Regarding Sulli.

Gracious Wishes

Hi all,

I have just heard about Sulli's departure and I'm a little late but okay. Just saying, I've planned out the whole plot for this fic a very long time ago and Sulli's gonna leave Luna as a friend someday but it has NOTHING got to do with what's happening to f(x) right now and that's what I'm trying to clear up. 

I'm not sure why, but like probably along with half of the fandom, this didn't come off much as a surprise. Some people, excluding me, were probably expecting, or even wishing for this. Idk man, but I'm not feeling extremely depressed or whatsoever but I guess part of me I already knew that this might happen. 

It's so hard to accept it decently I don't know what to do but just try to wish all 5 of them happiness. At least this one's not too bad because everyone sort of agreed to let Sulli leave. Yeah. And since she wanted it I shall respect her. I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that things will be okay. 

And considering the fact that I can still be here typing this away, it means I'm okay. I hope you guys are. If you aren't, just take some time and you'll be okay. I think (hope).




P. S. Apparently in the plot they're still friends for a bit even after the commotion. Hope this happens within f(x) right now. 

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{ gracious wishes } i contemplated putting the whole story out, the ending that i've finished writing, but decided not to. this story will be discontinued.


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Chapter 14: Happy new year! Well good thing you're updating otherwise i wouldn't be able to wish you a happy new year :p
ahmahs #2
Chapter 14: Yeah! This update was unexpected haha. Your phone though:( Although there're no promises to finishing the story, I'm happy and satisfied with just reading your writing hehe
ahmahs #3
Chapter 14: I'm glad that you are feeling fine. But all the best to f(x) and Sulli!
Chapter 14: Yeah it's kind of expected already. I'm atually happy about this. Cos forcing someone who doesn't have any interest to be an idol anymore only taking the whole group down. And that's not a good thing. I want them to give their best on the next comeback, no more lackluster performance, no more halted promotion, no more sad faces!
All the best for sulli's acting career, and hope that the girls still supporting each other.

Ah, and also...
Hope you'll update soon ;)
Chapter 14: I feel the same way about Sulli..hope you update soon cuz I can't wait to see what's next!
ahmahs #6
Chapter 12: That was an unexpected plot twist (for me) because I was starting to like Yeri. By the next few chapters i think I will be able to memorise their (red velvet) names haha. But wah how did you manage to write this during this time
Chapter 12: What just happened!???
YOU updated 3 chaps????
Thats cool thats cool!!!!!!!!!!

I was starting to like this yeri girl...not until the last bit.
What are they planning??? Hmm...
Tao and luna tho ;-;
What abot krystal? Who are u gonna pair her up with....?
I dun really want some guy to take her away.. So i just hope she'll remain single until the end. Hahaha~

Update soon please XD
ahmahs #8
Chapter 13: Very happy for you that you manage to recover your files:) (All your efforts did not go to waste)
ahmahs #9
Chapter 10: Hehe their interactions are very cute, with Luna being shy, nervous and all. On a side note, Butterfly is very nice! It's one of my favourite korean osts:) It's currently playing my head now haha
Chapter 13: Yay!!!!!! Good on you!!! Lolol
Well, i'm happy for you :)