Break Them

Break My Rules

A raindrop slid down an already wet leaf with the others, all merging into one at the end and slowly falling down it and towards the ground, getting lost with so many other on the way considering that it was pouring outside.

But it doesn’t matter. The rain feels nice against his skin as he sat on a bench in a park, completely empty of other people except for a few passerby’s’ here and there, hurrying on under their umbrellas. While a brown haired boy just sat there, soaked to the bone as he lazily watched the raindrops fall. What’s the point of getting up and under a roof anyway? It’s peaceful like this. Plus it’s easy to get unnoticed if the rain is pouring because no one wants to stay long outside during those.

Thunder roared, making the soaked one slowly glance up and with that let the rain hit his face which of cause made him need to squint and bring his hand up just in time to see lightning paint over the clouds above before more thunder could be heard. It wasn’t the first in the past hour so it barely made him look up before focusing back on the leaves of the tree in front of where he was sitting.

Has it been hours though? How long has he been sitting there? He didn’t know nor did he care. Having to intension of going home any time soon and knowing no one would even bother noticing he’s not there in the first place. He could disappear all together and they wouldn’t notice for at least two weeks for sure. Not that he cares. It doesn’t matter.

The boy was fully lost in thought and just staring upfront with dazed and unfocused eyes when the rain suddenly stopped falling over him.

Still feeling too tired and just lazy to show any sudden movements like jumping out of my skin at the sudden shadow that was covering him and black skinny jeans that were taking over his view he just slowly looked up. Coming face to face with the person he wanted to see the least because the boy is always uneasy when the other is near him. Sehun. He was just standing in front of the wet one with a big blue umbrella covering up both from the rain that just kept falling around them. And all the other could do was stare. He noticed him even here. It was unnerving to say the least.

“You’re going to get soaked if you keep sitting here.” Sehun pointed out and it were the first words he ever spoke to him. The other found himself entranced by how the blonds voice sounded and the feeling of those brown eyes staring right into his own but still turned his head back down all the while. Why is he even talking to me? Why does he care when no one else does?  Why him? “You’re not much of a talker are you?” Sehun asked after noticing that the other really has no intension of answering. Just sighing when once again he didn’t reply before doing what the brunet definitely didn’t expect and sitting next to him on the bench that was almost more soaked then the boy by this point. It was dry where he was sitting though. But that must have been the fact that he has been sitting there for a while even before the rain started falling.

It was silent after that. Only the sound of rain falling for the next minute or and Sehun was just sitting there next to the boy. Just…Sitting.

“I don’t think I can get any wetter then I already am.” Empty eyes were cast down as he finally gave in and spoke for the first time in two months, new personal record, with voice slightly scratchy from lack of use, making him clear his throat afterwards.

Sehun chuckled at his response, turning slightly so he can look at the other who was still intent on looking at the ground. Watching the raindrops hit it harshly. Making more than just a few puddles. “You’re right I guess. Which brings me to my next question. Why are you sitting on a rain, getting soaked?”

“Why not?” This time the answer was immediate, seeing as there is no point in not answering since it doesn’t look like Sehun will go away any time soon. Might as well talk. It actually felt nice to talk to someone. It has been so long. The second the thought came he pushed it away though because Sehun doesn’t care and this is probably the first and last time they’re talking so there is no need of him thinking it’s nice. The second the other gets up it will be back to no one caring after all.

Sehun full out laughed this time and somehow the other found himself almost smiling at the sound he somehow managed to get out of him. Almost. “Well you Luhan are the most intriguing person I ever met.”

“Doubt it.” Luhan replied with a mumble even as his name passing through Sehun’s lips took him by surprise and made him tense for a second considering that no one knows his name. But apparently Sehun does. Of course he does.

“Oh no you are.” He insisted making Luhan just sigh because if that isn’t the biggest lie ever he doesn’t know what is.

“Aren’t you going to leave? You’re getting quite wet.” As Luhan said it he glanced at the other for a moment from the corner of my eye before getting back to his previous staring at nothing. The umbrella above them really wasn’t doing any good since they were both getting wet. The only difference being that Luhan was already wet to begin with.

“No. I don’t mind that much actually.” He said, stretching his legs forwards to get more comfortable. “Plus you’re not all alone like this.“

“I’m always alone.” The reply was more to himself them the other but he still heard and sent Luhan a bright smile.

“Well not anymore.” And with that the blond really did stay. Sitting next to the other with the rain pouring mercilessly over the both of them for hours more. Way into the night with only silence and the pitter patter of raindrops to keep them company.

That night when Luhan finally came home and took a long hot shower to warm himself up he noticed that for the first time someone actually seems to care. The thought caught him by surprise but again he found myself pushing it away because Sehun doesn’t care. Why would he care? This was just a onetime thing. A pity thing. Nothing more.

