School Day, Nay!

The Geek's Secret


Jin Ah's POV

Kring Kring Kring Kring..............( I at sound effects. Just imagine it's the iPhone alarm. :) )

Urgh. Let a girl sleep. Snooze.

5 minutes later.......

Kring Kring Kring Kring......................

OH MY GOD. OKAY I'M UP, DANG IT. I slam my finger on the screen and get up to get ready.

After I finish showering, I go to my closet and take out my uniform. Since my school doesn't have a strict rule on what shoes students wear, I reach for a pair of checkered Converses. I then went to my vanity and took a scrunchy and use it to put my reddish-brown hair into a messy bun. I then take the black wig and tidily wear it on my head. I put it up into a ponytail and comb the bangs. I put on my fake glasses and braces. I just like being invisible at school. I take a look at the mirror for the last time before going down for breakfast.

Her Outfit:


I walk down the stairs to join my parents at the dining table. I then greet them with a kiss on their cheeks. We then started to dig in. I take 6 sausages and a lot of scrambled eggs, put it on my plate and milk. I eat a lot but I never really gain the weight back beacuse of my strict training with the other models.

"Jin Ah honey, when are you gonna reveal your secret?" mom asks me while sipping on some OJ. The question gets daddy's attention too. He stopped looking at his iPad and turn his head to my direction.

" I think I'm gonna do that at the end of this year, considering I'm a senior now." I mumbled.

Their faces look discouraged for one second and they turn back to their normal faces. Loving faces. "Well Jinnie, be careful of the wig! It might fall off and people will think you're bald!" daddy jokes. That's the daddy I knew. A joker, not mushy.

I rolled my eyes." Yeah, yeah. Keep spraying hair powder on your bald spot, dad. It's getting obvious cuz you're not getting any YOUNGER!" I holler at him and finish my breakfast. I then walk towards the front door while shouting byes to my parents. I went to our chaffeur and said hi to him. I get into the car and buckle my seat belt.

"Ready to go, miss?" Mr. Lee asks me.

"Yes, ahjussi. And please stop calling me that. I told you, call me Jin Ah like everyone else." I said to him, pouting slightly.

He smiles and says "Okay, Jin Ah." He then drove to the school.

I then turn my attention to my phone and browse through the news feed.




Wow, it's not even a day and there are articles about me.

I locked my phone and toss it into my bag. I am thinking about school. Will they bully me again or will they leave me alone this year?

I am busy daydreaming that I didn't realize that we are one block away from the school. " Jin Ah, we're here. One block away like always." Ahjussi said.

I thank him and step out of the car. I then start to walk towards the school. I was walking when a fast car went past me. I see that the queen bees are going to school today. Sigh. Better avoid them.

I walk into the school and is welcomed by the chatter of the students. Cliques were everywhere. Couples sitting together. I was walking peacefully when someone bumped me on the shoulder. I turned and see it was Ji Eun. I then greet her.

"Hey Ji Eun. How's your summer?" I asked her. She made a tired and disgusted expression. I laugh at the reaction.

"Oh my god, you wouldn't wanna go through the princess lessons. I'm not even a princess!" She pouted.

"Technically, you are. You're the president's daughter. It's like an indirect title to a princess." I said matter-of-factly.

"Whatever! Hey, I need to see the principal now. Can you handle going to class alone?" She asked as she is aware of the bullying. Aww, my friend is so caring to me.

"It's fine. I'll just hurry and go there on time." I smiled at her. "Okay, see you in class." And with that, she skipped towards the principal's office.

I continue walking to the entrance. As I was walking, I accidentally bumped into the school's queen B (Yes, capital B), Lee Dahae. I mentally scolded myself, I really need to be aware of my surroundings.

"Sorry,"  I mumbled to her. I then squat down to pick up the book that I was carrying, The Fault In Our Stars. But of course Dahae being Dahae, she kicks it across the hall.

"Oops, sorry. I see the nerd is still here. Why don't you go fetch it like the dog you are, huh?" she taunts me, with her clique tailing behind her. People are looking at us now. So much for being invisible. I grumbled. As usual, no one offered to help. I just continue walking to obtain my book back.

When I am going to take a step towards the school entrance, she grabs my arm and sinks her claws (cuz they can't be classified as nails) on my arm and spins me to face her. "No one ever walks away from me, nerd. Why don't you go back to the rathole you came from,? I clearly told you that last year." she glared at me. I just look down at my shoes and saw a glimpse of hers. 6-inch heels. Gurl, you're going to school or a club? I asked her mentally.

