Take the Beating Like a Punching Bag

It Has to be You [Hiatus]



"Yesung!" Kyuhyun yelled, wiping the snow from his face. His cheeks were red and I couldn't help but laugh along with Yesung. Poor Kyu got a snowball to the face.


"Yah, Minhee, don't laugh with him~" Kyuhyun pouted, trying to get the snow out that had been trying to sneak in his coat from the opening of the neck. He shivered.


"Sorry~!" Yesung laughed, pulling me into his arms. "And Minhee can laugh at whatever she wants." he grinned. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and made his way to the house. I giggled and looked up at Yesung who was watching me with a smile playing on his lips.


"Finally, he's gone."


"What?" I asked. 'Crap, is he gonna snowball me too?' I thought. I tried to pull away suddenly, but his tight grasp prevented me from getting anywhere and I was pulled back into his arms. I closed my eyes and expected the worst, a freezing ball of ice to the face. But instead, he pressed his lips to mine softly. Mere heaven. But stupid me by impulse pushed him away and started running. Only to end up falling down face first into the snow. I could hear his laugh behind me approaching as I tried to wipe the snow off.


"Yah~! Don't come closer!" I warned. But he ignored me and pushed me down on my back as I was about to get up. I felt my heart go crazy inside, beating rapidly. He got on his knees and leaned over me, taking my hands and holding them down.


"Y-Yesung..." I blushed as he watched me for a moment. I closed my eyes and he leaned in. I expected another kiss to the lips, so I let them jut out a bit. I heard a chuckled before feeling a kiss placed on my forehead. I opened my eyes only to hear him laugh slightly. Tricked me yet again...


"Get off." I pouted, looking to the side where I saw Kyuhyun standing just outside the door of Yesung's house...staring at us. When he noticed me noticing him he looked off to the side and I blushed, pushing Yesung off me.


End of Flashback


"Come on." I heard someone say, realizing it was Kyuhyun, snapping me out of my flashback, my daydream, the place I wanted to be. I would trade anything to have Yesung back, to get rid of this reality. I felt Kyuhyun pull me to my feet so I was standing on my own two legs and once again he wiped my tears, but this time with his hand. I allowed him to lead me away from the church until we were in his car, driving away.


"Minhee..." he started, but we both knew that it was one of those moments where there are no right words to say. And so we let silence envelope us.


Kyuhyun parked the car in front of his home, somewhere I'd been to a lot since Yesung wasn't there. I stepped out of the car and we made our way inside the house, going up to his room. I took a seat on his bed while he sighed, loosening his tie and slipping it off, afterwards ing a few buttons of his shirt.


"Do you want to talk about it?" he said. I shook my head, staring at my lap, swallowing the knot lingering in my throat from earlier. He nodded in understanding, going over to the dresser and taking his iPod out of one of the drawers, afterwards holding it out for me to take. I stared at it blankly before accepting it.


I switched it on, a playlist already playing. I heard SHINee's 'In My Room' the Unplugged Version. I slipped off my shoes and lied down on the bed, scooting over to one side so my back was to the wall. Kyuhyun lied down next to me, taking an earbud and placing it in his ear. As the song continued to play out my feelings, we simply lied there, sadness  hanging over us like a dark cloud. I wasn't sure when I'd see the sun again. But I wanted to remember the days where I had, so as I fell asleep I dreamt with those moments, precious and filled with happiness. Moments where Yesung was with me.




It bothered me. Almost to the point of insanity. It bothered me how much Minhee loved him instead of me. How good of a friend I was to never betray him. And it bothered me that he was gone. Because we really were best friends.


Minhee had fallen asleep already. The bags under her eyes didn't suit her at all and it worried me. She'd been crying for Yesung all this time, ever since the news. I knew because we were together when we recieved the letter. A simple letter with gold trim, from Yesung's parents.


I admired Minhee's pink tinted lips and pushed a stray hair out of her face. She looked so fragile now, unlike the strong Minhee she'd been playing off just a while back. But I knew that without Yesung she'd probably never be the same.


I closed my eyes and switched off the iPod, lying it on the dresser. I wished for sleep. But it seemed a little impossible at the moment, like all these nights before.






Yesung and I walked into our home classroom casualy and met up with Kyuhyun who was listening to music.


"Hey." he nodded towards us, taking the earbuds out. Yesung was grinning. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time to talk because our homeroom teacher came in, ordering for us to sit down in our own seats. We did as told. Kyuhyun was seated in front of me, Yesung next to him.


My own seat partner was absent. Her name was Tiffany. We didn't get to see her a lot since she was rich and always went on trips overseas, taking homework and classwork with her. Lucky girl. Maybe Yesung and I could go somewhere like that in the future, maybe the United States? Then again, maybe Tokyo, Japan.


During class I daydreamed about those places just a bit before Yesung discreetly slipped me a note. I glanced at him before opening it. He really played it off that he was paying attention.


"Don't fall asleep! Don't daydream! Just pay attention in class, Yeobo...to me~!"


I smiled and giggled quietly to myself.




Yesung was too lucky. Maybe he never thought I'd notice his feelings for Minhee. But I did. But again, it didn't matter because he beat me to her anyways.


