The Last Flickers of a Candle

It Has to be You [Hiatus]

I was worried out of my mind and I didn't know what to think. A week had turned into a month. And a month prolonged itself into two. But Yesung was still gone.


I had tried to keep myself from thinking the worst, but not having any form of contact with him only made that harder. Kyuhyun had tried dozens of times to get a hold of him, his family, anyone to tell us if he was okay. But there was never an answer. And so we were both left under a cloud of doubt.




I had reluctantly agreed to Abogee's proposition. And I felt nothing more than anger and sadness wash over me. Questions flooded my mind. When would I see Minhee again? Would I even be allowed to? And what of Kyuhyun? Would my two best friends ever know of my reasons for absence? Every answer was another stab at my heart. I would be stuck here, working like a dog, having no true happiness.


The only light I had at the moment was Jongwoon. But even that tiny bit of happiness would eventually fade. And that time had then come sooner than expected.




A doctor had been situated in the room next to Jongwoon's. For some reason, however, it only made me uneasy. And then that fateful night came.


I heard a rush of people flooding the hallway, their footsteps clacking noisily against the floor. I peeked through a crack in my door noticing the panic written on their faces and then...Abogee standing beside the room. Umma held a handkerchief, dabbing at the tears that were spilling from her eyes. And it hit me.




I pushed the door open and began walking to the room before I was intercepted by a few nurses.


"Sir, you can't go in there." They said, but I felt like I had to. I needed to see Jongwoon. I pushed their hands off me and quickly dodged the next set of nurses before making my way to the entrance quickly.


"Jongwoon? Jongwoon!" I called, shoving my way into the room furiously, ignoring the people trying to get me to go back outside the room. But I wouldn't.


"Jongwoon!" I yelled, aggressively making my way to his side. I kneeled before his bed and took his hand. His eyes were focused on anything, trying to stay open as he searched for me.


"Yesung..." his voice cracked and tears formed in my eyes. He was finally able to lock eyes with me.


"Jongwoon!" I said again, kissing his hand before holding it close to my heart. he swallowed before speaking.


" I'm sorry...I wasn't...always...there..." I shook my head violently, reaching a hand out and caressing his cheek.


"I love you so much, Jongwoon. You're my brother, no matter what." I tried to reassure him. A tear fell from one of his eyes, another one lingering upon the edge of his other.


"Remember...please happy...for me. Promise..." I leaned over the bed, wrapping my arms around him and speaking to his ear.


"I promise, Jongwoon. I promise. I promise..." And there was an unexpected warmth in his eyes before he shut his eyes for the last time and everything around me blurred into silence. It was as if the clock had decided to make the following moments slow and painful, the scene of him lying lifeless on the bed scarring me. I loved him.






I had taken his request to heart, even if I wasn't sure how I would fulfill it. At this point, happiness was too high to reach for. Jongwoon had been the last flickers of a candle for me. And now I was to find my way in complete darkness.


End of Flashback




When I opened my eyes, silence and darkness surounded me. And I wished more than anything to have her in my arms again. My heart hurt. It ached with a feeling of loss that made your stomach churn. And before I knew it, a tear escaped my eyes. As I stared at the cieling, it rolled back, caressing my skin with a cold tongue until fell into my hair.


It was too unbearable. The distance from her, the time... I didn't want it. I sat up in bed, glancing out at the solemn moonlight pouring in through the window. If only I could escape. If only I could see her again...


I was drowning in my thoughts of her. I stepped out of bed and took a seat at the unused desk in the corner of my luxurious bedroom, switching on the small lamp next to me. A notebook was lying there, also unused, and so I took it and quickly flipped it open. I found a pen nearby before hitting the paper with the pen. And I wrote.


I wrote to her, pouring out all of my thoughts and worries, but mostly my longing to see her. And even if she couldn't see the letter, I wished the somehow she could feel me still loving her, unable to let her.


Even from a distance.




Kyuhyun wasn't with us. He had to see the teacher for something. So it was only Jaejoong and I again. The atmosphere when both of my friends were present was impossible to decipher. There was some sort of tension in the air, and so the time we spent together as three was very little. One or the other would make some excuse and leave. And I didn't understand.


And because it was only and Jaejoong, we ended up talking about Yesung again. But I would answer any question.


"How did you find out?" he asked, drawing circles in the palm of my hand. We'd become so used to each other in such a short amount of time. We were comfortable. But his question did make me sad. It reminded me of the pain I felt, the tears, and the letter...




