The Runway

The Geek's Secret

Natalie / Jin Ah's POV

I am in Seoul for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. This is the first time they held it here to announce me as the new addition to the VS Angels. I remember the day I found out that I am an Angel like it was yesterday. (I'm quoting Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents XD)


I walked into the VS building in LA after flying in afterschool from Seoul. And may I say, MAJOR JET LAG. I put on my shades to cover my baggy eyes after staying up late for my trials.

When I walked into the meeting room with my manager in front of me, I was welcomed with a loud pop. "Oh God!" I screamed out loud.

When I saw decorations in the room and a banner saying "YOU'RE AN ANGEL, NATALIE!" written in BIG, hot pink letters. I was so shocked and I can't believe it. I'm an angel. I'M A VICTORIA'S SECRET ANGEL!!!!! OOHHH POP THE CHAMPAGNE PEOPLE, I'M AN ANGEL.

"This isn't a dream, right? Someone pinch me." I said dazed. I was dazed until I felt slight pain on my arm.

"Ouch! Who pinched me?" I asked, rubbing my arm.

I turned to my left and saw Doutzen smiling sheepishly at me.

"Sorry babe, you did ask for someone to pinch you so I did the favour. hehe." she said grinning at me.

" I can't believe this! Am I really an Angel now?" I asked, still flabbergasted.

"You better believe it, honey. You're in the same league with us now!" Miranda walked in with a cake in her hands.

Please be red velvet, please be red-

" Yes Nat, it's red velvet." Miranda informed me. She reads minds, people.

"YES!" I pumped my fist in the air and started to walk towards her - mainly for the cake. Hey, I'm tired. I need sugar.

But someone stopped me from getting to my preciou- I mean the cake. I turned around and saw Candice holding my arm.

"Not so fast, Natalie. Take a picture with it first." Candice smirked at me.

"Fine. But I want a bigger piece later." I pouted.  

We then took pictures and partied the whole day before the models have their schedules to attend to.

*End of flashback*

Now, I'm standing in line backstage waiting for my turn to walk down the runway for the first time as an Angel. Oh My God, I'm so nervous, I keep on jumping up and down. In heels. 6-inch ones. I keep on doing that until Candice, who is standing in front of me, waiting for her turn to strut down the runway turned her attention to my nervous body.

" Natalie Kim, you don't have anything to be nervous about. People love you! And besides, you're wearing the fantasy bra on year first year being an Angel, now that is an achievement, sista! So stop being nervous and don't jump up and down and relax, smile honey!" she pep talked me while putting her hands on my shoulders.

" Natalie lass (a term for 'girl'), you don't need to be nervous! Just breathe and smile. Think about the things that make you happy and own that runway!" Miranda said, walking out from the make-up room. Wow, that bra is pretty. 

"Oh please, lass. The one you're wearing is the prettiest tonight. It IS the fantasy bra after all. And those wings, are angelic as ever." she said to tuck me out of being SO EFFING NERVOUS.

"That's right, girl. Confidence is key, okay?" Candice said again.

"Thanks, guys. Can't do this without you." I said, smiling gratefully at them.

"Well, it's my turn now, see ya on the runway, chickas!" Candice said, putting her hands on her hips and starts to walk down the runway.

When she reached the end of the runway, Charlotte, the show manager told me to get ready."Okay, tell the emcee to announce her. Good luck, Natalie."  Char said to me.

"Thanks, Char!" I replied her while smiling.

"Your time to shine, baby! Own it!" Candice said after she got back from the runway.

The lights were dimmed and the song was changed. I then get into position. I waited for my cue to walk down.

"And now, the moment that you're all waiting for, let's bring out our first asian Angel, Natalie Kim!!" annouced the emcee.

The crowd cheers and I walk down the runway with a smile on my face. I turn to my right and randomly throw flying kisses at the crowd. I then walk to the end of the runway, shake my wings a little, strike a pose, a flying kiss to the cameras, turn around, smirk and walk back to the backstage.

After I got to the backstage and said good luck to Miranda and the others. I then sat back down on the chair and ask the stylist.

"Mama Jess, how many outfits do I have left?" I asked.

"4 more darling, and you're done for the night." she replied, ushering me to change.

This is gonna be a long night. I mentally sighed.


After the closing ceremony, I went back to the changing room and changed to my normal outift. My manager then told me that we should drive home now as tomorrow is Monday - school day. Urgh how much I hate going to school. I'm a teenager,duh.

"Hey Nat babe, you're not going to the after party?" Alessandra asked me.

"No, Allie. You guys are gonna get drunk and I'm not gonna drive drunk models home. And I have school tomorrow. Have fun, guys." I replied tiredly.

" to be a student, right menina (Portuguese for girl)? Fine, good night, honey!!!" She said, strutting to the main door and into the limo with the other girls to the after party.

What a tiring night. I look to the clock on the wall. 10.05 pm. Huh, there's still time to sleep.

Right before I close my eyes to get some shut eye in the back seat, Sun, my manager, decided that it is funny to slam something on my lap. I sit up with a jolt and glared playfully at her, irritated that she disturbed my nap. I look at what's on my lap. Books. Sigh.

"Sorry darling, you need to keep your grades up if you wanna continue modelling." She says to me. With a grunt, I take out the math questionnaire from the stack and started on my homework.


I got home at 11 pm. The venue was a little closer to my house so that's why I got home early. Now, it is midnight and I just finished my homework. OH MY GOD I'M SO TIRED. I then organise my books for tomorrow. After that, I sink into my soft covers and I fell asleep. Good night, world.


Hey guys, Azlyn here! I have a feeling that this chapter is missing something so yeah, I'll find some time to edit it. And I also want to tell you that this fic will focus more on the OC rather than Kris. Sorry about that, DON'T THROW CAPS-LOCKED LETTERS AT MEH!!!!

Okay, time for 3 facts about ME!

1. I like the colour purple but my wardrobe is mostly black. (I'm not Goth, I just feel like wearing black.)

2. One time, I tried to make my own perfume and mashed different flowers and rose water (cuz they smell good), it didn't end well and I got the biggest rash ever.

3. I once got stung by 7 bees at once.

And yeah.........Gifts!! Credits to le owners cuz I don't own them. ;D


Azlyn (^3^) 




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-and I am so sorry guys...thank you for the ones who subscribed and thank you for not ing me out for not updating..remember azlyn loves you guys (^3^)


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Chapter 6: This is a really good story please update soon.
Chapter 6: update soon . i want to know what happen to then .
2407briana #3
Chapter 6: THIS LITTLE hahaa! Great to have you back!!
Chapter 6: Dang bruh, it's been so long and finally you updated XD
Yahiko-chan #5
Chapter 5: Wow if I where her I'd let him tell the teacher to avoid being a slave
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
tashtash23 #7
Chapter 5: And parents be come there's b here?
2407briana #8
Chapter 5: Congratulations!!! Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Congratz!!!!!
qinmad #10
Chapter 5: FINALLY! God only knows how much I've waited for the update and here we areeeee! :D This is really funny how Kris spins her around like all the time and she's just simply pissed off but can't utter a word in protest hahaha I actually hope you'll update sooner this time bc your exams are done sooo.. you see where I'm going, right? :D Well, I'm waiting! :))