This Was Jongwoon, My Brother

It Has to be You [Hiatus]

"Yesung!" I suddenly yelled, waking from my dream. Once again he had been just within my reach. Yet I couldn't touch him. I was left with a cold and dark reality.


I sniffled a bit, wiping away a tear and swallowing the suddent knot in my throat. The clock read 3:17 am. My lack of sleep was going to look horrible on me tomorrow. I pulled Henry into my arms and squeezed him tight, sitting up with my legs crossed. I sighed for the millionth time and leaned my head back against the wall. Yesung...




"You're going away for a while?"


"Yeah. I have to go see my parents. But I'll be back within a week so you'll be okay." Yesung patted my head, afterwards pinching my cheek and tapping my philtrum once. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him close and resting my head against his chest.


"But I'll miss you." I murmured.


"I know. I'll miss you too. More than you think."




I had been worried for a while. I wasn't sure what to expect when it came to my parents. Because we definitely weren't close. They had always preferred Jongwoon. Because he was the older twin. But it was impossible not to love Jongwoon. I was blessed to have him as my brother.


So Abogee calling me and asking me to come home was rare and unusual. But I would go home because of the fact that it was unusual. I mean, what if something had happened to one of them? Even if our relationship wasn't the best, I still considered them my parents. And they must consider me their son to ask me to come home.


And so I would. Even if I would very much miss Minhee while I was gone. Besides, it was only a week right?




I didn't tell Minhee that I would be leaving in the morning. Instead I spent the day with her at school, afterwards going to her house and spending some time cooking for her with Halmeoni. And I ended by singing to her. She loved my voice, which I was actually just a bit insecure about. But since she liked it, I was happy.


After kissing Minhee goodbye and leaving reluctantly, I had to pack and in the morning I set off to see my parents. But I guess what I found things to be was completely unexpected. And tragic.




"Yesung, you're home." My mother smiled at me sadly. She embraced me stiffly and planted a kiss on my cheek before calling for my father. He appeared at the top of the stairs of their mansion with an expression I couldn't quite decipher. What was going on?


"Son, it's nice to have you home." he said.


"It's good to be back." I answered, uniformly. Without words, my mother signaled for me to continue up the stairs.


"Yesung, Jongwoon is here." Abogee started before swallowing. "But...he's not well."


"What? What happened?"


"Yesung, listen." My mother turned me to face her once we arrived at the top of the stairs. I noticed Abogee looking down and I felt worried all of a sudden. Was Jongwoon okay?


" suffering from Leukemia. He has cancer, Yesung. And we're afraid he doesn't have much time left." I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. They were stuck in my throat, block by the knot that was suddenly forming. Jongwoon, my brother, had Leukemia?


"Where is he?" I asked, desperate to see him. Abogee raised his hand and motioned to the door across the hall. Without thinking it over, I quickly headed for the room, entering and shutting the door behind me before freezing in place. Jongwoon was there. In bed. Looking so fragile. I rushed to his side and took his hand in mine.


"Jongwoon." I called, noticing his eyes closed. But they slowly fluttered open a few moments later, and he tried focusing on me. I felt tears forming in my eyes. His skin was so pale, his lips so dry and cracked, his hair most likely gone, and I could tell because he wore a hat. But even with this, my brother was beautiful to me. And I loved him so much.


"Jongwoon..." I repeated myself, this time murmuring his name softly as I lifted a hand to caress his cheek. Yes, Jongwoon and I were alike in looks, but in other ways as well. Even with the very little time we were allowed to spend together as children and throughout our lives, we had a connection only to be found between brothers.


"Yesung..." he whispered, a sudden smile crossing over his lips. "It's good to see you again."


And I allowed tears to stream down my cheeks. Because I asked myself 'Why? Why wasn't I told before about this? Why now?' I was angry, yet saddened.


"Your hair grew." he chuckled lightly and I laughed like a madman with tears in my eyes..




I didn't want to leave his side, but a maid told me Abogee wished I go to sleep in my own room. And you couldn't say no to Abogee at all. It was law. So I made it mandatory for myself to get up first thing in the morning and see Jongwoon.


I plopped myself on the bed and stared at the cieling, wondering what Minhee was doing, what she would do in a situation like this. Would she cry the entire night? Or would she be stronger than me and say it would all pass? I wondered. And wished that Minhee had actually met Jongwoon.


And the fear that she never would meet him flooded me before my eyes reluctantly closed for rest. I wouldn't allow myself to think like that.




Most of my week was spent at Jongwoon's side, tending to his needs, doing whatever he asked. And mostly, like Minhee, he would ask me to sing for him. But things weren't going to get better. I knew it in the back of my mind. Jongwoon still spent time on his laptop, controlling the family business from there.


Why continue? I didn't want him to work anymore. I wanted him to rest. Yet he insisted.


My week had passed. But I wouldn't leave Jongwoon. And for some reason, Abogee didn't allow me to get to the phone. He said I should focus on Jongwoon for the remaining time he had. Which I agreed with, but I still wanted to let Minhee know that I wouldn't be back soon. And I wondered how she was doing without me. Of course I trusted Kyuhyun would be taking care of her. My friend.




"Yesung, come with me. We have to talk." Abogee said, and I followed him into the living room. I took across from him. His face was serious, which wasn't a surprise. Jongwoon's condition had made us all weary.


