Act 3

Love Stage
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A/N: Changing my writing style(kinda), because i've been working on a xiuhan angst fic and it kinda get on me ._.

Previously on chapter 2:
Luhan slid his hand to cup Minseok's face, and he gave a sweet smile. Minseok stared at him. 'This guy.. even though he's a famous actor, he's not stuck up at all... He's a really nice guy..' he thought.

'He hasn't changed at all since..' Too absorbed in his thoughts, Minseok didn't realize that their faces had become near and nearer, and when he did realize, it was too late. "Huh?"

The next thing he know, his lips and Xi Luhan's are interlocked in a kiss. And he could only stare dumbly at Luhan's closed eyes.

Chapter 3: Act 3

Minseok could only stare dumbly at Luhan's face. What is... He started to realize a smooth feel on his lips. 'Don't tell me..' His face paled and his body went rigid.

"N... NOOO!!!!" He screamed, pushing Luhan away from him. Luhan fell on his back, and stared dumbly at the now running Minseok.

And Minseok, well, he ran out of the room. with tears on his face.

Meanwhile, everyone in the room was left stunned. The diractor gaped, his hands gripping the script loosely in disbelief. Aah... i knew it.. Baekhyun face palmed, sighing. Luhan was still on the ground. Actually, he hadn't moved at all after Minseok pushed him down and ran away. His head was full of thoughts.

...Eh? What...Did i.. do something? Why'd she shove me away like that..? Luhan was confused. Usually every girl would jump at the chance to kiss him, so why is this girl so different?

"Excuse us, she's a delicate sort. It seemed like she was just a bit surprised." Baekhyun spoke, apologizing at the murmuring crowd. "I'll see to her, so please wait just a few moment." With that, he went to chase after Minseok.

"Oh dear.." Heechul sighed. "And that was that child's first kiss, wasn't it?" she whispered at Hangeng. Obviously she hadn't meant for anyone to hear that, but Luhan has really good hearing, so he caught everything she had said.

First...kiss...? He blushed profusely. That was... Xiumin's first kiss? He knew he probably should've been sorry for taking Xiumin's first kiss, but he couldn't help but to smile when he realized that HE is the one who took Xiumin's first kiss, not someone else. 'So that's what it was.. that would explain her reaction then!' he smiled dumbly.

"Umm...are you all right..? Luhan-sshi...?" A staff asked worriedly when he saw the actor grinning with no apparent reason.
Meanwhile Baekhyun was banging the door leading towards Minseok's changing room. The door had been chain-locked, but he could still see the cowering and sobbing figure of one Kim Minseok.

"Xiumin-sshi! Please open the door!" Getting no response, he could feel his irritation bubbling inside. "OI, MINSEOK! come out this instant!!!"

"...No..." A hoarse voice answered him. "I don't want to.." Minseok was trembling, and he had his head buried inside his arms. "Please save me... Clarisse..!" Now he started to make unreasonable request. It showed how much of a shock he was in.

Baekhyun sighed when he heard what Minseok said. 'No other choice.. i suppose i'll have to ask him for help..' He took out his phone and rang a number. "Hello, Chanyeol?" A cheery voice answered him. "Heya, what's up~?"

He started to explain the situation. "Minseok got spooked by the kissing scene and has holed himself up in his dressing room." A gasp. "Well that's no good!" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Can you try calling him, then?" "Sure thing!"

"No problem~!" And Baekhyun suddenly realized that Chanyeol's voice was too clear and loud.. almost as if he's behind him. Wait. Behind him?? Baekhyun turned around.

Sure enough, there he was. Kim ing Chanyeol, striking a somewhat y pose and winking at Baekhyun. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Baekhyun yelled at Chanyeol, ignoring his i-am-innocent look.

"Well, i was worried about Minseokkie, so.. i came!" Chanyeol answered, as if what he said made complete sense and that Baekhyun was weird for even questioning him. "What about work?? The interview?!" Grabbing Chanyeol's shirt, Baekhyun half-yelled at the stupid-but handsome singer.

"Oh that? It got postponed." "Seriously?!" It was suspicious how convenient Chanyeol's interview was suddenly postponed, but Baekhyun needed this pabo right now so for the moment he'll let it slip.

