Taeyang Fever (and its bonuses)

Yoonmin One Shots

For luvkpop who requested the prompt: “Yoongi gets jealous because Jimin is too busy fanboying over Big Bang.”


So okay, it’s not exactly Big Bang and I may have bended through the prompt request just slightly but I hope you like it! Excuse me for my lateness (I’m super duper late) but I do hope you enjoy this one >< Feel free to scream at me if you’re not satisfied with this TT.TT


I seriously don’t know what I’m doing with my life icri.






Yoongi gritted his teeth. Jimin was at it again. He rubbed his face irritatingly. Glaring at the younger from where he sat, hunched over scattered paper, writing his newest song. He was trying his best to concentrate but his train of thought kept getting broken as the other boy sings loudly.


His so-called boyfriend was belting out a popular Taeyang song, singing the lyrics flawlessly word per word. Like every syllable had been etched in his sleep. Encoded in his system and made to match for him to sing. He was seamlessly moving along to the beat as the music pounded softly from his mini speaker. He even began to add little hip jiggles and flapping his arm around as his other hand clutches an imaginary mike. Clearly, he was enjoying himself.


Yoongi continues to  glower, hoping that the younger would get the message and just shut up. Unfortunately for him, Jimin was too busy singing and dancing to even notice him. He growls in irritation before he spun around in his chair noisily, pointedly making a racket as he stared at paper again. He heard the music softly ebb away and Yoongi mentally cheered for successfully getting his message across. Yoongi really hates it when Jimin plays any of his Taeyang songs.


Just to be clear about things, he has nothing against Taeyang, really. Yoongi thinks he's a great artist, no lie in there. It's true, they differ in style but Yoongi can respect that. They are different types of musicians after all. Just as they were different types of people in the world.


But what really annoys him is that Jimin loves him to bits. He's not jealous (Okay, maybe he is. But only just a teeny weeny bit). But really, he's just a little irked because his songs are just as good as Taeyang's. Yet, Jimin doesn't seem to have the same passion that he has when it comes to the flashy idol.


Okay, so maybe his broody rap style is an awful comparison with Taeyang's pop and soul music. But still, Jimin is his boyfriend and if he can remembers correctly, Jimin is supposedly his number one fan.


He can still remember the day they first met. When Jimin came up to him during one of his underground rap shows. How Jimin introduced himself as a big fan. Looking at things now, Yoongi wonders if that was just a pick-up line Jimin used on him (It worked good, goddammit) but he quickly brushes off the thought.


Jimin wouldn't lie about that.


He continued to stare at his paper, completely uninspired. His thoughts were too muddled with angry curses and it doesn't really fit with the current theme of his newest project –which, unfortunately he has to finish soon- If only he can concentrate.


He was interrupted from his mulling when he heard the door creak. He turned to look and saw Jimin smiling at him softly. The younger stepped inside the room and proceeded to make his way to Yoongi. "Hey hyung."


Yoongi grunted in reply, not really in the mood. Jimin seems to be undeterred from his plan. Already used to Yoongi’s frosty behavior to even be slightly bothered by it. He knows the older like the back of his hand and already, he knows just when Yoongi is really pissed to just borderline irritated.


"Come with me hyuuung." Jimin whined as he pulled on Yoongi's arm. Yoongi glared at the younger, not wanting to leave his –still mostly blank- sheet of music. He really needs to finish this if he wants to make it in time for his next gig. He hates doing covers for Pete’s sake. However, Jimin seems blissfully unaware of his intentions (or he’s pointedly ignoring this fact and making a nuisance of himself) as he pulls on Yoongi’s arms harder.


The older of the two huffs in obvious defeat. Making his last ditch attempt by trying to be menacing but gave up anyway when Jimin gave him that look. Jimin knows Yoongi can't resist his puppy looks, one of the major reasons Yoongi even dated him despite Jimin being the opposite of Yoongi’s ideal companion. But no one can really blame him when Jimin just had to be so charming and persistent.


Coming to Yoongi’s Friday night gigs, leaving sweets with stupid little notes, cracking corny jokes, saying greasy pick-up lines and basically just hanging off of Yoongi’s side every chance he gets. Flashing that dumb smile and looking every bit the adorable he is. Jimin knows how to charm his away past Yoongi’s carefully built walls and the little uses it to his advantage as much as he can. With a defeated sigh, Yoongi sets aside his work and promptly stood up.


He followed Jimin outside his dimly lit room towards the room adjacent to his where Jimin pushed him to sit on a chair. "I have something to show you." Jimin says as Yoongi stares at him, confusion written all over his face. “I’ve been working on this for quite a while now.”


The boy turned to play something on his phone and when Yoongi realized what it was, his foul mood returned ten times the force of earlier.


