Extra Sprinkles Please

Yoonmin One Shots

Its sundays that Jimin really looks forward to. He'd wake up bright and early. The sun caressing his face as his lashes fluttered open. Then he would grin. Today was sunday after all. He quickly got up from his very comfy bed to splash his body with cold water.


He'd bathe happily before he would grin at the mirror. He carefully brushed his teeth, making sure that when he left, his teeth were pearly white and shining. He would happily bound down the stairs and greet his mom enthusiastically. After that, he would start a heated argument.


He pestered his mom for permission until the poor woman got sick of it and begrudingly let her son go. Jimin would always bound for joy before sprinting out the door in pure zest. Double taking to grab something to eat and the few bills his mom handed out. Then before his mom could blink an eye, he was gone.


"Bye mom!" was the last thing Mrs. Park would get to hear from her son all day and she could only sigh helplessly.


Jimin whistled a merry tune as he trudged along the wide expanse of road. Smiling to himself rather idiotically. He'd then smile at the passersby not really minding that they gave him odd and weirded out looks as a response. He would happily munch on the remaining toast and run all the rest of the way. Which always ends up badly with him having a slight stomach ache.


After a much needed rest, he would energetically sprint until he could run no more. But he doesn't stop he runs to the limits of his strenght until he sees his little paradise come to view.


He hits the public court nearby and settle into an empty seat, just in time for a basketball game to start. A few middleschool boys played basket every sunday and Jimin made sure to attend each one. Teams were divided and he'd chew his bottom lip in pure excitement.


As the startling whistle signals the start of the game, Jimin's chubby fingers clutched unto his shirt in anticipation. He'd holler loudly as he cheered for his favorite team. His heart thrumming as he prayed for his team.


A few more minutes and the game will officially end with Jimin's team a few points behind. Jimin was off his seat as he willed them to make it. He squeezed his eyes as he crossed his fingers.


Please make the shot. Please make the shot.



"Yes! A win!" Jimin shouted gleefully.


Jimin felt all the tension release from his body as he celebrated their victory. He wasn't part of the team but for some reason, he always felt overjoyed with their success. He caught the eye of one of the winning team's players and shouted gleefully.


"Hyung! Yoongi-hyung! Over here!" he frantically waved his puny little hands.


"Jiminie." the tall boy smiled a gummy smile, eyes turning into little cute half moons.


The older boy fondly ruffled his head and Jimin laughed happily. He returned Yoongi's smile with his own million dollar one, chubby cheeks lifting and eyes crinkling in the side.


"Someday, I'll be as good as you hyung!" Yoongi's lilting laugh filled the air as he once again ruffled the now pouting Jimin's hair.


"You don't believe me hyung?" Jimin's eyes drooped in dejection, much to his hyung's amusement.


"Of course I do Jiminie."


"No you don't!" and that's when Jimin grabbed the basketball tucked safely in Yoongi's arm.


Jimin stood in the middle of the court, eyes twinkling in mischief as he egged his hyung to join. To which Yoongi laughed to in bemusement. He joined the younger one on the court. He would then teach the younger for hours until Jimin started to tire out.


Yoongi took this as a cue to stop playing and offer to walk the younger home. The whines and protests from his dongsaeng will be ignored as he grabbed onto chubby fingers and started the walk home. To shut up the younger, a chocolate ice cream was bought much to Jimin's joy.


"I want extra sprinkles hyung!" Jimin pointed out as Yoongi raised a brow at him. "Please?"


Yoongi could only sigh as he gave in to his demand. Then after grabbing their cones, they'd continue their journey home. Jimin looked up at his hyung and studied him with great admiration. Yoongi glanced down in time to catch Jimin looking and the younger felt himself go pink.


"I'm gonna grow up just to be like you hyung." he mumbled.


"That can't be Jiminie." Jimin's face crumbled at his words. "You can't be as handsome as your hyung!"


To Jimin, the punch on his hyung's stomach was well deserved as he ran away from the fuming Yoongi. They'd run around the neighbourhood until they reached Jimin's home. Jimin's expression became crestfallen as he realized the day was about the end and he'll have to say goodbye to his favorite hyung.


"Bye Jiminie." and Jimin almost regretted running for home. "See you next sunday."


Jimin smiled at the though of the next sunday. 


Yes, sundays were the best after all.



A/N: Here's the edited version :) Thank you to prince-jimin, Jimin_loverxD, krispy_kreme_cutie, sambencha and viviartistik for subscribing. And of course to you~! Have fun reading and continue supporting BTS! Fighting!!


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Im currently working on three fics that I hope to upload soon.


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Chapter 2: What do you mean its not great, its so cute, this could be a series tho, like they meet again when they're older (●´∀`●)O(≧∇≦)O
Chapter 1: Omg this was too cute, so adorable ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
NgocDiep36 #3
Do you mind if i trans this?
Chapter 10: That was cute as heck
luvkpop #5
Chapter 9: Omgee that was so cutee and thank your for witing my prompt ^^
srsly_crazy #6
Chapter 5: the first time they say "I love you" to each other
Chapter 5: I Haz like three

1. Yoongi or Jimin finds the other asleep on a park bench in the middle of the night

2. Yoongi or Jimin argue about what color to paint their apartment/house/living area idk

3. Jimin thinks Yoongi looks cute when he sleeps

:3 k I really like you. You're writing is amaze. <3
beri_aylinxD #8
Chapter 7: It doesn't matter what u write (I mean everything u write is perfection), as long as yoongi is the "men" in the relationship
meNmylifestyle #9
Chapter 5: Can you write some 'gangster's son' fic of them? ><
Idk why I really wanna read these kind of fic. eheheheheh
luvkpop #10
Chapter 5: promp: yoongi gets jealous because jimin is too busy fanboying over big bang.