That Toothy Grin

Shattered Memories



January 5th. Something tells me that this trip to Jejudo will be a lot of fun.

I mean, why wouldn't it be? I'm with my best friends and it's our first time to go there with just the three of us. Expecting a ton of goofball moments ahead. kekeke :)

I don't know why, but I feel like I'll have even more fun if Chanyeol was here.

Why do I keep thinking of him? :\



"Baekhyun-ah! Over here!" Minseok called him over the check-in counter. The latter got to the spot where Minseok and Kyungsoo were in line.

"I can't wait... Kyaaaaaaaaaa~!" Minseok said. "Aren't you excited, Baek?" he asked the younger.

"I'm actually exci... AWWWWWWW... MINSEOK-HYUNG STAAAAAAAHHHHP." Baekhyun stopped midway his sentence when the older started pinching his cheeks.

"You're so cute today, Baek." the older kept pinching the poor boy's cheeks. "You and your fluffy cheeks. It's so, so, fluffy!" he added

After the check-in procedures. The guys still had an hour 'til the flight. They've got so much time to kill. It'll take an hour by plane to reach Busan and another 12 hours by ferry to get to Jejudo.

"Oh, I know! Let's get snacks!" Minseok suggested and clapped his hands. The other two agreed. They then headed for the stores to grab something to eat.


"Wow dude, what got into you? Treating us on a vacation like this?" Jongdae asked the giant who was busy checking the stuff he packed on his bag.

"Nothing. I just thought it'll be nice to take a time off from the city life." he replied grinning at the smaller boy.

"Yeah, like that is the real reason." Sehun scoffed. Chanyeol glared at the younger.

"Well, whatever reason it is - I'm glad were going there." Jongdae said, the other two just nodded in agreement.

It seems like fate is on their side too. Last night, Chanyeol was lucky enough to get reservations for a flight next morning headed for Busan. That would mean they'll be at the hotel later tonight. That also means he could catch up to Baekhyun sooner (which means to him more than the other stuff, really).

"The plane won't be boarding 'til the next hour. What should we do for now?" Sehun asked.

"I'm hungry!" Jongdae pouted then rubbed his belly. "You're always hungry Jongdae." Sehun and ruffled his hair. "So not true." the smaller boy then elbowed his side. And then the two went on arguing on Jongdae's appetite. Chanyeol shook his head and facepalmed.


"Wow~! There's sooooooo many food here..." Minseok had his face glued to the glass display. "There's even cheesecake!" he added. Kyungsoo chuckled and tapped on the older's shoulder leading him inside the store.

They got the food and settled themselves on one of the tables. "I'm gonna call Jongin real quick." Kyungsoo excused himself from the two and walked outside to contact his boyfriend. "Their cheesecake tastes amazing~!" Minseok said while devouring the poor cake. *Anything sweet tastes amazing to you, hyung...* Baekhyun thought. "Here Baek, have some." he offered the younger. Baekhyun shook his head "I'm fine hyung, you go enjoy that."

Minseok shrugged and continues eating the cheesecake. Baekhyun on the other hand grabbed the novel his been reading The Alchemist and decided to unwind a little.


"Woooooooooooow, they've got cheesecake!" a guy said when he got inside the store. Baekhyun chuckled, the guy sounded a lot like Minseok when he's around food.

"Woah there furball, calm your ." a taller guy said putting an arm on the smaller's shoulder. They started chattering about what to get.

Baekhyun can't help but smile the two guys acted pretty much like Kyungsoo and Minseok, they were now playing rock, paper, scissors to determine who would get to pick first - but something else caught his eye.

They were with a taller guy, probably the tallest among them: shaking his head and laughing. He was laughing at his friends (who were still undecided what to get, good thing no one else was in line) and had this toothy grin.

That grin...

Baekhyun had to rub his eyes to see if he was seeing things. No, he wasn't it was the real thing. It was Chanyeol.

*What is he doing here? Is he going somewhere? Wait, could he be following me?*
Thoughts started cramming inside Baekhyun's small head. He wanted to approach him and say hi but he felt a pang of guilt when he remembered how awkward their last meeting was.

The fuzzy feeling is there again. Baekhyun's heartbeat now thumping loud on his chest and he felt time slowly coming to a halt.

All he did was stare at the taller, watching him pay the cashier and get his drink. Then everything around him froze when he realized he was staring right in Chanyeol's eyes.

Chanyeol looked surprised to see the other, his jaws even dropped at the sight.

"Baek? Baekhyun? Hellloooooooo? Earth to Bacon~!" Minseok said tapping the former's arm, breaking his trance.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah, I'm good." Baekhyun replied . The older just raised an eyebrow. "I was just looking at those two boys arguing over macaroons." he added pointing at the boys still at the rock, paper, scissors game.

"Yeah right." Minseok deadpanned.

"Hey, Baekhyun-hyung!" a voice called out startling the two. Chanyeol was now right in front of them waving his hand and grinning.


I don't know why but it seems like fate has been making ways for me to bump into Chanyeol.

How big of a coincidence is it that he is also at the airport? I mean, I don't think he's following me or anything but it's not bad to hope right? hahaha

My gut feel tells me something else is behind this. But I don't mind, I'm actually happy I get to see him again :)

"When you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you achieving it..."

Gawd, I read to much of this novel.


END OF CHAPTER 6 (That Toothy Grin)





First, i just noticed this... We've got 130+ views!!! YAY! *does victory dance*


I really, really thank you guys for even bothering to read this story. i know it ain't as great as the bestsellers here in AFF but i know i have the coolest people reading this. kekeke kidding.

Finally got Chen and Sehun added in... which means... I COULD POST MY XIUCHEN SIDE STORY! YAY! (i'm thinking i'll insert if after chapter 10, though - but hey... we've made some progress here hehe)

hold your horses okay? next update is coming soon.

EDIT: i've edited Chen's name guise, i forgot that his real name is Jongdae... sorry, so so sorry to the people who reacted. :(



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Chapter 5: rest and get well soon author-nim! thanks for the update :)
allymarie #2
Chapter 1: I'm excited about the next update! FIGHTING