"You already know...that Jongwoon will not be with us for too much time longer..." I nodded in understanding. That fact was apparent from the beginning. he continued. "So you must at least be slightly aware of what that means for you."


I paused. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Until now, that is.


Who would run the family company beside my father now? Jongwoon had been in charge since the beginning. He liked business. He was a natural at dealing with it. A business of riches. Our family owned a diamond business. But now Jongwoon wouldn't be able to...


And I had the feeling that's why Abogee was talking to me now. But...


"I don't want it." I said, noticing his face go hard like stone. He stared me down long and hard, but I somehow kept myself from flinching or looking away from his gaze. And then he stood up abruptly, crossing his arms.


"But you will. Or things may become extremely difficult not only for you, but for Miss Choi as well." A sly smile crossed his lips and for the first time I actually felt anger towards my father. He was suggesting that Minhee's life would be affected by my decision. But not only affected, affected badly.


"Think it over." he said before dismissing himself. And I clenched my fists tightly. Was I becoming a puppet? Was I wrong to believe that Abogee was actually like a father to me? And then it hit me. Was Jongwoon Abogee's puppet too?




Jongwoon must've sensed my hostility because he took my hand and gave it a light squeeze. He watched me with sad eyes.


"Abogee talked to you, didn't he?" he said and I simply nodded before looking away. A soft sigh escaped his lips. "What're you thinking?"


"I don't know what to think?" I stood up and paced around the room, running my hands through my hair. "If I accept, then that means that I have to leave everything behind. And I just can't do that, Jongwoon. I can't."


"Is it becaus of Minhee?" I froze. Jongwoon knew about her? But then again, it seemed obvious that Abogee had been watching my personal life. Now that he needed me, he had to find out what he could use against me. It was so unfair.


"I'm sorry, Yesung." Jongwoon murmured, but I shook my head.


"And if I don't accept, everyone I love will be affected. Abogee will make their lives miserable." I went to Jongwoon's side and sat down again, looking up at him. "What should I do?" Jongwoon placed his hand on mine.


"I think you've already decided."




To Be Continued...






I had taken his request to heart, even if I wasn't sure how I would fulfill it. At this point, happiness was too high to reach for.



And even if she couldn't see this letter, I wish that somehow she feels me still loveing her, unable to let her go.

Even from a distance.



My hands were shaking and Kyuhyun took the paper from me, quickly pouring over it. Tears already escaped my eyes and a strangled cry broke out from within me. The knot in my throat was suffocating me as I cupped my hands over my mouth, trembling violently.






So, about that dream... ^^ It may seem weird, but yeah... Super Junior was having a concert at this one place, kind of like at a fair, and so I was going. But I had to do this project for my AP Government teacher. I think we were supposed to film or something like that, but yeah, we were at the fair place too. So as we were filming, I was getting distracted because I noticed Super Junior walking towards the stage, close to where we were AND THEN...I saw YESUNG. And as excited as i was, i acted normal, because apparently we knew each other? So yeah, we kept filming but then he started walking my way and my friends were like "why don't we just do this later. you probably just want to hang out with your boyfriend right now." And I was like "WHAT?" But i was happy.

So Yesung took a seat next to me and we just talked about really nothing. HE WAS SPEAKING IN KOREAN AND I COULD ONLY SEMI-UNDERSTAND WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! And he asked me to sit close to the stage when he performed so it could be like he was singing to me. I was like "OKAY." ^^ ♥♥♥ And then Leeteuk came and Siwon was with him. And they grabbed Yesung and said, time to go. So he was pulling me with him as they were pulling him. And then he went on stage and I was like, almost on top of the stage because of how close i was. But then my dream skipped to the end of the concert. we were on top of some building that looks over the stage and we were just holding hands and all. But he was soooo hot looking. Gosh, imagine him in the white outfit he wears it Super Show 3??? I can't remember, but i remember seeing him in it.

Anyways, after a while of not saying much he had to go because Leeteuk was nagging. *AGH, LEADER!!!* But so Yesung was like. "I'll see you later." I hope later is very soon.... ~~~ But anyways, after he left I remember being at the top of stairs and saying "Dorawa~!" Man, I wish I could stay with him like that for realzzzz. ^^ So enough of my rant about my dream. Any exciting dreams you guys have with SUJU??? ♥ They're the best. By the way, have you guys heard Yonghwa's Comfort Song? LOVE IT ♥

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I think you currently hold the best YesungxOC story yet ;)<br />
I mean, I was looking for fics with YesungxOC and I've found yours. You have good English and I love how the story is going.<br />
And Yeye is one of my biases, and it's actually rare to see awesome, non- stories here in AFF.<br />
Keep up the good work, I'll be waiting!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
I like 'in my dream' !!! The song is beautiful. Esp when it's yesung's line. :DD<br />
And you had a dream with yesung too?!!? Me too! XD and our dreams are mostly the same. Funny isn't it? :D <br />
He also sang to me and.. sit beside me and I also acted normal and we talked. XDD But I was surprised that he speaks in Chinese tho. Hehex.. ^-^ and guess what? He RUFFLED my hair! A looooooong time one. Kyaa~~ I was spazzing inside that time. And his killing smile. O.m.g. I can't-<br />
And yeah.. I figured out things will be like this.. But.. they will get together in the end rite?? don't disappoint me. :DDD<br />
Update soon! ^-^