Act 2

Love Stage
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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, i promise the next one will be longer!

WARNING: Bad grammar, Bad FF in general, really.





Act 2

"Minseok-oppa, Good morning! Give it your best today! Love love, Clarisse~" a cute voice could be heard from a room in the Kim household, more specifically Kim Minseok's room. The voice came from an alarm clock, it's insistent beeping trying to wake it's owner up.

"Minseok-oppa, Good morning! give it your best toda-" Minseok groaned, clicking the button on the alarm clock. The auburn haired boy opened his eyes and walked downstairs to meet his parents.

"Today's the day i get to meet Xi Luhan!!" Heechul squealed happily while munching through her breakfast. She went into a rant at her husband, who listened to his wife's rant happily.

"Isn't that great, Chullie?" "Last night i drank a lot of collagen suplement and used a really expensive face mask~" "No wonder you look even more beautiful than usual today.." he complimented her.

"Really?" Heechul 'kyaa'ed, and gave her husband a piece of bacon. Meanwhile Minseok stared gloomily at his breakfast, eyes downcast and poking the meat, not eating anything.

Right then Baekhyun came in, holding a bundle of paper in his left hand. "Everyone, you should start getting ready to..." he noticed Minseok's full plate.

"Minseok-ah!" he yelled at Minseok. "You have to eat properly! If you don't, your body won't hold out during filming!"

"Impossible." Minseok said flat-toned. His gloomy expression worsened. "If i eat, i'll barf. Actually, i'll barf either way." He poked his sausage. "And if i get in the car i'll definitely barf."

A vein popped in Baekhyun's forehead. 'This kid...urgh' He opened his mouth, ready to lecture him.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine! we have motion sickness bag~" Hangeng laughed Minseok's gloominess off and dragged him to the car, before Baekhyun could get to his son. "Come on, Minseok, let's go!"

"NOOO!! I DON'T WANNA GOO!!" Minseok struggled and sobbed, but his cry of desperation was ignored by his father. "Don't worry, papa will rub your back for you~"

Baekhyun sighed. 'He's like a kid who doesn't want to go to school..' He looked down at the paper on his hand. 'It's too late now, but i wonder if i should've told him this...' Said paper is a script of the commercial Minseok'll be doing, and one of the sentences was highlighted.  And the pair kiss. , it said.

"....." Baekhyun crumpled the paper. 'Yeah. Better not mention it.'
"Oh Gosh!! He's so cute when you take his glasses off!!" A woman, probably in her thirties squealed as she removed Minseok's glasses. The harassed boy could only freeze in his seat, as two other completely identical women started gathering around him.

"And ohh, it's the same eye color as Chanyeol!" "Such a pretty color!"

"Oh mai gawd, your hair's so silky and your skin's so soft!" One of woman said- let's call her A- while brushing the strands away from Minseok's eye. "His shoulder's so narrow too, it's like a girl's!" Another one squealed. The last one gushed as she rubbed Minseok's hand on her cheek. "You're so pale and your hands are so smooth~ Hey hey, what'cha think of going out with us girls?" She asked teasingly. Too nervous to even utter any answer, Minseok could only helplessly look at Baekhyun. His eyes were pleading for Baekhyun to save him from the 'torture'. The black haired man smiled at him reassuringly.

"Don't worry, these women are in charge of Chanyeol's styling too. You're safe in their hands." Somehow, Minseok doesn't really feel assured. He could feel one of them pinching his cheeks already.

Shortly after...

"Finished!" Following to the voice, A dashingly beautiful emerged behind the curtains, her long auburn locks framing her face cutely as she looked nervously and shyly at Baekhyun. She tugged at her long white dress, decorated with a single rose on the upper right chest part.

"Whoa!!" Baekhyun's eyes widen comically. His jaws dropped when he saw how... beautiful his charge is.

"Totally gorgeous, right??" The stylists laughed proudly. "A complete masterpiece!!"

"You guys really did a great job. I see nothing but a woman!" Baekhyun gave thumbs up at the stylists. He turned to face Minseok, "Like this, you'd make a great wife in the future!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WIFE'?!" He half-yelled half-sobbed. It looked like Baekhyun almost-or already- forgotten that he, Kim Minseok, is a boy. "More than that, don't you dare tell anyone my identity!" He threatened. "I'm already going to die of embarassment if they find out i'm a guy!"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about that." Baekhyun shrugged Minseok's concern off. "Very minimum number of people involved know who you really are within the staff. We've only told them your nickname, even." Nickname. As in Xiumin. Xiu from the chinese character that means 'fine, beautiful.' and Min from Minseok. His father really wanted a daughter, so he gave him the nickname. A sudden knock on the door outside made Baekhyun stop talking."Yes?"

"Sorry, can i give my greetings now...?" A sort-of husky, yet still light voice said. "By all means." Baekhyun replied.

"Excuse me!" The door creaked. A blond man holding a bouquet of flower walked in with bright expression on his face. "Morning! I'm Xi Luhan, and i'll be acting with you today!" He gave a 90 degrees bow. 'I-It's Xi Luhan... The real deal!' Minseok could only gape at the person in front of him. The man lifted his head up and looked at Minseok. He grinned brightly and a red tint appeared on his face. "Xiumin-sshi?" He strode towards Minseok.

"It's been a while! ten years, i believe! How have you been? Ah," continuing to bomb Minseok with questions, Luhan seemed to remembered something important and handed the bouquet to Minseok. "Please take these!"

"Eh? Umm... Thank you..." Flustered, Minseok accepted the bouquet. "...." Instead of pulling back after he gave the bouquet, Luhan stared at Minseok with a love-struck expression on his face.

"!?" 'Is he.. staring at something...?'

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i finally updated. sorry for being a really bad author guys ):


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Are you still update this fic?
laili_3 #2
Chapter 3: wah nice story... please update soonnnnnn.
Chapter 3: I was hesitating before if i should subscribe on this story and since you updated and you'll update again i subscribed. lol
Can't w8 for your next upd8. <3
27XIUHAN27 #4
Chapter 3: Great update !!! Thanks a lot !!!
Chapter 3: UWAHHHHHH please update soon!
poor xiu /pets
nacia90-16 #6
Chapter 3: Welcome back!!! It's nice to see an update from you - as always ^_^ it was really funny chapter and adorable ^_^ can't wait for the next one (and don't worry I can wait to January or longer :P )
Chapter 3: gosh~ an update! been waiting of this for years!

xiuhan will have more projects together right after their commercial. i knew it. ahaha..
Chapter 3: WHAT
i didnt subscribed this before???
liek whut
but yea now i've subscribed this and upvoted it too
omg i really love this
minseok's undying love for his clarisse HAHAH its just like me and my so-called-oppa relationship
and btw luhan HAHAHA nah you've already fallen for //him// you mini deer
and thanks for updating! enjoy your holiday and merry christmas too. x
Deerluvsbaozi #9
Chapter 3: Hahahahaha, so she had tiny .... Hahahahaha oh luhan u crack me up. I've read part of this manga years ago, but stopped, exactly at the part where the male actor found out his partner is also a man. So I'm anticipating the next chapter. Can't wait.
Animelia #10
Thank you for updating authornim, the chapter was cute and adorable. I'm excited for the next chapter. Good luck, and happy holidays!