Aiba-chan turn around a cuddle her darn it~ you know you wanna ;P Cant wait for the next chappie~