Episode 22

The Fae

Okay guys so I totally lied and stayed up till 2 in the morning to do this for you haha, got a total burst of inspiration! That means of course, that there may be tons of early morning mistakes, so please take pity XD

And just to remind everyone the final time, it's still me, I just created the account Shachacha for this story. 

  Hoya sighed, staring at the pigs pen with crossed arms. He couldn’t decide if he should leave and let others be the ones to “discover” the evidence left behind, or be that person. With his mind filled, he stared into the sky, a shudder worked down his spine as he felt the land around him shift. L was obviously doing his part, rotting their world from the roots. Making his choice, he walked away from the stall. In the end, it would be better if they didn’t attach him to the memory. The muscles in his forearm tensed as he imagined the future. A war was coming, and soon he would be destroying all the humans that dared to step onto their land. He wouldn’t regret a single instant.


 ‘Hoya.’ L stepped up beside Hoya as he walked out of the gardens of the village. ‘Are you done?’


 ‘Of course.’ Hoya shot his brother a smug look. ‘We need to prepare for leaving. The rest of the caravan cannot remember us.’

 ‘I know.’ L nodded then looked up at the sky. ‘I think we should risk it. Head home now. Forget about the rest. We don’t need to be as careful now.’

 ‘You want to start with the other preparations.’ Hoya observed, they would need to have as many details as possible to tell the Fae. ‘I finished the map.’ He could feel the parchment rubbing against his back underneath the loose clothes the humans wore. They were not lazy while they were in the village, they had been making as many notes as possible. ‘What else are we going to do?’

 ‘Would it be too much to create conflict?’ L questioned. He had absolute faith in the Fae, he knew that they could destroy all of the humans.

 ‘It’s never too much.’ Hoya said with conviction. It was better to remove as much power on the enemies side as possible. It didn’t matter how pathetic their enemies would fail, they had to make sure they won. Hoya looked down the middle of the village, his eyes centered on the gate. If they truly wanted to, they could sabotage it, so that the villagers would be stuck once again. But, really, the Fae had the upper hand. They were going to win. There was no way they wouldn’t. It was that confidence that made him decide that they wouldn’t leave anymore nasty revelations for the humans.

 ‘If we leave now, the humans will know who we are.’ L looked conflicted as he stared at their surroundings. ‘I don’t know if I want them to know that.’

 ‘What does it hurt if they know?’ Hoya questioned. His fingers rose to his ears where, like every other Nix, they were split from the bottom. ‘They only don’t know because they are not looking hard enough.’

 ‘We’re not supposed to reveal ourselves, ever. We’re supposed to be a silent opposer.’ L’s forehead creased as he thought of what they should do. Or rather, what would be the wisest course of action.

 ‘The humans are ending that. This is all their fault. From now on, we can’t let them do as they please.’ Hoya said with conviction. ‘They need to take responsibility for their actions.’

 ‘They won’t.’ L retorted, he knew that was his brothers point. They needed to do this to the humans. They needed to make sure those beings understood exactly how much they did to the Nymphs. So far all they had felt was fear, anger, but not remorse. They didn’t understand the pain that accompanied the loss of family, the torturous empathy that wracked through the community as everyone suffered. As the connection with the lost ones was severed, torn apart by the selfish humans. His chest felt compressed as the weight of his emotions flooded through his body. Hoya placed his hand on L’s shoulder, giving him a steady presence. There was a time and a place to be emotional, and right now, they needed to focus.

 ‘Let’s go and see Hwijae, we need to see what he thinks.’ Hoya spoke soothingly to L.

 ‘Alright.’ L nodded and allowed Hoya to lend him emotional support. Giving Hoya that chance, lead to the emotions L was feeling leak away until he was left with peace. He knew what he had to do, and he would do it.

 The duo walked towards the caravans, ignoring all possible conversations. Their bodies were close and angled towards each other making it clear they didn’t want to be interrupted, but they didn’t speak a word. They refused to relax until they were sitting in Hwijae’s personal caravan, holding cups of tea in their hands.

 ‘So, what are you two going to do?’ Hwijae questioned in Nymphean as he held his steaming cup close to his face. ‘You are welcome to leave with my caravan once again, but that doesn’t appear to be that you wish.’

 ‘It may be wiser to leave as soon as we can.’ Hoya said as he placed his steaming mug on the floor of the caravan, then placed his hands upon his thighs. ‘We have lots of things to do to prepare. We would not leave quite yet though, we still have things to implement.’

 ‘I understand.’ Hwijae nodded then took a sip of his tea. ‘You know what I will say, tomorrow is the optimum day for travel.’ The trio sat up as the sound of footsteps came towards them. Hwijae expression looked heavy as he looked at Hoya and L. ‘I apologise, it seems we have a visitor.’