She got enough of my silence and pushes me down on the ground. She bends down and I swear, the skirt she's wearing could past off as a belt and that shirt, is two sizes smaller. I swear. She eye-leveled with me and slaps me. Not a hard one though, I got harder ones in the dojo. " Remember, you're not better than me."

After she said that, cars roll into the school and fangirls, including Dahae, is flocking EXO, the 'kingkas' of the school. And a fun fact, the leader, Kris is my neighbour. Ya think he's not bullying me but think twice. He's the one that started the bullying. He didn't get kicked out because he didn't use violence. And because he's the school owner's son, owner being Uncle Wu. And because he threatened the students to not let the matter out. I don't even know what I did to receive this kind of treatment.

When he got out of his car, he spotted me on the floor and smirked. Sigh. He's starting. He then walks past me with EXO behind him. 

You became a target and you're not even at your locker yet, Jin Ah. Good game. I thought to myself. Well, better go and take my books and get to class. 


Kris' POV 

I shove the girl out of my house. I then go back to bed to get more sleep. Last night's activities did use up a lot of energy. I am just starting to fall asleep when that damn Yoda come into my bedroom and pull my feet to wake me up. Let a man sleep, Yoda.

I shake his hands off my feet and curl up on my bed. When I feel no one is bothering me, I continue sleeping. And not long after that, my head was smacked and a voice shouts at me.

"Yah, hyung! Hurry up and get ready! It's the first day of school. Don't wanna be late now, do we?" Kyungsoo shouted. Good luck waking me up. Just because you smacked me on the head, doesn't mean I'm gonna follow what you say. I just kept quiet and try going back to sleep.

I then hear someone dialing a number. It was Chanyeol. I listen to his conversation.

"Mama, Kris won't wake up! Wake him up for us, please?" he said. Why is he calling my mama? Uh-oh.

"Wu Yifan! Get your up and don't skip school today! I love you but if you don't wake up now, you're not gonna get any of my cooking for the rest of your life." she threatens me through the phone.

No, not her food. I quickly shoot up and head for the en suite. I heard a loud thank you from Chanyeol. He fcking called mama to wake me up. That demon.

After I got ready, I go down the stairs to get some breakfast. I gobble down the food and take my keys and start my car. Oh and if you ask, I do live with my parents, but I slept at the EXO house last night after a party. Yes, we have our own house that we share. 12 boys, one house (A/N : Quote from Sweather Weather by The Neighbourhoods). It is bound to have girls to fck with. And that's what happened last night. I drove to the school with EXO tailing my car.

When we arrive, we park our cars and is immediately flocked by fangirls. After I got out, I spotted Jin Ah, the school's nerd on the floor. She sensed my eyes on her and turn to me. I smirked at her and she sighed. Maybe she expected that. I just walk past her and to my locker. EXO also went to their respective lockers. When I got to my locker, the school's , Dahae was there. Hmm, a morning fck won't hurt. She pulls me into a janitor's closet and we got it on. 


Hey guys! Sorry I changed the back part of it!! I JUST FOUND MY DRAFT FROM LAST YEAR. IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHERE IT WAS, WELL YOU CAN SAY IT WAS UNDER A LOT OF JUNK (aka my past year papers, and other junk and stuff). I'M MOVING TOO SO BEAR WITH ME AND BOXES AROUND MY ROOM. Now I'm back and you're gonna expect a lot from now on! And yeah.......

Okay, 3 facts about Me!:

1. I would like to go into med school and be a doctor.

2. My first bias was G-Dragon.

3. I like chocolate. Especially kitkats and ferrero rochers.

Love ya guys!!!! xxxxxx


Azlyn (^3^)



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-and I am so sorry guys...thank you for the ones who subscribed and thank you for not ing me out for not updating..remember azlyn loves you guys (^3^)


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Chapter 6: This is a really good story please update soon.
Chapter 6: update soon . i want to know what happen to then .
2407briana #3
Chapter 6: THIS LITTLE hahaa! Great to have you back!!
Chapter 6: Dang bruh, it's been so long and finally you updated XD
Yahiko-chan #5
Chapter 5: Wow if I where her I'd let him tell the teacher to avoid being a slave
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
tashtash23 #7
Chapter 5: And parents be come there's b here?
2407briana #8
Chapter 5: Congratulations!!! Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Congratz!!!!!
qinmad #10
Chapter 5: FINALLY! God only knows how much I've waited for the update and here we areeeee! :D This is really funny how Kris spins her around like all the time and she's just simply pissed off but can't utter a word in protest hahaha I actually hope you'll update sooner this time bc your exams are done sooo.. you see where I'm going, right? :D Well, I'm waiting! :))