Second Day : Clean I

The Geek's Secret


Jin Ah's POV

I woke up with She Looks So Perfect by 5SOS blasting from my phone. I decided to change my alarm tone to that instead of the annoying beeping. I turned the alarm off and got up. I did my morning rituals and put on my uniform. Okay, time for my disguise. I went to the vanity to see my disguises are gone. Wait, where did I put them last night? I automatically walked to my backpack on the spinning chair in front of my study table. I searched through my it and was relieved to see them. Unfortunately, the wig is in tangles and it is gonna be so hard to get it straight. And I'm gonna be late if I tend to this one.

"MOM!!!!" I screamed from my door and I heard footsteps coming from across the hall. "Yes honey?" Mom was getting her hair done for work and looked at me alarmed. "Mom, do you perhaps have a backup wig for me? My wig is gonna be hard to tame. See?" I said, raising the wig on my hand to show her the catastrophe that had happen to my wig. "What happened to it anyway? I mean, how did that happen?" She said, after putting her hair in the style she wanted and put her hands on her hips. 

"I was hurrying and yeah…I just stuffed it in my bag and didn’t bother putting it in nicely.” I said sheepishly. Mom sighed. “Help yourself .There’s one in my room if you like. Make sure to clean or brush the wig you ruined after you get back from school.” She said. I practically flung myself on her and repeatedly said thank you and ran into her room.


After I fixed all my disguises into place (meaning my head, eyes and teeth), I quickly went down the stairs to have breakfast. I sat down beside Mom and greeted them good morning. I poured generous amount of cereal and sufficient amount of milk and munched down.

“So, Jin Ah, anything fun happened at school yesterday?” Dad eyed me down. I stopped stuffing my face and gulped in what’s in my mouth. “Err….you know….Igotdetention.” I said looking away from them. Their faces were serious. Then out of nowhere, they started laughing.

What? They’re not mad? “Mom?Dad? You guys aren’t mad?” I asked confused. They shook laughing while Dad even wiped off a tear. “No honey. We were way worse when we were your age.” Dad managed to croak out. “We were starting to suspect you are not normal cuz you never got one before. It’s nice to see you being a teenager for once.”

“O..kay.” I stared at them before I munched up the rest of my cereal. I drank a glass of water and stood up from the table.  Can’t believe I forgot my parents are top notch actor and actress.

“Bye my beloved parents. High school awaits me.” I said with a dramatic tone and they played along. “ Don’t forget to bring your sword to the battleground, lass.” Dad said and we all cracked up. I waved at them and went to the car.

Ahjussi drove me to the place we all call ‘high school’ instead of ‘warzone’. He parked one block away from it, just like always. I unbuckled my seatbelt and thanked him before getting out of the car. I walked to school and prepared myself for the worst.


I walked into the school and to my locker without pestering from the queenkas and kingkas. I got the books for first period and stuff the stuff that I didn’t need in my locker. “Hey, Jinnie!” I heard one call and turned to the side. “Oh hey, Eun! Sorry I forgot to call you last night. I was really tired.” I apologized to her while closing my locker.

“Heh, no big deal. I slept early yesterday. And remember, we have a photo shoot together for some campaign around next week. Can’t wait!!” she squealed. Oh yeah. “Thanks for reminding me.” I said. “No prob. Hey, I’ll just go to my locker and take some stuff. See you in class?” She asked and I nodded. She skipped to her locker which was at the other side of the school. Sometimes I just wish our lockers will be side by side. Like in those movies where the best friends always meet up at their lockers every morning.

I continued my way to class when somebody called my name. “Yah! Kim Jin Ah!” uh-oh. Ignore him. Ignore. Ignore. Ig- I was spun around by a great force. I looked up and faced the face himself – Kris Wu.

“Yes?” I said. “Still remember the deal we had yesterday?” He quizzed me. I see the whole EXO was behind him and were listening to us. Not to mention the whole hallway were looking at us too.

“No, not really.”  I said and continued my way to class. Once again, someone pulled me back and spun me around. “Okay, you gotta stop doing that. People can get migraine from getting spun around frequently.” I said to him and he smirked. “Well, I’ll just go and tell the teacher what you really did-“ I cut him off. “Don’t you dare.” “Try me.” He said and stood uncomfortably close to me. I took a step back and faced him. “Fine. What do you want me to do?” I asked him with a huff.

He raised a pointer finger in front of my face. “Ah ah ah. That is not the way you talk to your master.” He said and smirked wider. “Since when are you my master?” I rolled my eyes. “Oh, alright then. SEONSAENGNIM-“ “FINE, FINE, FINE. What do you want, Master?” I said sarcastically. He sensed it and played along. “Why you look at that. Well since you asked so nicely, your first task is to clean my room. You’ll ride with me after school.” He said.

Ring… The 3 minute bell rang. “Fine whatever.” I said quickly and dashed to class.


Luckily today, I was right on time for English. Yay! I’m not late for once! I sat on my seat and waited for the rest of the class. The students came in and went to their respective seats and lastly, EXO came in. And you know what's annoying? Fangirl squeals. And you know what's creepy? Kris came in and kept staring at you. Me and Eunji would always just roll our eyes at them fangirls. They don't even speak English, why would they be here? Oh yeah, EXO are here. -_- Speaking of Eunji, where the hell is she? She's not gonna stand me up this time, right? Especially not the day where I need to clean that person who shall remain nameless' room? And I forgot to tell her 'bout stupid are you Jinah.

