Because He's Park ing Jimin (and I love him)

Yoonmin One Shots

Yoongi refuses to admit it but Jimin is and will be his only weakness.

"Hyung!” A short highly excitable teen scampered across the hallways. His short legs waddling their way towards him as fast as they could muster. Min Yoongi hid the urge to smile as he stopped walking to wait for his favourite maknae. Not that he’ll ever admit that to anyone.

“Yo, shorty.” Yoongi greeted a slow easy smile immediately appearing on his features. It only grew wider as an adorable pout formed in Park Jimin’s soft, soft lips.

“That’s just mean hyung. It’s not like your any taller.” he chided, mock hurt.

A strangled yelp is what escaped Jimin’s lips next as Yoongi trapped him in a bone crushing headlock, cursing about cheeky little maknaes and their disrespectful ways.

"B-but hyung you’re the one who started!” Jimin complained as he massaged his sore throat, gasping for air rather a little too dramatically. Yoongi rolled his eyes, smirking at the younger boy.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m older.”

"That just doesn’t make any sense hyung.” Jimin countered. “You’re older so you’re supposed to be the sensible one here.”

"Just shut up Park Jiminnie.”

"Hyung!” Yoongi smirked as he watched Jimin wail about that ‘infernal’ and ‘annoying’ if not ‘stupid’ nickname. But the older simply listened and repeated it much to Jimin’s despair. All the way to Jimin’s classroom, they argued and bantered making noise in the hallway as they walked. Jimin had the nature of never backing down on an argument, even a sinking one. Yoongi simply loved to tease the younger because he looks cute when he’s mad. Not that he’ll ever say it out loud.

"Bye Jiminnie~” he said as he pinched the younger’s cheeks. Stretching it as wide as he could and patting the soft skin after.

A string of stop it hyung’s and I’ll get back to you’s were heard in the background as Yoongi merely cackled and waved to the tantruming child. A soft smile crept up his lips as he walked the remaining distance to his own classroom. Being a senior, he had a different class than Jimin.

"Hey Yoong- hahaha what’s up with the face man?” Namjoon, he’s bestfriend commented cackling at Yoongi’s scowl.

"Shut the up man.” the shorter growled, a storm brewing and darkening his good mood.

Namjoon shook his head and slung an arm over the shorter man despite his scary face. He merely laughed as Yoongi jabbed his side rather weakly. Being a lazy man, Yoongi didn’t put much effort in anything even if that thing might be for revenge purposes. He simply just couldn’t be bothered.

But maybe he should so that this little piece of would stop bothering him.



Yoongi refuses to admit it but Jimin is and will be his only weakness. A simple smile accompanied by that annoying laugh of his –it’s cute really- and Yoongi finds his treacherous heart beating a couple beats too much. Jimin wasn’t really much to look at, with that childish face and all that baby fat. Though it’s just really Yoongi’s own denial of the fact that his dongsaeng is one hot piece of meat. It’s just that he had really matured into a fine young man. Much too fine and much too improved.

He finds himself getting more and more attracted to him, much to his distaste. Park Jimin used to be a scrawny kid with a stupid smile. But nowadays he garners attention from females just a little too much for Yoongi's liking. However, the little absolutely enjoys their adoration. Yoongi shovels his food in his mouth as he glares at the younger while he blushes and acts all boyish around his adoring fanclub.

It was lunchtime and instead of spending time with his favourite hyung, the little was instead sitting with the hoard of girls he always manages to collect. Chatting and eating their “homemade” lunch, giggling like freaks and ultimately making Yoongi feel like . Namjoon declares that he’s obsessed but he denies and says that he’s only annoyed by their noise.

Namjoon then points out that they were at least halfway across from where they were sitting and Yoongi declares that that fact didn’t matter. It didn’t really. Not when Jimin was seemingly enjoying himself without him.

Yoongi spent the rest of his lunch, glaring and imagining horrible punishments.



"Hey hyung!” Yoongi tried his best to ultimately avoid the person, knowing full well who it was. He speed walked, books clattering against his bag as he tried to ignore the persistent voice calling out his name.

“Min Yoongi!” Yoongi’s eye twitched at the familiarity and it fuelled his want to leave the person.

