To Bed With You

Yoonmin One Shots

"Yoongi, come to bed." a soft voice whispered groggily. Yoongi didn't have to turn around to know it was Jimin talking. "Later. Have to finish." he said in clipped sentences, busy editing his pictures. He had a lot on his plate at the moment and the sooner he can complete it, the better. So obviously, bedtime will have to wait.

"C'mon hyung." Jimin urged. Yoongi ignored him, not even bothering to look at the younger because he knows one look and he'll give in. Jimin was too adorable for his own good and Yoongi knows he's resolve will crumble in an instant if he looked. Jimin childishly poked the older but Yoongi just flicked the hand away.

"Jimin." Yoongi said in a warning tone. Yoongi could imagine the younger jutting his lower lip with those pouty red lips of his and he shook his head at the image. Park Jimin and his immaturity. The older felt another poke again but he ignored it. After a few tries, the poking ceased.

There was silence after that and Yoongi thought that maybe Jimin gave up, maybe even a little dejected. He could feel the guilt bite at him. He'll have to apologize later after he finished his work. Maybe he could treat the younger out as an apology. He just set to work again with the thought that Jimin had gone away but he was proven wrong when a soft pair of lips kissed his nape. Yoongi's hand stilted from its place above the mouse key.


Jimin pressed kisses along the back of his neck and Yoongi pretended he did not gasp at the touch. He inwardly shivered at the sensation, closing his eyes momentarily. He was about to whisper Jimin's name when he froze and realized his boyfriend's dirty little ploy. He won't fall for it. He'll ignore Jimin till he gave up.

Yoongi forced his mind to shut out the delicious feeling and his tingling skin. Instead, he valiantly tried resuming back to editing photos. But Jimin was the devil's spawn clothed in an angelic veil.

Yoongi took a sharp intake of breath when Jimin began to nibble on his earlobe knowing full well it was his weak spot. Yoongi cursed as his hand curled around the mouse violently. His boyfriend chuckled lightly as he nipped at his ear. He truly was the devil's spawn.

I will not fall for it.

He vowed to himself, forcing all of his concentration on the screen. His fingers going mad as he rapidly clicked on the monitor's screen. He won't let him win. Yoongi thinks that maybe he can ignore him but he was once again proven wrong. Park Jimin could really be persuasive if he wanted to.

Jimin had suddenly a stripe up his neck making Yoongi bite his lip to prevent himself from making any noise. He could feel the goosebumps appearing. But no. He will not succumb to this! He was a professional after all. Distractions were part of the job. But after a number of errors and Yoongi's hands jerking way too many times, he had to admit defeat. He could feel Jimin's smirk against his skin and he inwardly cursed himself for that.

Jimin peppered more kisses trailing upwards until Yoongi swivelled around his chair, facing him and ready to give him a piece of his mind but all words were left lodged in his throat. Jimin was sight. His hair was slightly tousled from sleep, a little ily. His pajama bottoms were hanging low on his waist showcasing a little too much skin down below and if that wasn't enough he wore no shirt. Typical Jimin.

The younger complains that it's too hot for shirts and Yoongi wonders just what on earth his skin is made of. Nevertheless, he enjoys the fact that he has a free pass to witness Jimin like this. Jimin's body is sin after all. He tugged at Jimin's wrists until the younger was forced to sit on his lap, thighs pressed next to his.

Jimin immediately looped his hands around Yoongi's neck, smirk in place and glint in his eyes. Yoongi impatiently pulled Jimin forward, kissing the younger's lips ferociously. His lover immediately reciprocated, pleased at Yoongi's reaction. The older bit Jimin's lower lip as punishment, making the younger whimper.

He pulled away and Jimin whined. "C'mon let's get to bed." Yoongi grumbled. Giving his laptop a longing glance before looping his fingers with Jimin's tugging him to their shared bedroom. The younger happily bounded for their room and Yoongi had to smile. "I'll just wash up. You go inside first."

"Okay." Jimin sing songed. Yoongi smiled before jokingly slapping his derrier lightly.



When Yoongi got inside their shared room, Jimin was already buried in the sheets. His almond brown eyes peeking at him from underneath all the covers. Yoongi scoffs at how childish his boyfriend is. It was such a vast contrast to how a few moments ago, Jimin had been seducing him to bed and the literal one too. Jimin really did want him to bed and rest.

Jimin opened his arms in invitation and Yoongi slid in right next to him. His lover almost immediately cuddled beside him. Yoongi put his hand on Jimin's bare shoulder, caressing him absentmindedly. The younger cuddled closer to him, flinging his arm across his body. Yoongi closed his eyes.

Damn Jimin. He fell for it again!

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Im currently working on three fics that I hope to upload soon.


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Chapter 2: What do you mean its not great, its so cute, this could be a series tho, like they meet again when they're older (●´∀`●)O(≧∇≦)O
Chapter 1: Omg this was too cute, so adorable ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
NgocDiep36 #3
Do you mind if i trans this?
Chapter 10: That was cute as heck
luvkpop #5
Chapter 9: Omgee that was so cutee and thank your for witing my prompt ^^
srsly_crazy #6
Chapter 5: the first time they say "I love you" to each other
Chapter 5: I Haz like three

1. Yoongi or Jimin finds the other asleep on a park bench in the middle of the night

2. Yoongi or Jimin argue about what color to paint their apartment/house/living area idk

3. Jimin thinks Yoongi looks cute when he sleeps

:3 k I really like you. You're writing is amaze. <3
beri_aylinxD #8
Chapter 7: It doesn't matter what u write (I mean everything u write is perfection), as long as yoongi is the "men" in the relationship
meNmylifestyle #9
Chapter 5: Can you write some 'gangster's son' fic of them? ><
Idk why I really wanna read these kind of fic. eheheheheh
luvkpop #10
Chapter 5: promp: yoongi gets jealous because jimin is too busy fanboying over big bang.