Own them

Break My Rules

Two boys walked down the street, hands intertwined and steps slow. They weren’t in any rush anyway. It was the end of a school day and with backpacks on their backs they just walked mindlessly. An idea that came from the blond one who had a fond look on his face every time he looked at the shorter.

The other however had no idea how to act in this kind of a situation. It was all new to him and he’s not used to people noticing him let alone showing him affection like Sehun did when he smiled at him or took his hand as they walked. Hell, a quick glance his way when he though he wasn’t looking was a lot more than he ever got.

So yea it’s safe to say that the brown eyed boy was lost and just went with whatever because of it. He has been since the other kissed him a week ago. A week of walking together to school and from it. A random walking to the park two or three times. It was nice actually.

Luhan liked the feeling of the others hand holding his. He liked the way Sehun would tug his hand ever so slightly to get Luhan’s attention or just to make him walk faster or come closer.

And he couldn’t have hated that fact more than he did. He shouldn’t like it. He should be pushing the blond away. He should shield himself like he has been for so long. But then why isn’t he? Why is he letting Sehun in when he should be pushing him away? It’s a question he asks himself a lot lately.

This time though, this time he might have an answer after all; he thought as he looked at Sehun’s back as he got behind a bit. It was only for a second though before he felt the oh so familiar tug by now that made him smile before quickening his pace.

Yea he knew the answer now. There is one very simple reason he lets Sehun in.

He lets him in because if he’s going to be hurt by people he would very much like it to be Sehun. Because with Sehun he gets if even only a week of smiles and more happiness then he had in a while before the inevitable pain that him leaving will bring.

Because he will leave. Luhan knows he will.



However one more week passed, and another, and another…Before Luhan knew it two months already passed and Sehun was still there. Still next to him. Smiling, kissing, seeing… Saying such embarrassing things it made the brown haired boy uncomfortable but he still loved it. He loved every ‘I like you Luhan’ and ‘You should sing more, you have a beautiful voice’ and just everything.

He did not like it when Sehun called him pretty. He is not pretty. And he is a boy, he most definitely does not want to be called pretty. But the brat still kept on saying it. He kept on staring at Luhan before randomly saying how pretty he is. Always with a smile that turn into a laugh when the other hit him for it.

And still Luhan loved even that. And it was quite a shock when three months after Sehun first kissed him Luhan figured out that he loves it all because it is Sehun. Because he loves Sehun.

It was an unacceptable thought that got him avoiding the other. Because he can’t love him. No. He got to close. He let him come too close. Everything is too close and just no. He can’t let himself be hurt like this. He can’t. And he won’t.

So he got to avoiding Sehun. But it only got him as far as a day.

“Are you avoiding me? Why are you avoiding me?” Sehun’s voice was accusing when he cornered him by his locker after school but his eyes were just sad. Because he thought that he finally got Luhan, that he finally got him to open up and he did. He has been talking more and smiling and just walking with his head up for the first time since Sehun met him. He really did open up. But then why is he avoiding him? He thought Luhan liked him back. Actually he was sure of it. So why?

“It doesn’t matter.” The brown haired boy answered, looking at the floor rather than Sehun and trying to walk away only to be pushed back against the locker a little more harshly then intended.

“It does. I love you Luhan and I want to know why you’re avoiding me. At least give me reason. Please.” He was downright begging and he knew it but didn’t care.

He doesn’t care because he really does love Luhan and it’s something that he is not used to. At first Sehun just knew that he liked the boy. He was attracted to him from the get go but he also wanted to help the other. He wanted to help him because in a way Luhan reminded him of himself from four years ago.

He was quiet too. There was a bigger chance pigs would fly then for him to talk. Socializing wasn’t his ting and he just kept to himself. Always did. And then Kai came along and practically made Sehun be friend with him by force. Talking turned to hanging out, and hanging out somehow ended up in dancing classes. And just like that with one step at a time, one note and one tune, forced friends turned into best friends.

If it wasn’t for Kai there is no way Sehun would have talked to Luhan when he did. He would have still been the same shy boy and antisocial boy he was before but as it is he isn’t anymore. And he wanted to break Luhan’s wall too.

But as it is with every brick that was broken and every smile and word he got out of the other, every kiss, it all made ‘I like you’ turn into ‘I love you’ pretty fast. He hasn’t said it though. Not wanting to scare the boy he adores the most away. He hasn’t said it once. Not until now.

