two: valentine's

Stay With Us

Ever since you and Jungkook finally introduced yourselves to each other, he actually acknowledged you in the halls. Sure, he also said hi to other girls and even walked with them, but he'd break their conversation to say hi to you, and every time he called out your name, you felt butterflies. He went out of his way to greet you and that was more than enough to make you swoon. The girls would glare at you, unapproving of him not giving them his full attention. Just one look from him could literally make your day.


Winter passed by quickly and Valentine's day was coming up. You were never really a big fan of Valentine's, but this year you actually had someone in mind. Teddy bears and poems were too cliche, so you decided to confess in an honest letter. Writing the letter itself took a lot of courage out of you so there was no way someone as shy as you could confess in person without making a fool out of yourself. You spent all night trying to make it perfect.

Morning of Valentine's came; you woke up a little earlier to get to school before anyone else. You walked over to his locker slowly, looking around to make sure no one saw you. Taking a deep breath, you quickly slid the letter into the slit of his locker and it felt like weight was lifted from your shoulders. Then you heard footsteps from another hall, so you scurried to hide behind a corner. You sighed a breath of relief that they didn't see you. You looked again to see who it was. It was another girl nervously sliding something in his locker.

You avoided Jungkook that day. You were scared and you weren't sure if you wanted to know how he reacted or not.

Would he start pretending that I'm invisible again? Or plot twist, he feels the exact same way. But he must have gotten a lot of presents knowing how popular he is with the girls...There's no way he could choose me over the others.

You did not want to see him at all, so you took different routes to get to your class and if you saw him, you quickly hid so he would not see you.


Originally you thought it was a good idea to confess to him, but now all you feel is regret. It was the evening of Valentine's day. After doing your homework, you laid in bed thinking about what Jungkook would be doing.

I bet he's on a date right now. With someone better than me.

You felt lonely and pathetic, so you decided to take a walk to get some fresh air and to clear your thoughts.

Maybe I'll go to the grocery store or something...maybe make dinner for my parents, something like that.

It was getting late and you didn't feel like walking far, so you took a "shortcut". Suddenly, you felt something wet drop on your face. You looked up and saw dark clouds. It started to rain, softly at first, then it slowly became stronger. You haven't taken this detour in a while, and it looked different when it was dark and raining. You sighed and wished Jungkook was here.

Walking in the rain alone is depressing, even more depressing on Valentine's day.

You continued walking and got lost in your thoughts. You imagined you and Jungkook walking together and it suddenly rained and you both laughed and ran in the rain and held hands and acted like little kids and jumped in puddles and then kiss-

"_____!!" His voice called out your name, and you wondered if you were dreaming. You snapped back to reality and looked to see that a car had stopped next to you. Jungkook took out an umbrella and ran over to you.

"J-Jungkook? Wha-" You were so confused.

Shouldn't he be out on a Valentine's date or something?

"What are you doing out here? It's raining like hell!" He said loudly so you could hear him over the loud pouring rain. You're stunned, not knowing what to even think. "Come on, get in the car."

He walked you to his car, opening your door for you and closing it after you get in. You were shaking from the cold rain. He gave you his jacket and you felt your heart beat fast when you could smell his scent on it. The car ride was silent besides the hard rain pouring on the car. You honestly could not believe this was happening.

Am I really in Jungkook's car wearing his jacket?

You looked out the window, realizing he was going the wrong way. "Wait uh Jungkook- my house is that way," you pointed behind you and he chuckled.

"We're not going to your house, babe," he said, looking at you and smiling. You were taken aback and formed an 'o' with your mouth.

"Oh uhm is this okay?" you asked nervously. You did not know how to feel about this.

"Yeah- unless you have somewhere else you need to be..?" he raises an eyebrow at you.

"No.. I don't actually."



The house was dark and you wondered where his parents were. Jungkook explained that his parents were on a Valentine's date and he was an only child, so no one was home. You nodded, still not knowing how to feel. You always wanted to be alone with Jungkook but you never thought you would end up here. He led you to his room and picked out a white shirt and boxers and your eyes widened.

Seeing your reaction, he laughed and said, "You need to shower and change into something dry, or you'll get sick." You smiled at how considerate he is.

You hopped in the shower and recollected what was going on. I'm in Jungkook's house... . Oh my god. Literally what is going on? You let the water fall on you and put your forehead on the shower wall to relax, taking deep breaths.

After washing up and drying your body, you put on his clothes; they were really baggy on you compared to how it looked on him, and you loved it. You left the bathroom with your hair damp, and walked back to Jungkook's room. The second you walked in, someone grabs you and pushes you on the bed roughly. You started screaming but he covered your mouth with his hand. You looked up at him and realized it was your own crush, Jungkook. You froze in shock.

"Shhh, don't be afraid, jagi," he said in a raspy voice.  He was on top of you making you unable to move. His eyes pierced through your terrified eyes. You were shaking, too scared to speak. He held your face and kissed you deeply. "I know how you feel about me- I read your letter..." He said in between kisses. You felt like your heart was going to pop out of your chest. You squeezed your eyes shut as he moved his kisses to your neck, holding you still and taking off your clothes, along with his own. Tears streamed down your face endlessly.


All you could feel was pain.



You gently pried himself off of you and put the shirt and boxers back on, still shaking. You walked out quietly, looking back at him, afraid that he will wake up.

Then you made a run for it.

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 2: wow when is part 2 coming out?
FallenDemon #2
Chapter 2: Chapter2: harmonal teenagers this days =_=' thats not how u confess its more like , this fool. Makin this girl scared. Anyways watt happens next?!?! 0-0
Kimjinchan #3
Chapter 2: Jungkook oppa her??!! O.M.G*jaw dropp*
myungyeol1992 #4
Chapter 2: You her! Ahhhhhh!
Chapter 2: Omg jungkook u don't have to confess like that. Update!
Chapter 2: omo..poor her,yah!jeon jungkook,why did you do that to her?omo,please update soon author-nim,i really can't wait for the next part^^
Chapter 2: raspy voice jungkook <3
luckyw #8
Chapter 1: don't forget to update :)