The Rules

Break My Rules

Rule one: Don't make eye contact.

Rule two: Appear as small as possible.

Rule three: Don't say a word. Ever.

A brown haired boy reminded himself as he walked through the school halls towards his next class. It was always a mantra in his head. Three rules that he always followed no matter what. Three rules that he learned pretty fast in his family, Because if there is one thing you need to learn if you're in his family it's that it's better to stay unnoticed. Less attention is on you like that. And if there is one thing the boy hated it was attention. Attention makes it impossible to keep secrets. And he would like for his to stay hidden.

So he keeps to his rules. He has ever since he was little. No one notices him like this. Half of his own class doesn't know he exists and he’s in his last year too. But again he likes it like that. Not being notices is good. Being invisible is always good.

His parents don’t think so though. Well when they remember he’s alive that is. They are just the type of people who live for attention. Being noticed is their job actually. And they love it. They always did. Seeing them you would think their son is the same. But that’s not the case. Actually half of his parents friends don’t even know he exists since they stopped mentioning him years ago. Right about the time he became a disappointment because his grades aren’t high enough and his face is too much like a girls. It bothered him at first but he’s used to it now. If anything he strives on it because again attention is bad.

One more thing that he is sure would only bring disappointment to his parents is the fact that he isn’t straight. If they knew that is. And the boy is quite intent to keep that little piece of information a secret from, well everyone. No one needs to know and no one will. It’s one of the many secrets he will never tell. One of the secrets that will be kept a secret for only him to know. To be honest he wasn’t even that surprised when he figured it out about five years ago. And he accepted it quite fast too. It’s just that he knew no one else will. So why let the cat out of the bag and make life harder for him when it can be kept firmly closed? So really no point in telling anyone.

Besides he’s good like this. Keeping to his rules and avoiding people. It left him with no one to turn to since he had no friends but he doesn't mind. All friends ever do is leave so he doesn't want any friends anyway. No point really. He’s not a very social person either way. Completely different from his parents in every way possible.

Even with his rules though, there is still one person who sees the doe eyed boy. He doesn't know why, he could never figure it out but sometimes he can feel his eyes on him. It was unnerving at first but he got kind of used to it over time. It's still weird though. He’s not used to people seeing him after all.

He managed to enter the classroom just as the bell rang and went to the first empty spot right away. Today it seems he’s going to be in the first row. It is not the best when keeping hidden but not even teachers see him anymore either way so it’s fine. If you keep quiet no one can see you after all.

When the teacher came and started the class the boy in the front row took notes dutifully as always. That is he took them for the first ten minutes before getting bored and trailing off, ending up doodling on the page of the book instead. It was only half through the class that it hit him that he hasn't said a word in nearly a week now. He was taken aback by it for a second before shrugging it off because it has been a month once that he didn't talk. So like always it’s all fine.

He was just about to go back to doodling when he felt it. His gaze was on him again. He didn't even have to turn around to see him either. He always sits on the same spot at the back with a view to the whole classroom so he can see the boy no matter where he sits.

The brown haired one may have stared a few times at him too but no one needs to know that. How can he not though. The boy who now has blond hair once had bubble gum pink. It’s kind of hard not to stare at that. Plus he’s hot and the other couldn't help but notice that. It's not like he’s going to do anything about it though. He doesn’t even know why the blond keeps staring. There is no reason for him to. He doesn't like him. And he knows that because no one does. No one likes the brown haired boy because no one even notices he is there.

So it's better to just ignore him like he always does. Because to do otherwise the boy would have to talk and let myself be seen and he doesn't like that. It makes him feel uncomfortable when he has eyes on him. It makes him feel like they know. Like they know everything. Every secret he has. Every thought he doesn't want to be heard. He doesn't like it so no, he’s not going to do anything but ignore the other. He has for a year now anyway.

Everything has been normal until a year ago. No one saw him before then but then suddenly Sehun was there and for some reason he saw. He always sees and the other doesn't like it one bit. He doesn't like it because if that one boy sees and knows maybe the others will too. And that is not good. Not good at all.

The brown haired boy has three rules. Never make eye contact. Appear as small as possible. Don't say a word. But somehow another manages to pass them all for some reason. Only he passes over all of them and sees him anyway. He doesn't know why. He never knew why. And honestly, he doesn't want to find out.




As promised the first chapter. Sorry for the shortness, hope you liked it anyway. Next one is gonna be longer. Please comment below with your thoughts on it. I always love those. Subs and upvotes are awesome too. Oh and this story won't be long so only five chapters at most but I have a feeling it may be only three. It depends if I'm gonna do what I plan or not.

Until next one...

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rracchel #1
Chapter 4: Wasn't prepared for the angstㅠㅠ
Beautifully written!!
hkmf2012 #2
Chapter 4: it's so beautiful and so sad....
Mirae00 #3
How did a story that's only like 6k words break me so badly
Mirae00 #4
Chapter 4: Wow I can't remember the last time I cried so hard
yomali #5
Chapter 3: i'm not reading next chap no comments and that I not doing that to my self
Chapter 4: how dare you do this I'm so heartbroken
FedyTsubasa #7
Chapter 4: Why did you decide to break my heart like that? I wasn't expecting it. Not at all. I was happy, you know? And then the end of chapter 3 came, and chapter 4 after it and now I'm just... No. My feels... It was supposed to be cute and fluff and happy! OMG! But,actually, Thank you for writing this. Now I'll just go cry myself to sleep.
Chapter 4: well there goes my heart...
faithlu #9
Chapter 4: this made me cry
i pity luhan so much sad that sehub died :"""
Chapter 4: I just found out this FF and all I can say is 'You made me cry Author-nim' ;(... "Why?why did you do that?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... 미안헤!!! kidding! but really my tears kept on falling while reading this last part... Awesome!!!