
The Geek's Secret

Jin Ah's POV

After I got up from the floor, I got to my locker. When I got to it, I see Dahae pulling Kris somewhere. Probably going to some janitors’ closet. I shrugged. I take out my History books for class with Mrs. Lee. And trust me, you wouldn’t wanna get in trouble with her, she’s a cranky pants. I can’t afford to be late to her class. What time is it now?

Ringggg…… Woops, no need. I have 3 minutes. Okay, how am I supposed to get to the other side of the school for class in 3 minutes? Screw this. I slammed my locker shut and started running to get to class before I was marked late. I dodged people and things. But unfortunately, I ran into one of Dahae’s minions, Rahee. We both fell down on our bums.

“OW! Watch where you’re going, nerd! Isn’t 4 eyes enough for you?” She ranted. Her ‘friends’ pulled her up to an upright position.

“Sorry.” I mumbled while picking up my books. She seems to be an asshat today (not that she wasn’t an asshat all the time), cuz she kicked one of my books across the hall with seas of people walking by. Sigh, I’m gonna be so late today.

I ran around the hall to get it but every time I almost got it, someone will kick it farther. After a few moments of chasing, I finally get a hold of my book. I then sprinted to my class.


When I got there, I see that Mrs. Lee already started teaching. I knocked on the door and everybody turned to me. Mrs. Lee turned to my direction with a mad expression. RIP, Kim Jin Ah.

“Ms. Kim, as you know I would NOT tolerate any tardiness.” “But, Mrs-“ “No buts, Ms. Kim. Detention!” She barked. First day and detention. Good game, Jin Ah. I grabbed the detention slip that she wrote for me and quickly sat beside Ji Eun. “What happened?”  She mouthed to me. "Later" I mouthed back. We then turned back to the lesson.


It's lunchtime. After me and Ji Eun bought our lunch, we went to the table that we always sit at, far from any gossip, s and manwhores. We started to eat when Ji Eun asked me to tell her what happened earlier.

"Come on, Jin! Tell MEH!" She whined. And to think she's Korea's beloved princess, not the one who whined at Kim Jin Ah. " Chill, woman! I'm eating!" I said after swallowing my spaghetti. I told her what happened and she reacted to it.

"Oh my god! Who would've thought she could get any ier!" She exclaimed.

"Hhaaha, yeah. Sorry I can't go home with you today. I have the damned detention." I said, sadly.

"Ngawww, it's okay. I wasn't going to invite you anyway." She sassed me. "*gasp* Who would've thought Korea's princess is a sassy delinquent!" I faked a shocked expression.

"Hey! I'm no delinquent, you are the one with detention!" She retorted back.

We spent the whole lunchtime either talking about our summer or throwing comments at each other.


It's after school. Urgghh, I should be home, sleeping. Now, I need to go to detention class. I didn't even need to step into that class to know it will be boring as hell. No phones, no electronics. Just homework or most probably - sleeping.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna get a ride home cuz you have detention."Ji Eun asid and I nodded saying 'Okay' while shoving all of my unneeded books into my locker.

"Don't you have a photoshoot or something later?" Ji Eun reminded me. "Oh , it's during the detention!" I said worried. "Try to sneak out or something. Just remember you need to sign the paper AND give the teacher to sign the slip, okay? Cuz you can't risk being dragged into another detention." Ji Eun said giving me a reasurring smile.

"Okay, but if I get caught and in trouble, I'm blaming it all on you." I said with a sigh.

"Finally Kim Jin Ah is gonna do something bad." Ji Eun squealed. "Okay, well I got to go. I'll text you after the photo shoot." I said grabbing my bag with the book I am reading and shutting my locker.

"Okay, bye girl!" Ji Eun said waving as I headed to detention. I checked the slip. Advanced class. I quickly rushed off there and walked in to see it's Kris Wu's group of 'badboys'. 

"Well well well. What do we have here? Looks like the rumors of the nerd getting a detention is true,huh?" Kris smirked. I mentally rolled my eyes and just sat there in the back towards the opposite side of Kris and his group.