However Sehun kept to his promise for some unknown reason. Seemingly making it his life mission to always be there, so now instead of constant stares there was talk. He talked, with Luhan only rarely replying but the other again didn’t seem to care. Sometimes we would just be there in silence but again he was there. Always there. It was annoying really. That’s what Luhan have been telling himself anyway, to hide the stupid fluttering in his stomach every time the other smiled at him because he is not having a crush on Sehun. He is not.

As more weeks passed Sehun began following Luhan home. And the other never sent him away. He couldn’t. And he hated it. Sehun is going to leave soon enough anyway so why am I getting my hopes up? His parents haven’t noticed of course but they never notice anything. Luhan was used to it because it’s normal. He is used to that. Then why isn’t Sehun doing the same yet? It has been a month and he’s still there with no intension of leaving what so ever. Why?

Luhan got his answer one night months after as he was walking alone. Well he would have been walking alone if Sehun didn’t tag along just because. That was the only reason he got to wanting to come along. Just because.

It made the other smile and that scared him. He got too used to Sehun always being there even though he know’s he will leave and it will just hurt more. Everyone always leaves after all. That’s why he has his rules. Why did I disregard them so easily with Sehun then? Said boy looked at him then and just like that he got his answer. That’s why. No one has ever looked and him and actually seen him before. Not even his parents. Actually especially not his parents. So this is all not normal and it took him by surprise so he guess’s that’s why he let him be. Doesn’t mean it was a good idea though. It’s just a matter of time.

“I'm going to get you out of your shell.” Sehun spoke up suddenly, startling Luhan slightly seeing as it was only silence between them for the past few hours and he definitely didn’t expect to hear his voice all of the sudden.

“What makes you think I have a shell?” The brown haired replied without bothering to look at him even though he knew Sehun was looking at him as they walked through darkness.

“Oh you do. And I'm going to get you out of it.” So persistent. Sehun is always so persistent and the other has no idea what to do with that because he never had to deal with that before. No one has ever even tried before. Luhan doesn’t even know how he feels about it. It definitely wasn’t helping the full out crush he had on the boy by this point. Yes, a crush. Maybe even slightly more but a crush is as far as he’s willing to accept. So he’ll go with crush.

“And how exactly do you plan on doing that?” Luhan asked with a sigh, being stopped from walking any further by fingers wrapping around his wrist and turning him around so that he has to look at the other boy. Which he did only to see a smile on those lips.

“Well how about…” The lips Luhan was looking at just a moment before descended on his for a quick kiss. His first kiss. Leaving him thoroughly surprised like never before and all he could do was just stare with wide eyes as Sehun pulled away because there is no way he just kissed him. No way. Why would he do that? “One kiss at a time.”

It took the still shocked boy a second to remember how that sentence started and when he did the lips were on his again in a kiss that Luhan found himself returning this time around, feeling Sehun smile against his lips as he did.

“I like you. You can’t push me away. And I really am going to get you out of that shell of yours Luhan.” Sehun spoke as they finally pulled apart from a kiss that wasn’t so short the second time, forehead rested against the others and a smile gracing his lips.

And he did. Somehow in the months that followed Sehun did get Luhan out of his shell just like he said. With one kiss at a time.





Fast update since it was already half written. But please do comment. I hope this wasn't too rushed either. Oh and look I got a poster. But anyway comment, upvote, subscribe,.. I love any one of those.

Until next time...

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rracchel #1
Chapter 4: Wasn't prepared for the angstㅠㅠ
Beautifully written!!
hkmf2012 #2
Chapter 4: it's so beautiful and so sad....
Mirae00 #3
How did a story that's only like 6k words break me so badly
Mirae00 #4
Chapter 4: Wow I can't remember the last time I cried so hard
yomali #5
Chapter 3: i'm not reading next chap no comments and that I not doing that to my self
Chapter 4: how dare you do this I'm so heartbroken
FedyTsubasa #7
Chapter 4: Why did you decide to break my heart like that? I wasn't expecting it. Not at all. I was happy, you know? And then the end of chapter 3 came, and chapter 4 after it and now I'm just... No. My feels... It was supposed to be cute and fluff and happy! OMG! But,actually, Thank you for writing this. Now I'll just go cry myself to sleep.
Chapter 4: well there goes my heart...
faithlu #9
Chapter 4: this made me cry
i pity luhan so much sad that sehub died :"""
Chapter 4: I just found out this FF and all I can say is 'You made me cry Author-nim' ;(... "Why?why did you do that?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... 미안헤!!! kidding! but really my tears kept on falling while reading this last part... Awesome!!!