The letter was addressed to me. I noticed it when Kyuhyun and I had come to my house after school. When I got the mail, I wasn't expecting a letter from Yesung's family. I practically tore it open, anxious as to what it could be about, wondering if I would finally hear from Yesung.


But the gold rimmed letter only broke my heart and left it feeling scattered, the pieces never to be found and put together to make a whole ever again.




Ms. Choi Minhee,
We are sorry to inform you of a rather unfortunate even which has taken place. Beloved son, Kim Yesung, has departed our world, but leaves behind his memory for his loved ones. Kim Yesung's wishes before death included informing you of his passing as well as the cause, in this case being the cancer of Leukemia. Condolences to you on our part, for it was know that you were a good friend of his.
Sincerely, The Kim Family




My hands were shaking and Kyuhyun took the paper from me, quickly pouring over its contents. Tears already escaped my eyes and a strangled cry broke out from within me. The knot in my throat was suffocating me as I cupped my hands over my mouth, trembling violently. A few moments later I felt Kyuhyun's arms around me, encasing my body. I cried. And he cried too. The both of us were a trembling mess.


The pain heartwrenching as it had been with Appa.


End of Flashback


When I opened my eyes, a few tears escaped me and Jaejoong draped an arm around me before using his other arm to pull me closer. Comfort. This was it. I needed comfort, sure. But what I really needed was for Yesung to come back to me. For some miracle to happen so that I could have him by my side once again.


Then I would be okay.




I needed air after being bombarded by yet another boy who wanted me to be his girlfriend. I was tired of being asked out by boys who I simply had no interest in. I only had eyes for one boy. But he seemed so unapproachable...because of her. She'd managed to steal a lot of attention with the innocent character she was playing. And not only had she landed Yesung, but she'd latched onto my one and only as well.


But I guess she was trying the "Helpless Girl" personality now, crying into Jaejoong's chest. I wasn't surprised. Just disappointed. How many guys did she need to make herself feel important?




To Be Continued...






She spoke slowly and almost in a whisper. "Jaejoong is taken, understand?"



It really was the perfect moment...

I leaned in slowly, closing the distance between us, and pressed my lips to hers. Soft as the petals on a flower...



"Stay away from Minhee from now on. Or I'll make sure that you do."






Hey, everyone~! I am happy to give you all an update. ^_^ Although I'm sorry it took a long time. :( I'm trying to not do that. But okay, hopefully you guys like the story update and comment. By the way, i had a dream with Infinite this time~!!! I really am lucky, aren't I? ♥

They are so hot. So basically I was friends with one of them, can't remember which, but they needed a place to stay so I tried to convince my aunt to let them stay with us. She had lost her son, he died T_T, and one of the boys used to be his tutor so she didn't wasnt to let them but then i gave this really long speech and it made everyone cry, including me, about forgiveness and she was like. *tears in eyes* "okay...*

So they got to sleep with me~! *ahem, no y thoughts intended* but yeah, I got to share the bed with Hoya and Myungsoo. SO HAPPY. ♥ And for them to decide that we had to play a game where I closed my eyes and twirled around in circles until i stopped and opened my eyes to someone. The rest had to sleep on the floor, poor things. (they said i shouldn't sleep on the floor; so considerate~!) But we all shared one room. ^^

I love seeing your comments. So please, comment~! ♥♥♥

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I think you currently hold the best YesungxOC story yet ;)<br />
I mean, I was looking for fics with YesungxOC and I've found yours. You have good English and I love how the story is going.<br />
And Yeye is one of my biases, and it's actually rare to see awesome, non- stories here in AFF.<br />
Keep up the good work, I'll be waiting!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
I like 'in my dream' !!! The song is beautiful. Esp when it's yesung's line. :DD<br />
And you had a dream with yesung too?!!? Me too! XD and our dreams are mostly the same. Funny isn't it? :D <br />
He also sang to me and.. sit beside me and I also acted normal and we talked. XDD But I was surprised that he speaks in Chinese tho. Hehex.. ^-^ and guess what? He RUFFLED my hair! A looooooong time one. Kyaa~~ I was spazzing inside that time. And his killing smile. O.m.g. I can't-<br />
And yeah.. I figured out things will be like this.. But.. they will get together in the end rite?? don't disappoint me. :DDD<br />
Update soon! ^-^