Chapter Four

Extra Credit

The guest poured out of the studio. As soon as they were past the doors Nora caught Jessie by the elbow and pulled her off to the side.

“Come on. We can say hi to the guys in their dressing room.”

“I need to use the restroom first. It’s been 3 hours.”

Nora pointed. “Down that hall and to the left. When you’re done, just come back here, and then go down this hall and turn right at the second corner. And you remember what the kanji for their group name looks like? It will be on the door. Just knock.”

“How can I forget it, it was all over the set. Still can’t believe your friends with the Japanese equivalent of the Backstreet Boys. Anyway, I really need to pee!”

Jessie, with one hand holding her bag against her hip, and the other clutching the strap across her chest, began jogging down the hall.


“Everyone decent?” Nora stuck her head around the door, her hand over her eyes. A chorus of “yes” and “Hey Nora-chan” greeted her ears. Lowering hand she entered the dressing room.

“Hey guys, good work today.” She walked over to Sho who was seated by the makeup table and dropped on his lap

“Saw you guys sitting in the audience. Did she have fun?” Sho wrapped his arms around her waist.

“We both did. But you have no idea how hard it was for me to stay in my seat.”

“Did the double filming get to long for you?”

“No. You’re stylist dressed you in checked shirts for both episodes. You know how I feel about you in check…” Nora kissed him, feeling him grin. “I especially liked the yellow one.”

“We’re still in here you know.”

“Nino, don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous Aiba. I just don’t feel like watching them face.”

Nora rolled her eyes. “Sorry Nino.”

“So where is she?” Nino shuffled his deck of cards.


Aiba crossed the room and dropped down next to Nino, jostling his elbow so that the cards in his hands scattered outwards.



Getting down on his hands and knees Aiba began to collect the stray cards that had fallen onto the floor. As he crawled under the table someone knocked on the door, Ohno called to tell them they could enter.

Aiba was about to pick up another card when a yellow sneaker stepped on it, preventing him. He tugged at the card to no avail. So he tapped the shoe.

“Oh, sorry.”

The foot lifted and its owner took a step back. Picking up the card, Aiba looked up.

“Ah!” He made a move to stand, forgetting where he was.


When the top of Aiba’s head connected hard with the underside of the table, making it jump, Jessie in a sympathetic breath.

She bent over and held out her hand. “Daijyobu?”

Aiba gave her an embarrassed grin and took her hand, allowing her to help pull him out and up from under the table. Back on his feet he was right in front of her, forcing her to crane her neck just to look at him. So she took a couple of steps back

“Hello.” Aiba rubbed the top of his head.

“Hello.” Jessie pushed her glasses up her nose. “I suppose I should be grateful you did it to yourself this time and not me.”

Aiba thought for a second. “Yes?”

Jessie’s mouth curled up.

Ohno leaned over to whisper to Jun, “Are they just going stand there and grin at each other?”

“I have no idea.”



“Closing a 280 point gap to just 70?”Jessie set down her glass of beer. “Ohno was so cool!”

“What about me?! Was I cool?”

Jessie squinted and looked at Aiba intently. “You seemed a bit useless.”

“Eh! No fair!”

Jessie and Nora, along with Sho and Aiba had all gone out for drinks. Nora had opted for just water and tea, Sho had stopped after two. Jessie and Aiba on the other hand… Sho and Nora watched the exchanged in amusement as they translated back and forth for the two of them.

“Think about it. Sure, you kept that girl from getting a whole lot of points with that pipe fall game. But your strategy was really weird. I don’t know what was said, but even I could tell you were all over the place… and then with the lowering of those blocks. Weren’t they all ignoring you? Both times?”

“I don’t want to hear that from you Shorty.” Aiba reached over and pet Jessie on the head.

She knocked his arm away. “’What the heck is a chibiko?”


Sho had Aiba’s arm across his shoulders and an arm wrapped around his waist as they all stood outside the bar and Nora waved down a taxi.

Nora held the door open as Sho carefully deposited Aiba into the back. “Are you sure you don’t want any help getting him home?”

Once he had Aiba positioned, Sho stepped back and rested his arms on top of the door.

“I’m an old pro at this.” He kissed Nora lightly on the lips. “So, are you going to be at mine when I get there or go back to your place tonight?”

“Don’t know yet. First I need to make sure Jessie gets back alright and then call Seiko and find out it Takeo-san is dropping by or not. I’ll mail you once I know.”

“Alright, bye.” Sho grabbed another kiss and got into the back beside Aiba.

Nora stepped back from the curb and waved as the cab pulled away. She looked over at Jessie who was sitting on a bench.

“I will never know how you managed to drink Aiba under the table.”

Jessie pushed up off the bench with barely any wobble in her stance. “I have a really fast metabolism.”

“You’re half his size!”


Aiba fell unceremoniously onto his bed and buried his face into the pillow. Sho grabbed his ankle and removed his first shoe.

“Sho-chan.” Aiba rolled over onto his back, nearly yanking his foot out of Sho’s grasp.


“Jessie is fun.”

“Yeah, I suppose she is.”

“I like her.”

Sho smirked. “I could tell.”

“I mean,” Aiba propped himself up in his elbows and gave Sho a bleary eyed stare. “Did you see how much she drank? She’s like one of the guys!”

And with that he passed out.



A.N.: If curious about, and wanting to watch, the VS嵐 episodes I referenced, they are as follows:

  • Episode 92 [2010.05.06] vs. the Japan Olympic Skaters
  • Episode 93 [2010.05.13] vs. the Comedians w/ plus one guest Ueto Aya.
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omg Eri san, would you please continue this series? I love this series sooo freaking much and I really want to know how will they end up :D
lmao!! oh Aiba...explain before they get the wrong impression of the situation between u and Jessie otherwise i have a feeling she'll punch him with one good right hook....Hana Yori Dango style. lol tho that would be pretty funny to watch.
LOL Aiba...Explain it well or else they will think you did something "You know" XD<br />
and Oh-chan i love you so much(random)
*gigsles* seriously now thats why we dont make assumtions, hear people out till he last minute xD ah Oh-chan you always know how to make my day~ xD
Hiwatarii #5
“Well, I sort of made her…” - really Aiba? xD you're making it worse~ <br />
you should probably say "she slept next to me" , cuz "with me" sounds like you did 'something' with her xDDD <br />
How will Jessie react to that? xO
belladory #6
I was really hoping Ohno was aware that Aiba didn't mean sleeping in THAT way... but then he choked on his food. So.<br />
ASDFGHJKL grinning all over xD
LOL!!!!! that last part was FUNNY!!!! thats what happens when you enter in the middle of a conversation. you get the wrong idea and people look at you weirdly.<br />
and YAY!! they were CUDDLING! they're gonna fall in love~ and YAY!! im excited now~<br />
update soon~!!!!!
kawaii~!!! i feel bad for her, but aiba wouldn't hurt her~ he's too sweet and he'd probably freak out if he tried ^^<br />
update soon~ im waiting~!!
Hiwatarii #9
aww :3 Jessie should definatly start sleeping with Aiba-kun ... ( that doesnt sound very right~ ^^' ) <br />
Kawaii deshou?
lol Tai~ you sweetheart matchmaking dog you~ xD ahh~ Aiba-chan turn around a cuddle her darn it~ you know you wanna ;P Cant wait for the next chappie~