Eunji came in the class a few moments before Mr. Choi did. She sat down beside me, still catching her breath. "Hey,where have you been?" I asked. "I was with the principal. Daddy wanted to reveal who I was and we were discusing the date. We'll talk later." She said after catching a few breaths.

Mr. Choi was the young teacher whose build was strong, handsome face and a nice smile. If I say I wasn't admiring him when he first started to teach here, I would be lying. The girls in class were making googly eyes at him. And I swear I saw someone drool. Mr. Choi cleared his throat and greeted the class. We greeted him back and started on our lesson.

In the middle of the lesson, Mr. Choi picked a person to read a passage. He picked one of the fangirls. At the voice of her name being called out to read, she stiffened. She stood up and started to read. Well, at least she tried to. She kept on stuttering and when she got halfway (with ridiculously bad pronounciation) through the passage, she whined and just sat down. Mr. Choi shooked his head at her and everybody snickered. Hah, came here for EXO, didn't you? Mr. Choi then looked through the class to find somebody else to read the passage. People were cowering back except for me, Eunji and EXO. Guess that we're the only ones who actually SPEAK english,huh? 

Mr. Choi's eyes stopped at me before pointing at me, calling out my name. I then stood up, and read. "I love you the way I fall asleep; slowly, then all at once......" once I finish reading the passage, I sat down. Mr Choi was impressed by my reading and continued the class. Eunji was giving me a thumbs up and I felt eyes boring through my head. I turned around, to see no one was staring at me. Weird....whatever. I shrugged it off and continued to listen to Mr. Choi.


The rest of the classes went by smoothly. Other than Kris staring at me through classes, it was a normal day. Classes finished and Eunji and I went by her locker for her to take her coat. On the way to my locker, I told her about me having to clean Kris' room. She looked at me like I was telling her that I was gonna marry the guy. And that isn't gonna happen, like ever.

"You do know that he's your neighbour, right? Your parents are like buddies. His mom is always home cuz his dad wouldn't let her work outside the house." Eunji said matter-of-factly. I faced her with a bored expression. "Your point?" "Well, his mom is surely gonna ask questions about what you are doing in his room. Get that, smarty pants?" she said, well, stated, actually.

Realization just hit me like a train - minus the pain and death part. Why am I so slow today? "Whatever, I just hope that she wouldn't. Hey, wanna go out this weekend as our real selves?" I offered. "Okay, whatever, Jin. About this weekend, heck yeah! I'm done with princess duties in the weekends. At least I have a reason to slack off this time." She said, displaying a megawatt smile. "Wow, glad to know I was just a reason for you to slack off." I said with a fake sad face. "Cut the act, Jin. You don't have the talent to." she said jokingly. I gasped dramatically and we burst into fits of giggles.

She needed to go home cuz she has princess duties to attend to. I was trying to sneak off home. I was looking around the hallway and see no sign of Kris. Okay, coast is clear. Move out. I hurriedly ran to the entrance when a force spun me around. I was faced with an expression of Kris. Amusement, maybe? Psh, what is amusing about turning people in circles everytime you see them? 

"Would you stop that!? It's not fun to get spun around all day by you. Now, excuse me." "Not so fast, slave. You have a clean-up to do, remember?" He said with that ever-so-smexy  annoying smirk of his. Mission failed, agent. Suffer the consequences. I mentally announced in my head. I'm just so funny sometimes.

When I was out of my trance, I realised that I was already dragged to his car. I swatted his hands off my wrist and faced him. "What the hell, dude? I can walk." I said annoyed. "Well, clearly you can't just now when you were staring off into space like there's something interesting about it." He sassed me.

No one sasses me. "Well, it is far much better that staring at your face, head." I mumbled. "What was that? You wanted me to tell the teacher? Alright, I'll be right back." He started to walk away when I grabbed him. "NO! I'll do it, head." I yelled. He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. He freaking raised an eyebrow at me. "I didn't hear the magic word, slave. Unless you want me to tell-" "MASTER." "Wasn't that hard, was it, Jinnie?" He mused and opened the car door for me. I grumbled a thank you and slid in. He got in from the other side and drove back to our neighbourhood.




AND WHAT I AM PROUD OF IS THAT, OUT OF 9 PRIME SUBJECTS, I GOT 6 A's AND 3 B's. Not bad. Not bad at all.

And I'm officially fourteen on 21st Oct!!!! Technically,that's yesterday. But heck, WHO CARES!!!???



Azlyn (^3^)

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-and I am so sorry guys...thank you for the ones who subscribed and thank you for not ing me out for not updating..remember azlyn loves you guys (^3^)


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Chapter 6: This is a really good story please update soon.
Chapter 6: update soon . i want to know what happen to then .
2407briana #3
Chapter 6: THIS LITTLE hahaa! Great to have you back!!
Chapter 6: Dang bruh, it's been so long and finally you updated XD
Yahiko-chan #5
Chapter 5: Wow if I where her I'd let him tell the teacher to avoid being a slave
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
tashtash23 #7
Chapter 5: And parents be come there's b here?
2407briana #8
Chapter 5: Congratulations!!! Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Congratz!!!!!
qinmad #10
Chapter 5: FINALLY! God only knows how much I've waited for the update and here we areeeee! :D This is really funny how Kris spins her around like all the time and she's just simply pissed off but can't utter a word in protest hahaha I actually hope you'll update sooner this time bc your exams are done sooo.. you see where I'm going, right? :D Well, I'm waiting! :))