 ‘I can’t believe how hard it was to get here.’ The visitor exclaimed as he climbed into the caravan. ‘You won’t believe the-’ the man instantly smiled at Hoya and L as he sat himself down on a free cushion. ‘Well, look at the people we have, I never thought I would see any Fae here by choice.’

 ‘What are you doing here fox.’ Hoya demanded, scowling at the gumiho.

 ‘I’m here to see my friends.’ Was his smooth reply. ‘What are you doing here?’ Neither Fae answered instead they glared the gumiho down.

 ‘Ehhhh, how hostile.’ The gumiho cooed out, his smile made his high cheekbones stand out, making the fox in him stand out. ‘Hwijae, I came here for my gift.’

 ‘I know.’ Hwijae sighed and pulled out a box and handed it to the gumiho. Instantly he opened the box then pulled out an amulet.

 ‘You’re giving that to him!’ Hoya stood up so abruptly he almost knocked over his cup of tea. L was levelling the gumiho with a glare, not looking any more pleased than his brothers with what was happening. It was wrong for that gumiho to be given a Nymphean amulet, it shouldn’t be happening, he had no right.

 ‘It’s not for me.’ The gumiho said as he dropped it back in the box, smirking at the outraged Fae. ‘It’s for a friend.’ Hwijae merely sighed, well aware that the necklace had been showed just to elicit that reaction. ‘I appreciate the gift, so will Dalsun.’ With a wink to the two Fae, he disappeared from the caravan before they could attack him.

 ‘Hwijae! What are you doing? That filth shouldn’t be allowed near any of our stuff!’ Hoya’s fists clenched as he glared at the man he respected.

 ‘If you knew the situation, you would understand.’ Hwijae’s gaze landed at L’s side where an amulet and letter were resting. ‘If the gumiho’s presence disturbs you so much, you should leave now. He will no doubt be looking for ways to create chaos.’

 ‘I have no doubt one way will be revealing our identity.’ L said as he took a sip of his tea. His eyes closed as the rich taste of herbs and berries filled his mouth. ‘These taste of the sea.’ His words came out softly as he let the taste overwhelm him.

 ‘This tea is from a community of Nymphs on the borders.’ Hwijae said as he rested his hand in his lap. When Hwijae said they were on the borders, he meant bordering on becoming Fae, on becoming so frustrated, that it corrupted their innocence. ‘You can taste it, the growing fury.’ His dark eyes settled on the two Fae. ‘You know what I have to say about the coming fight, it would be better to leave the humans be. Go back to our roots. Make peace.’

 ‘After all they have done to us?’ Hoya questioned, scowling. ‘Never. They don’t deserve the torment they have delivered. In order for us to even consider it, that gumiho has to be out of business.’

 ‘He is surviving.’ Hwijae said calmly.

 ‘He is lacking morals, he doesn’t even support his own.’ L shot back. ‘You can’t tell us that you support his actions.’

 ‘I don’t, but he made his choices.’ Hwijae was not pleased with the choices made, but there was nothing he could do. However, in some instances, such as with Dalsun, he was able to work with him. And that made the choice easier to handle. Because, at least they could assist in some way.

 ‘It may be best that we leave then.’ Hoya said stiffly. ‘I don’t trust him.’

 ‘I’m not asking you too.’ Hwijae responded before waving towards their teas. ‘At least finish your drinks.’ Sighing, L listened to Hwijae, willing imbibing the drink.

 ‘You didn’t poison them, did you?’ Hoya asked, suddenly not trusting the older Nix as much.

 ‘Hoya.’ Hwijae looked at him directly in the eyes. ‘I don’t need poison to subdue you, drink only to relax. Do not worry about what I could do, because I won’t.’ Instead of drinking, Hoya pointedly ignored his drink, infuriated with how the day was turning out.

 ‘I’m going to head out.’ Hoya muttered before he left the caravan, letting the cloth covering the opening fall abruptly over the gap as he left.

 ‘What do you know?’ L asked as soon as Hoya left.

 ‘About what?’

 ‘This.’ L lifted up the bulky letter and amulet in one hand. ‘I never.’ His voice caught then he sipped his tea, trying to calm down. ‘I’m glad she is out of the village. She should not be here.’

 ‘You truly believe that?’ Hwijae questioned as he poured fresh tea into L’s empty cup. ‘This situation does not happen often, it truly is a special occasion, and it does not often end the way you are proposing.’

 ‘We swore, we joined with her. To leave her behind would be to leave one of us behind.’ L said with conviction. ‘How much do you know?’