“You don’t mean it.” Luhan’s voice was quiet when he replied, still refusing to look at the other because he doesn’t mean it. He can’t mean it. “No one loves me. And you’re going to leave just like everyone else always does so please leave me alone.”

“I won’t.” Sehun was quick to argue, grabbing Luhan’s arm as he tried to walk away again, but this time instead of pushing him into the lockers he pulled him close. Hugging the others body to his own in an attempt to keep him there. “Just listen please.” He whispered and felt the other still in his embrace before continuing. “I love you. I really do love you Luhan. I love everything about you and everything that is you. I love every part of you I managed to set free for everyone to see and I can’t wait to find more. I want to know everything. I want to see how you look like sick or sad or just so happy you don’t know what to do with yourself. I want to make you that happy. So please just…Just let me be there. Know that I will never leave. Never in my life will I leave you. I will always be there. If you call at two am I will pick up the phone. I won’t leave I promise, so let me stay. Will you?”



Five years. That’s how long it has been. Three since he finished school. So many years has passed and in all those years something so unimaginable happened.

He stayed.

“Morning.” A deep sleepy voice could be heard in the early morning, rays of the still rising sun lingering on bare skin that was uncovered from the blanket during the night. Every morning. Always making the other smile slightly at hearing it before responding with a ‘good morning’ of his own.

Sehun really loved this to no end. He loved every morning because he always got to see that smile and the newly blond boys bed head that made him look so adorable. He was like a puppy in the morning. He really is. And Sehun couldn’t get enough of it.

But somehow Luhan can’t either. He smiled a lot now, becoming a happy and chatty person he was always supposed to be and all thanks to Sehun. Because Sehun stayed. Sehun loves him and shows it every day.

Throughout the years Sehun got to saying the same thing every time Luhan had doubts and even after he was finally convinced the other won’t leave Sehun still continued because it made his love smile every time. And there are just a few things that are better than seeing that smile. All involving Luhan of course but now’s not the time to think about that. Now is the time to make Luhan smile.

“I love you.” Sehun whispered into the morning silence, planting a sweet kiss onto the others lips like he always does. Feeling as he moved closer into his embrace afterwards. “Always. I’ll always be here in the morning. Always here with you, I promise.”

“I know you will.” Luhan replied with a smile. Feeling happy and just content. “And I love you too you know.”

Sehun laughed. “I know love.” He said, kissing the top of the others head as he did.

Luhan loved his lazy life with Sehun. They have jobs and rent and bills, and yes it does get hectic sometimes and sometimes they fight but they also always make up. After every fight Sehun is still always there in the morning like he promises he always will be and Luhan couldn’t love the life he has more than he already does.

A lot changed in five years, he changed, but there is one important thing that stayed the same. His love for Sehun. That always stayed and always will.


He should have appreciated it more, he knows now. He should have done something. Anything. Everything. Because that night the phone rang as Luhan watched TV, slowly dosing off on the couch.

The phone rang and when Luhan answered his whole world came crumbling down because now he knew.

That morning…It was their last.








Ummm I’m sorry? Really don’t know what to say here. It’s 3am and my mind is a mess but I’m going with what I planned. One more chapter though. It will probably explain more if you’re confused somewhere or something.

Please comment below with your thoughts.

Until next time…

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rracchel #1
Chapter 4: Wasn't prepared for the angstㅠㅠ
Beautifully written!!
hkmf2012 #2
Chapter 4: it's so beautiful and so sad....
Mirae00 #3
How did a story that's only like 6k words break me so badly
Mirae00 #4
Chapter 4: Wow I can't remember the last time I cried so hard
yomali #5
Chapter 3: i'm not reading next chap no comments and that I not doing that to my self
Chapter 4: how dare you do this I'm so heartbroken
FedyTsubasa #7
Chapter 4: Why did you decide to break my heart like that? I wasn't expecting it. Not at all. I was happy, you know? And then the end of chapter 3 came, and chapter 4 after it and now I'm just... No. My feels... It was supposed to be cute and fluff and happy! OMG! But,actually, Thank you for writing this. Now I'll just go cry myself to sleep.
Chapter 4: well there goes my heart...
faithlu #9
Chapter 4: this made me cry
i pity luhan so much sad that sehub died :"""
Chapter 4: I just found out this FF and all I can say is 'You made me cry Author-nim' ;(... "Why?why did you do that?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... 미안헤!!! kidding! but really my tears kept on falling while reading this last part... Awesome!!!