"Aww, does the little nerd not talk?" Kris said, making everyone laugh again. I ignored him once again and quickly signed my name on the paper after almost forgetting about it. I then sat back down. Next thing I know, I feel a presence next to me.

I let out a frustrated sigh and said, "Yes?"

"Oh, so the nerd does talk!" Kris said sitting next to me as I sat back at my seat. "Yeah I talk. Now why don't you mind your own business!" I snapped annoyed by him. I checked my phone and see it's 3.40. Great, I have 20 minutes till the photo shoot.

"What's wrong? Already annoyed at us?" Kris taunted me.

"Yes, and I have somewhere important to be." I snapped again. Better stop talking to him before I lose more brain cells. I thought.

"I see the nerd has an attitude." Kai, an EXO member like Kris said, snickering to himself.

"Yes,she does. Doesn't she? Maybe we have to fix that little attitude problem." Kris said, walking over tothe front of my desk.But just as he was about to say something else, my phone went off.

I checked the caller ID and see it's Sun. Ignoring curious glances, I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said. "Natalie Kim Jin Ah!! Where are you?? The photoshoot is starting in less than 15 minutes and you're still not here!" She yelled through the phone. "I know, I know. I got into detention and is still at school." I said.

"Tell somebody to cover up for you or something! If you're not here in 10 minutes, Mr. Sim will have both of our heads." Sun said causing me to grimace imagining that.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes."I said and hung up. "Look guys, the nerd is sneaking out and lying. Are we sure this is the nerd cuz she seems like a little bad girl. I mean, sneaking out on her first detention." Kris said, that smirk plastered on his face.

"Listen Kris, I don't have time for your stupid games and please do me a favour and not tell that teacher that I left. Make up some excuse if he comes back." I begged nervously, counting the minutes I have to got to the photoshoot.

"Well, Jin Ah, Whatare you gonna do for me?" He asked getting way to close for my comfort.

"Molla. Anything, but I really have to go right now so please cover for me." I begged again.

"Fine, but youhave to dowhatever I ask for 2 weeks." He said. "Deal." I said quickly and rushed out to hail a taxi. I jumped into one and took off my disguises and stuffed them in my bag. The driver doesn't seem to mind, though.

"You're Natalie Kim, right?" he said. "Ne, ahjussi." I said politely. "Good luck on your next photoshoot." he said again. "How-" "I know cuz models always come into this taxi and take off their 'accesories' for a photoshoot, so I got used to this." He said. "Thank you for understanding, ahjussi." I smiled at him. "You're welcome."

He then continue driving me to the photoshoot. 


Hey guys! Sorry for the slow update, homeworks an Asian have for a day is a lot. I have 4 essays and 3 assignments that I just finished just now and I feel so free now. And a heads up, I have my finals in one month so updates may be slower. I'm studying for it and at the same time, I am fighting for my wi-fi and using-the-laptop rights with my parents. Wish me luck! Kamsahamnida!!


Azlyn (^3^)

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-and I am so sorry guys...thank you for the ones who subscribed and thank you for not ing me out for not updating..remember azlyn loves you guys (^3^)


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Chapter 6: This is a really good story please update soon.
Chapter 6: update soon . i want to know what happen to then .
2407briana #3
Chapter 6: THIS LITTLE hahaa! Great to have you back!!
Chapter 6: Dang bruh, it's been so long and finally you updated XD
Yahiko-chan #5
Chapter 5: Wow if I where her I'd let him tell the teacher to avoid being a slave
I love this fic!! Please update soon <3 Fighting!!
tashtash23 #7
Chapter 5: And parents be come there's b here?
2407briana #8
Chapter 5: Congratulations!!! Please update soon!
Chapter 5: Congratz!!!!!
qinmad #10
Chapter 5: FINALLY! God only knows how much I've waited for the update and here we areeeee! :D This is really funny how Kris spins her around like all the time and she's just simply pissed off but can't utter a word in protest hahaha I actually hope you'll update sooner this time bc your exams are done sooo.. you see where I'm going, right? :D Well, I'm waiting! :))