 ‘I know as much as I possibly could.’ Hwijae said as he took Hoya’s cup of tea. ‘What a waste of tea.’ He muttered to himself before placing it down by the door. ‘I have remained in contact with Sooki as much as I could for a traveller. She told me all she could. I was not surprised to arrive and see things unfolding the way they were. That girl has always been too much.’ He sighed then sat down with a small smile. ‘I remember once when I arrived and she was still quite young, she had a habit of climbing into the caravans to see everything she could. Whenever her family could not find her, she was pestering one of the travellers to tell her every story.’

 L looked at Hwijae confused, that did not sound too odd for him. The children in their home was the same. They were always looking for stories, eager to learn. It was part of being part of the Fae, they were born to be connected, it only made sense that they tested out every connection they could.

 ‘I’m not saying this is not normal, but she was always a bit too excited with the supernatural. The elders had to teach her as many horror stories as they could about the other creatures in the world, they feared it would be the only way to keep her from exploring. She was much like her father that way.’ Hwijae shook his head. ‘My point is, L, that she had no chance of staying here. It is better for her to be gone. But doesn’t that give you hope? That there are people like her?’

 ‘You’re trying to ask if I’m as hostile as Hoya.’ L said, catching on to Hwijae’s point quickly. ‘I am, but as you said, she’s different. She was meant to be with us, from the beginning.’ His mind drifted back to the day she had tried to run away, how they had somehow understood each other, despite not what the other was saying. That connection, he believed it was there because she was meant to come to them, because she was meant to be a part of their community.

 ‘Why would you ask me questions if you believe yourself more than anything?’ Hwijae asked, staring L down. He wasn’t saying that L was wrong, not at all, he was just questioning the boys receptiveness.

 ‘I want to know if I’m right.’ L looked conflicted. He believed he was right, but that scared him. He didn’t know what it meant to be right, but it made him wonder if maybe, Dongwoo had known all along.

 ‘I can’t tell you if you’re right unless you tell me exactly what you are asking.’  L opened his mouth to reply before pausing and looked down at the amulet beside him. His eyebrows furrowed as it seemed to pulse. He instantly looked up at Hwijae who sighed.

 ‘What was that?’

 ‘What was what?’ Hwijae questioned, raising an eyebrow. ‘I will need a solid question, Myungsoo.’

 ‘Nevermind.’ L shook his head and looked down at the amulet suspiciously. ‘I am going to go out and find Hoya. Be well, Hwijae.’ He finished his cup of tea and nodded in thanks before leaving the caravan. He walked through the village, clutching the letter and necklace given to him tightly. He needed to get them put away before anyone noticed, they were meant for Yeonjung. He closed his eyes, feeling his head start to throb. The events of the day were only serving to give him a headache. They needed to get it figured out as soon as possible.



 L was walking along the main path in the village, kicking up clouds of dirt as he went when the villagers first started getting rowdy. Minhyuk was yelling as he ran, no doubt looking for Hyoheon. ‘I know where she disappeared from! I know!’ He cried out as he pointed towards the wall. ‘They took her where the pig stall is!!’ His arm waved about in the air as he yelled, and his words served to make the humans panic and look at each other uncertainly.

 ‘What’s going on.’ L raised his hand at the height of Minhyuks chest, stopping the scared bartender from running past him.

 Panting, he said, ‘we found out where Hyunsu was taken. The Fae came back for her, she wasn’t hiding from the wedding!’

 ‘They came for her?’ L questioned, making his face twist in concern. ‘How did we not see them?’

 ‘I don’t know.’ Minhyuk’s nostrils flared as he spoke. ‘Those monsters got past us all. We have to take them down, and we will. Hyoheon is going to ask Hwijae for the support of his caravan. If we’re lucky, they will stay and help us plan the attack. Will you join us?’

 ‘I go where Hwijae goes.’ Was L’s solid response. He knew Hwijae would never let the caravan join in this fight, he was not willing to sacrifice his men to such a thing.

 ‘Right.’ Minhyuk stared at L suspiciously before grabbing his bicep. ‘Come on, Hyoheon will want to see you.’ It took L a moment to remember that he was supposed be Myungsoo, a human person instead of his Fae self.

 ‘What?’ Myungsoo was the one that stumbled after Minhyuk staring at him with wide eyes as he got dragged back along the path towards the tavern.

 ‘Hyoheon, he likes you, for some reason. He’ll want to know your opinion.’ When Minhyuk said that, Myungsoo felt apprehension fill him. He didn’t like the thought of Hyoheon appreciating him. Hyoheon was the stereotypical human. A disgusting lump of talking meat, worse than even the dokkaebi that traversed the land. But, maybe if he said the right things then he could do that. When the two entered the bar, they were met with all of the young men of the village. Hyoheon, Zuko, Jinki, and the rest Myungsoo had not met yet. Even Hoya was there, standing with crossed arms and alone in the corner of the room.