I watched from the corner of my eye as he scribbled out a message on a torn piece of paper from his notebook. Minhee must've been falling asleep in class again, or daydreaming.


I guess I felt a tinge of jealousy when I heard her giggle softly behind me. I couldn't imagine what cheesy line she'd read. All I knew was that I wished it was me who had written it, that it was me who was making her smile. That she was in love with me.


But it wasn't. And that's why my best friend was so lucky.




And before I knew it, class was over. Yesung wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked out of homeroom.


"I'll walk you to your next class." he smiled. I nodded and Kyuhyun followed on the other side of Yesung. As usual, I received a few looks from girls that we passed. I wasn't the only one that wanted Yesung.


"I'll see you later." he said once we arrived at my next class with Kyuhyun. Too bad it wasn't Yesung's next class. Not that I didn't enjoy spending time with Kyuhyun.


"Okay." I smiled and he kissed my cheek softly before waving me off. Kyuhyun waved to Yesung but left to use the bathroom before class would start. I took my seat, waiting for the teacher, watching the door that Yesung had just walked out of.


"Yeah, I know. She's such a . She has them both wrapped around he little finger." I sighed, knowing very well that the sly comments were directed towards me. Since the day Yesung came off the single-list I was a subject of talk. For some reason people thought that I was cheating on Yesung with Kyuhyun, which seemed impossible to me since Kyu was only my best friend. But they were just hurtful comments I tried to ignore, especially ones about me not being good enough for Yesung, or how I tricked him into going out with me. There was a weird rumor about me even forcing him to become my boyfriend or else I would ruin his life or something like that.


They all sounded like something out of a fanfic or a manhwa. As if they were true. Yesung and I were just really good friends before everything happened, before he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was just lucky was another thing they said, but I agreed with that one. I was lucky to have been good friends with Yesung, lucky to be the one that he fell in love with. Girls had never really accepted me into their circles of friends anyways.


"Yeah, I hate es like her. She has them both as if she were so good." one of the girls spit my way. I recognized the voice as the "leader" of the group, Jessica Jung. I never really understood what she had against me. She was always mean to me and I just had to deal with it, take the beating like a punching bag.


I turned slightly to look at her, finding nothing more than a glare. Sure, it was a bit intimidating, but I wasn't going to let her know that. I had to act tough. But it was getting a bit harder to do so, especially when she's shooting daggers at me from behind.


"I'm talking to you, ." She emphasized the word as I heard her heels clicking on the floor, getting louder as she made her way over to me. She stopped next to me and pulled my arm, forcing me to face her. My heart was beating so quickly I thought it would burst out my chest. And I was forced to meet her eyes for the second that they were giving me a harsh stare.


And then she abruptly let go and took a step back, her eyes composing themselves into some innocent puppy dog look, more like a puppy that had just been kicked after gnashing it's teeth at someone. And then I felt someone gripping onto my shoulder. Kyuhyun?


"Don't bother Minhee like that again."




To Be Continued...






"Minhee, are you okay?" he asked, lifting my chin to look into my eyes once we'd arrived at the top. I nodded, nevermind the noticeable tears in my eyes.



It really did bother me. It bothered the hell out of me that girls acted that way. Jealous. Threatening. Coniving. Evil. And in the midst of their little fit they would hurt someone. In this case, Minhee.



"This is our goodbye kiss, which means only I get to do it." Yesung smiled. I nodded and closed my eyes, waiting. 





So yes, the next chapter will be continuing the past. This story is sort of like that so watch where it says flashback and stuff like that. Once we get to the super action though, there won't be any more flashbacks and we'll be dealing with only the present.

So how are you guys liking the story so far? Isn't Jessica a witch? Well, yeah let me know what you guys think! Comments please! I really want to know how I'm doing here. By the way, have you guys seen the beautiful poster up there? kimxb @fatefuldreamer.blogspot.com made it~! i love it so much, don't you?

Now, chocolate chip cookies go to KeJuYuMi_22, Dumpling21, and FicTIONal for commenting~! Comment for the next present~! You never know what it'll be! ^^ Until next time.

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I think you currently hold the best YesungxOC story yet ;)<br />
I mean, I was looking for fics with YesungxOC and I've found yours. You have good English and I love how the story is going.<br />
And Yeye is one of my biases, and it's actually rare to see awesome, non- stories here in AFF.<br />
Keep up the good work, I'll be waiting!
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
I like 'in my dream' !!! The song is beautiful. Esp when it's yesung's line. :DD<br />
And you had a dream with yesung too?!!? Me too! XD and our dreams are mostly the same. Funny isn't it? :D <br />
He also sang to me and.. sit beside me and I also acted normal and we talked. XDD But I was surprised that he speaks in Chinese tho. Hehex.. ^-^ and guess what? He RUFFLED my hair! A looooooong time one. Kyaa~~ I was spazzing inside that time. And his killing smile. O.m.g. I can't-<br />
And yeah.. I figured out things will be like this.. But.. they will get together in the end rite?? don't disappoint me. :DDD<br />
Update soon! ^-^