
Half Vampire, Half Love??!!!

“What are you doing?”Aaron asked her.

“Nothing.” She replied quickly and composed herself

“Why are you still awake?” He asked again, and it seemed that he’s not going to stop bombarding questions.

“Why are you still awake?” She returned the question.

“We never sleep.” He answered bored and sat beside Gui Gui on the big rock.

“What?” She asked wide eyed, they probably heard her and the other vampire if they weren’t asleep.

“We don’t sleep, cause we don’t need to, but we can.” He clarified.

“Oh,” She was relieved “But what are you doing awake?” She continued.

“I just woke up, feeling so angry.” He replied as his eyes burned with anger.

“Though I have nothing to be angry about, I am, there’s these feelings that I feel yet I don’t think that they’re mine.” He looked so confused himself.

“You were angry with me a while ago, that must have been the reason.” Gui Gui  tried to convince Aaron.

Gui Gui’s POV

Is it that he feels what I feel? Is that the reason that for the last two years I have been feeling empty and cold, is that his?

Why? How can he? Why is he cold all of a sudden? That heart that gave me all the warmth I ever wanted became cold as soon as the poison took effect… How?

“I wasn’t really angry…” Aaron broke the silence between us, I looked at him confusingly.


“It was just that I felt so bad about what you said. Just as the bad feeling I’ve felt when I first saw you.” He said and I felt that he is telling the truth.

“I know you don’t drink others blood, you drink tablets.” I told him, I can easily make up an excuse such asa father telling me about vampires so he won’t know why I know things about vampires.

“…I felt guilty because of what you said… because, I felt that somehow , in the past, I’ve seen humans only as food, yet never did I drank their blood. Just that… Argggh!! It was because I felt like I have someone I long for yet I only think of her as food.” I laughed; he must be talking about me… just as I thought, only food, right?

“Why were you so angry a while ago, I saw you almost kicking the tree, that’s what I also wanted to do.”  I stared at him, he laughed, that’s good he can laugh without me. I’m so assuming, assuming so much that I even hurt myself. Why the heck would he not laugh if I’m not around, for all I know, I’M JUST FOOD.

“You can laugh.” I told him and he went quiet.

“When I MET YOU, YOU WERE SO COLD.” I continued.

“I don’t know, I was feeling so cold and empty until I met you. Now I just feel cold whenever I’m angry.” He looked at me with longing, I don’t know but somehow my eyes betrayed me and returned that longing look at him.

“I don’t even know why I can tell you all of this.” He said as he slowly move closer to me, and to my surprise, my body wont move.

End of POV

There after two years, Gui Gui and Aaron, finally having the chance to talk was able to tell some feelings to each other. Just like a doomed relationship that sparked once again, their eyes met, slowly closed and felt each other’s lips.

For once, the two of them are once more engulfed in their own little world.

Aaron’S pov

I somehow know this feeling, a feeling that I have been missing for the last two years, I KNOW THIS IS BAD, she’s a human for God’s sake, but how? How can she ever fill that empty void in my heart?

I am starting to drift away from reality as our kiss deepens, I might not be able to stop myself, I feel like she’s my life, that I can’t breathe without her.

Aaron, stop, she’s a lowly human, snap out of it. YET MY BODY AND HEART WON’T LISTEN.

Sitting here, still kissing her to the ends of the Earth, I felt her push me. I see her trying to catch her breath. I cupped her face, seeing her look to me, directly to my eyes, with that same longing I’ve been feeling. JUST WHO ARE YOU? GuI Gui WU YING JIE?

I stood up and turned my back to her, “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t control myself.” I walked away. Why did I say that, truly I was not able to control myself? I touched my lips, remembering the sensation I’ve felt while kissing her, yet, I LOVED IT.

End of POV

Gui Gui was still dumbstruck at what happened to her,  she was staring into space as she too remembers the feeling of his sweet kiss, the sweet kiss she’d been longing since that day. When she was pregnant and needed comfort, when she was in labor and needed someone to hold on too, the feeling that she’d thrown away just kept coming back.

These feelings that she’d never want to feel again, for her and her son’s sake, their son.

“Awww…. So he’s little Jared’s father. He really look a lot like him. Does he know him?” Again that voice appeared out of nowhere and started to give Gui the angry veins.

“What do you want Xiao Yu?” She asked him, not facing him for she might just explode.

“Nothing, just a sweet little kiss, wait, I think it’s just reserved for him… aww” He said and started to make a kissing face.

Gui Gui was about to punch the hell out of him when Hebe already threw him a few meters away,

“I don’t know why you two are fighting, but upsetting our guide here, you are an enemy.” Hebe glared at the man he threw.



This is to compensate for the slow update.

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fairytaill #1
Chapter 19: i honestly thought it was going to be one of those fanfiction that go on hiatus and never update ever again. I'm happy to see that it not the case for this. i really like the story and please continue, i know it's hard to write but your readers are supporting you.
Chapter 19: Finally, you update it ^_^
Thanks for continuing this fanfic XD
Looks like I have to re-read everything again, lolzzz .... becoz it's been so long and I kinda forget the flow of the story :|
I will catch up everything again^^
I am so glad that you didn't abandon it :D
Fighting!! XD
looks interesting
AaronGuiGuiforever #4
Chapter 18: Update soon Please!!!
I so love the story so much!
And good luck with your school, I really know how you feel, i feel like that too when im at school.
But anyways I'll support you no matter what and again
Update soon, GuiLun Jiayou Fighting!!!! :)))
Chapter 18: UPDATE SOON!! hope Aaron will remember soon:D
jenny24 #6
Chapter 18: Update soon:)Jia you for your school . Hopefully Aaron found gui gui.
lucky9606 #7
please update soon
I really like this story
what is going to happen to Gui Gui and her son
and will all the vampires remember her?
jenny24 #8
Chapter 16: Update soon.Who is Gui Gui?
update soon :)