Break Me

Break My Rules


A car crash.


We’re sorry for your loss.

Nothing we could do.

Dead on sight.

Hit his head too hard.




The mind of the blond haired boy couldn’t comprehend the words as minutes passed, hours, days…

Blurry days where he waited, waited for Sehun to come home. To walk through the door with a smile and a How was your day like he always does. Or to be there in the morning next to Luhan like he promised. Because he did promise. Sehun promised he will always be there in the morning. Always be there for Luhan.

But then why isn’t he? Why is Sehun’s side of the bed vacant and cold every morning? Why isn’t he there?

He’s not dead. He can’t be dead. Luhan knows that. He can’t be dead because he promised. Sehun promised!



The day was cold, wind blowing hard and cold on the people walking through the streets below. Ripping off leaves and branches from trees from its force. It definitely wasn’t the kind of weather that you would want to be outside for.

It was like this for days now though. Maybe even weeks. The boy looking through the window couldn’t remember.

He was a blond boy, only recently dying his hair from brown. A boy with rustled hair and sleepy eyes as he watched the outside form the warmth of his bed. He hasn’t been outside for days after all and doesn’t plan on doing otherwise any time soon. It’s not worth it anyway.

It’s warm in the apartment. Safe.

It looked like the sun will peak out soon though, the sky getting just that little bit brighter. Seeing it made the boy smile for a second before he felt arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him back against the body that was lying beside him. A body as bare as his own.

“Why are you awake so early Lu? Do you want to go out?” The deep and oh so familiar voice whispered, making Luhan smile brighter. Hearing that voice always made him smile brighter.

“No. Why would I want that? I’m perfectly fine right here.” He turned to face the other, but not before glancing at the window once more to see the sun disappear behind the clouds again. It was like it was never there in the first place. But it doesn’t matter anyway.

“Good.” Sehun smiled and Luhan’s heart skipped a beat. How he loved seeing that smile.

But it also reminded him of something. Something hazy and unfocused. He couldn’t remember what though. It must have been dream.



“I dreamt it again.” Luhan spoke as they cuddled on the couch, listening to thunder roar and rain pour outside. The weather was so bad that the power cut out, breathing the room in darkness so they had to light up candles. It was nice actually. Just the two of them surrounded by candles and listening to the lighting storm that was going on outside. Luhan found it very nice.

“The white room?” Sehun asked lazily even though he was concerned himself. Luhan has been having a lot of these nightmares lately and he didn’t like how scared the other was after every one of them.

“Yes. You’re dead there Sehun. They say you’re dead and I’m crazy. I don’t like it. I don’t want you to be dead.” It was a broken whisper of a broken boy and Sehun couldn’t help but feel the need to reassure him as he pulled the other closer and felt him burry his head onto his chest. He hated seeing his love like this.

“I can’t be dead. I’m right here, see. You can feel me holding you. It was just a dream nothing more, okay? I would never leave you. Not even by death. I promised you after all didn’t I?” Sehun reassured Luhan to which he nodded but still felt shaken even if he was a little better at the others words.

Sehun is right though. It’s stupid to be shaken by a dream. It’s just a dream.

“You’re right.” Luhan spoke again after a few more minutes, tilting his head up to kiss the other to which he smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”



“No! What are you doing? Let go of me!” A blond boy screamed as four nurses held him down on the bed, trying to get him to drink something. But he won’t. He won’t drink whatever they want. He needs to find Sehun. Where is Sehun? “I need to go! Let go! I need to find Sehun! Where is Sehun? I don’t belong here! Let me go!”

It took a few more minutes of struggling and the others trying to calm him down and explain that he is in a mental hospital and they are here to help but hurt him before a syringe was brought and something was shot into his blood stream. Something that made him pass out almost immediately.

But not for long before he woke up again and the yelling and screaming started once more. Because he can’t see Sehun. There is no Sehun and he needs to be here because he promised he will be there every morning. He promised but these people are keeping them apart.

Why are they keeping Sehun away from him?

Days passed with shouting filling the room, weeks and bloody scratch marks appeared on the wall, months...he stopped waking up that much and after a few more ended up in a sort of a coma that the doctors couldn’t understand.

And finally when a year passed the doctors even coming because the boy is completely gone. Left trapped in his own head. Unable to face reality.

He was gone. Gone but never forgotten. Even as he never awoke again they never forgot. Never forgot the boy that they lost to him himself.



“Do you think sometimes that this is not real? That all of this just doesn’t exist?“ Luhan asked sleepily as he watched the wind howl outside.

“Of course not. Why do you ask that?“ Sehun answered confused, not understanding where Luhan got that silly idea.

“I sometimes feel like it. I feel like it after the nightmares about the white room.“ Came Luhan’s reply and Sehun sighed. He had the nightmare again.

“Don’t worry about the nightmares Lu. This is real. Trust me. The rain outside is real, you are real and I am real.“ He empathized the last part by cherishing the others cheek, making Luhan lean into the touch and smile.

“You're right. It's a stupid thing to think.“ The other agreed, so close to falling asleep in Sehun’s embrace

“It's not stupid, it's just not true.“ Sehun kissed his loves forehead, pulling him close. “Go to sleep now. This is all real don’t worry.“


“I promise.“



There is a person in a hoslital room long forgotten. There for years and many more.

Left forgotten and alone.

Always alone.





So the fic is done. Hope you liked it. Please comment below with your thoughts. Oh and if you didn’t get that, the weather outside is showing Luhan’s mental health. The sun means he can get better, get out of his own mind, but he never wants to so it goes away.

Anyway thanks for reading.

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rracchel #1
Chapter 4: Wasn't prepared for the angstㅠㅠ
Beautifully written!!
hkmf2012 #2
Chapter 4: it's so beautiful and so sad....
Mirae00 #3
How did a story that's only like 6k words break me so badly
Mirae00 #4
Chapter 4: Wow I can't remember the last time I cried so hard
yomali #5
Chapter 3: i'm not reading next chap no comments and that I not doing that to my self
Chapter 4: how dare you do this I'm so heartbroken
FedyTsubasa #7
Chapter 4: Why did you decide to break my heart like that? I wasn't expecting it. Not at all. I was happy, you know? And then the end of chapter 3 came, and chapter 4 after it and now I'm just... No. My feels... It was supposed to be cute and fluff and happy! OMG! But,actually, Thank you for writing this. Now I'll just go cry myself to sleep.
Chapter 4: well there goes my heart...
faithlu #9
Chapter 4: this made me cry
i pity luhan so much sad that sehub died :"""
Chapter 4: I just found out this FF and all I can say is 'You made me cry Author-nim' ;(... "Why?why did you do that?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... 미안헤!!! kidding! but really my tears kept on falling while reading this last part... Awesome!!!