Suddenly a small hand roughly and admittedly strong, pulled him back harshly. Yoongi’s lithe frame didn’t withstand the assault and he grunted as he was pulled back, arms flailing as he struggled for balance and escape. He felt his body twist around and before he knew it, he was standing face to face with a furious looking Park Jimin.

“Min ing Yoongi.” Jimin growled out, seething and red in the face. “Have you been ing ignoring me all day??”

Yoongi felt himself bristle with irritation. “First of all, you are not allowed to curse in front of me.” Yoongi flicked the younger’s forehead and the other’s face contorted into a wince. “Second, you are never allowed to call me by my name only. Honorifics are required.” Yoongi flicked the younger again, his temple forming a reddening shade against tan skin.

"Lastly, what’s it to you when I’m ignoring you?” Yoongi scowled. “You can go back to your fangirls for all I care.”

Jimin frowned at his answer, rubbing at his forehead. “I don’t want to! I want to hang out with you hyung!” the younger said frowning.

Yoongi just stared at the younger like he’s a piece of lint before Jimin’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh my god hyung!” he suddenly gave a knowing smirk at him. “Is my hyung jealous of my fangirls?” he poked Yoongi on the side and the older of the two batted Jimin’s hands away.

“Shut the up. That’s not it.” but Jimin wouldn’t listen and he started teasing Yoongi. “Ahwww don’t be mad hyung~ Jimin still woves you~” the little cooed as he made googly eyes with Yoongi. He could feel the heat rise up to his cheeks as he pushed the younger’s face with his hand. Completely enveloping it before shoving it out of the way.

"Stop being an annoying Jimin.” Jimin giggled latching on to Yoongi’s arm as they began walking for home. “Yoongi-hyung totally loves me.” he said as he rested his head on Yoongi’s shoulder. "No I don't!" Yoongi tried shaking him off but he was like a friggin leech. He sighed in defeat as Jimin laughed at him, eyes turning into tiny slits. Yoongi secretly likes the proximity and the skin ship and he would never admit it but Jimin’s smile was his most favourite image in the world. Scratch that, everything about him is his favourite.

Because Jimin is and will be his only weakness.









"Hey hyung." Jimin said still latched on to him. Yoongi hummed in response. They were near Jimin's house now. "You so totally love me~"

Jimin sidestepped away from Yoongi, cackling in glee as the older missed his shin by inches. Yoongi's cheeks were aflame making Jimin's grin split even wider. But before Yoongi could even initiate violence or a sassy retort at the younger, Jimin stepped closer.

His eyes were shining with mischief as he tiptoed, pressing a sweet kiss on Yoongi's lips, lingering for just a bit before part

"Bye Yoongi." Jimin whispered in his ear as he ran inside his house, cheeks lightly flushed and a pleased smile on his face.

Yoongi stood shocked for a moment. Stunned at the prior events that happened way to fast for him to comprehend. "Ya! Park Jimin you little ! The things you do to me!" Yoongi mumbled angrily, snow white skin now a tomato red as he walked for his own house.

it all. Jimin definitely is and will be his only weakness.

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Im currently working on three fics that I hope to upload soon.


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Chapter 2: What do you mean its not great, its so cute, this could be a series tho, like they meet again when they're older (●´∀`●)O(≧∇≦)O
Chapter 1: Omg this was too cute, so adorable ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
NgocDiep36 #3
Do you mind if i trans this?
Chapter 10: That was cute as heck
luvkpop #5
Chapter 9: Omgee that was so cutee and thank your for witing my prompt ^^
srsly_crazy #6
Chapter 5: the first time they say "I love you" to each other
Chapter 5: I Haz like three

1. Yoongi or Jimin finds the other asleep on a park bench in the middle of the night

2. Yoongi or Jimin argue about what color to paint their apartment/house/living area idk

3. Jimin thinks Yoongi looks cute when he sleeps

:3 k I really like you. You're writing is amaze. <3
beri_aylinxD #8
Chapter 7: It doesn't matter what u write (I mean everything u write is perfection), as long as yoongi is the "men" in the relationship
meNmylifestyle #9
Chapter 5: Can you write some 'gangster's son' fic of them? ><
Idk why I really wanna read these kind of fic. eheheheheh
luvkpop #10
Chapter 5: promp: yoongi gets jealous because jimin is too busy fanboying over big bang.