"...Well, whatever. Actually that works out rather well, then." He jabbed his thumb towards the closed door. "Convince Minseok to leave the room he's holed himself up in and get back to the shoot!" But the issue here is how to get the door open, and Baekhyun was considering using a chainsaw to cut through the chain.

"Minseokkie, it's your hyungie~" Chanyeol sang playfully. Baekhyun almost wanted to laugh. There's no way Minseok would open the door just because of..that... 'WHAT??' The door indeed opened as soon as Chanyeol finished his sentence. Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol, who apparently remembered something important, because he turned to face Baekhyun.

"Oh. And if i manage it, be sure to give me a nice reward later, 'kay?" He said, winking. Baekhyun was sure his face was as red as tomato now, given the implications Chanyeol said. "You-" He wanted to yell at the stupid smiling blonde, but said idiot had already closed the door, leaving a fuming but blushing Baekhyun outside.

"...Seokkie?" Chanyeol called his brother, clicking the lamp switch on with the hand that's not holding the large wrapped-gift.

The sight before him was something he would never forget, not for a year at least.

A teary-eyed girl-wait is that really Minseok- turned around to face him, her lips pouty and pink flush on her cheeks. "Y-Yeollie hyung.." she sobbed.

"Minseok.." Chanyeol grabbed his brother's head. "OH MY GOD You're just super adorable!! SOO CUUTEEE!!" He squealed, rubbing his face on his brother's head. "That's my LITTLE SISTER!"

"What do you mean 'little sister'?!" Minseok yelled at his brother.

On the other side of the door, Baekhyun shook his head in exasperation when he heard the dumb brothers' conversation. His phone rang.

"..Yes, he's doing his best to convince Minseok.. Yes.."

In another room, the director sighed deeply and ended his call. "Xiumin's still out of commission, and we're running out of time.." he told his script-writer. Luhan frowned. He walked towards him and spoke quietly, "Sir? Can i have a word..?"

"So you kissed him? Xi Luhan?...And?" Chanyeol titled his head innocently, apparently not getting why his brother was acting so distressed. Minseok groaned in frustation. "That was my FIRST KISS, dammit!!" He yelled at his brother. Chanyeol laughed. "A little kiss like that's nothing more than a greeting, you know! I've been giving you kisses like that since you were just a little kid, Minnie~" Minseok wanted to bang his head on the wall. He had totally forgotten that his brother has spent a lot of time studying overseas. O

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i finally updated. sorry for being a really bad author guys ):


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Are you still update this fic?
laili_3 #2
Chapter 3: wah nice story... please update soonnnnnn.
Chapter 3: I was hesitating before if i should subscribe on this story and since you updated and you'll update again i subscribed. lol
Can't w8 for your next upd8. <3
27XIUHAN27 #4
Chapter 3: Great update !!! Thanks a lot !!!
Chapter 3: UWAHHHHHH please update soon!
poor xiu /pets
nacia90-16 #6
Chapter 3: Welcome back!!! It's nice to see an update from you - as always ^_^ it was really funny chapter and adorable ^_^ can't wait for the next one (and don't worry I can wait to January or longer :P )
Chapter 3: gosh~ an update! been waiting of this for years!

xiuhan will have more projects together right after their commercial. i knew it. ahaha..
Chapter 3: WHAT
i didnt subscribed this before???
liek whut
but yea now i've subscribed this and upvoted it too
omg i really love this
minseok's undying love for his clarisse HAHAH its just like me and my so-called-oppa relationship
and btw luhan HAHAHA nah you've already fallen for //him// you mini deer
and thanks for updating! enjoy your holiday and merry christmas too. x
Deerluvsbaozi #9
Chapter 3: Hahahahaha, so she had tiny .... Hahahahaha oh luhan u crack me up. I've read part of this manga years ago, but stopped, exactly at the part where the male actor found out his partner is also a man. So I'm anticipating the next chapter. Can't wait.
Animelia #10
Thank you for updating authornim, the chapter was cute and adorable. I'm excited for the next chapter. Good luck, and happy holidays!