For god's sake, why was Jimin playing a Taeyang song??


Jimin just smiled at Yoongi’s frown before he started to sing along the instrumental.


I know that I’ve been cruel in my selfish way

I’m looking like a fool in the end

I’m sorry if I hurt you oh baby


Jimin pouts at this part, taking Yoongi hands and clearly enunciating the words “I’m sorry” and Yoongi rolls his eyes at this. Although he seems uninterested, disgusted even, Jimin can see Yoongi’s ears turn a little red at the sentiment and he smiles knowing he had hit home.


Baby please just talk to me


Jimin lowers himself to kneel on one leg. Still holding Yoongi’s hand as he dramatically reaches out to caress the older’s cheek, expression contorted into seriousness. Yoongi rolls his eyes as he bats away Jimin’s hand before it could linger longer. Mumbling something about stopping the his embarrassing charade and about him already getting the message. The younger was already forgiven. However, Jimin doesn’t seem to have any intentions on stopping.


Looking like a fool


Yoongi jokingly retorts that Jimin really was making himself look like a fool to which the younger only smiles wider at.


Gotta get away from you

Oh tell me what do I do, oh


“I’ll tell you what, stop this already.” Yoongi grumbled as Jimin stands up although he doesn’t let go of the older’s hands.


In  your eyes nose lips


Jimin quickly kisses the corner of Yoongi’s eyes followed by two quick pecks on the nose and his lips. Not even minding for a bit that he’s offbeat now. Jimin quickly turns off the instrumental as he switches to a capella.


the way you used to touch my skin

your hair down to your toes

it’s like you’re standing right in front of me now


Jimin lets the remaining syllables fade as he gazes into Yoongi’s eyes. He leans in, smiling as he kisses Yoongi happily. The older readily responding to the kiss like it was second nature already. Jimin moves to sit on Yoongi’s lap as he encircles his arms around the older’s neck, deepening the kiss.

For a few long moments, no words were exchanged. Just the silent message of lips against lips. The smooth slide of muscle and the emotions tangling into a messy framework of clumsy limbs and frantic movements.

Jimin parted first, eyes shining bright and slightly out of breath. He smiles at Yoongi’s red tinged ears and moves to peck his lips again. “Am I forgiven?” he asks, straight to the point.

Yoongi grunts in response, eyes shifting away from the younger’s smoldering gaze. “Yeah.” he mumbles, tracing the smooth expanse of Jimin’s back. Jimin’s face splits into a happy grin. “That’s good hyung. Maybe then I can see what you’ve written so far?”

Yoongi laughs as he nods his approval.


Okay so maybe Jimin’s unhealthy obsession of Taeyang and Big Bang was just alright. Especially when used for things like this. Maybe the next time around, he won’t mind Jimin’s fixation on them. Just as long as he gets something out of it.





Author’s Note: What the hell did I just do?? I’m sorry I just killed the fanfic and the song. Someone throw a rock at me /cries/ hahaha its really late at night over here and I’m writing on a sleep induced state here. I’ll go over for mistakes when I have proper sleep /laughs like a maniac/ I hope the story was worth reading /hides/


btw that was Eric Nam’s English Version of Taeyang’s “Eyes Nose Lips” if you guys don’t know it yet (you probably already do lol) His voice is so nice *cries* I love both versions gawd.


Anyways, comment if you like and don’t forget to leave prompts and feedbacks!


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Im currently working on three fics that I hope to upload soon.


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Chapter 2: What do you mean its not great, its so cute, this could be a series tho, like they meet again when they're older (●´∀`●)O(≧∇≦)O
Chapter 1: Omg this was too cute, so adorable ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
NgocDiep36 #3
Do you mind if i trans this?
Chapter 10: That was cute as heck
luvkpop #5
Chapter 9: Omgee that was so cutee and thank your for witing my prompt ^^
srsly_crazy #6
Chapter 5: the first time they say "I love you" to each other
Chapter 5: I Haz like three

1. Yoongi or Jimin finds the other asleep on a park bench in the middle of the night

2. Yoongi or Jimin argue about what color to paint their apartment/house/living area idk

3. Jimin thinks Yoongi looks cute when he sleeps

:3 k I really like you. You're writing is amaze. <3
beri_aylinxD #8
Chapter 7: It doesn't matter what u write (I mean everything u write is perfection), as long as yoongi is the "men" in the relationship
meNmylifestyle #9
Chapter 5: Can you write some 'gangster's son' fic of them? ><
Idk why I really wanna read these kind of fic. eheheheheh
luvkpop #10
Chapter 5: promp: yoongi gets jealous because jimin is too busy fanboying over big bang.