 ‘I found out where Hyunsu went.’ Minhyuk said as he dropped Myungsoo’s arm and pushed his way to Hyoheon’s side. ‘I found ropes and dirt on the walls at the pig pen. Obviously, Hyunsu was kidnapped by them. They must have known what was happening. They kidnapped her.’ Instantly the room broke out in sound as everyone tried to say their own opinion. Myungsoo sat down at the table in front of Hoya with Jinki.

 ‘So, you think she was kidnapped?’ Jinki asked as he looked at Hoya, no doubt trying to be friendly.

 ‘I don’t know.’ Hoya scowled at Jinki, looking annoyed that he was talking to him.

 ‘Howon.’ Myungsoo snapped, trying to remind Hoya that he was meant to be Howon and not hate humans right now.

 ‘Fine.’ Sighing, Howon sat down beside Myungsoo, purposefully not sitting beside Jinki.

 ‘Listen to me!’ Hyoheon cried out, gaining the attention of the room. ‘The Fae kidnapped Hyunsu again, do you know what that means? They won’t give up! If they won’t give up that means our families are in danger. Hyunsu is just the start! Who knows who else those monsters will move onto next! We need to destroy them before they can destroy us!’

 ‘We already tried to attack them, we were at their mercy both times.’ Zuko interjected, gaining the attention of everyone as well. ‘I don’t remember you standing up against them boldly either time.

 ‘I wasn’t prepared.’ Hyoheon growled out, his frustration was making the veins on his muscular neck stand out. ‘None of us were. But we will be next time. We have to be. If we aren’t prepared then that could be the end of us! In order to win we need to stand united! My family will not let a single man leave this village without arms and training!’ His words sparked a confidence in the listeners, as they imagined a Fae free world.

 ‘Stupid.’ Jinki muttered, ‘there is no reason why we would win this time.’

 ‘Don’t you support the fight?’ Myungsoo asked, staring at Jinki curiously.

 ‘I’m a pacifist.’ He retorted, waving his hand in the air, before smiling sheepishly. ‘At least, I try to be, I always get dragged into whatever everyone else is planning.’

 ‘You shot Hyunsu in the leg.’ Howon stated with a glare, making Jinki jolt then flush.

 ‘How do you know that?’

 ‘You said it the first day we met you.’ Myungsoo answered. ‘You were asking how she was.’

 ‘Oh, yeah that was an accident. I thought she was a Fae, she looked like one.’ Jinki said looking at the table in thought. ‘I wonder if she left. Maybe she wasn’t kidnapped.’ He leaned back in his seat, not bothering to hide his thoughts from the strangers.

 ‘Everyone else thinks she was kidnapped.’ Myungsoo said as he looked around the room. They were all listening intently to Hyoheon’s continuing speech about fighting and rescuing Hyunsu.

 ‘They don’t know her.’ Jinki retorted before pausing when he looked at Zuko. ‘At least, most of them don’t. Just because we were raised with each other, doesn’t mean we understand each other.’

 ‘So you won’t fight then?’ Howon asked, ignoring what Jinki was saying. He didn’t want to be reminded about Hyunsu.

 ‘I will. I will no doubt be dragged into it again. Either way, I am not going to leave my friends behind.’ Jinki shrugged, he had long since accepted that he was easily pushed around. Not to say that he was strictly a follower, he just wanted to support his friends too much. Sometimes that meant letting them guide him.

 ‘A fight like this isn’t something you should get forced into. It won’t end well.’ Myungsoo said softly. It was too easy for bad things to happen. All it required was a slip of the mouth or someone being too trusting. For this situation, he would say that Jinki was too trusting. ‘If Jinki were one of them, it would be okay if he were trusting, the Fae would never betray each other. But the humans? That was a totally different case. He would never trust a human.

 ‘I know. But I won’t let them go in alone.’ Jinki said his words with a determined expression. He didn’t care what it took, he would try and help them. He had failed when it came to Minhyuk’s cousin Taehyung. He died upon their first encounter with the Fae. ‘Even if it will lead to my death.’ Jinki said as the young teen’s death fully encompassed his mind.

 ‘I understand.’ Myungsoo whispered, nodding at the human beside him. It was a foolish choice but an understandable one. Perhaps, if he met him in the fight, L would not hurt him. Afterall, Jinki was so far the best human he had seen. But, there could be no sympathy. They didn’t deserve it.

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as you can all see, I HAVE GRAPHICS NOW XD


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HunTy1204 #1
Chapter 27: Oh my god :'( finallly, this story has ended. Thank you for the amazing story, author. I am truly grateful for this
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 26: I love this update <3 one thing I want to just clear up so she is really one of them now. Also there's a sentence that I'm not sure if you left it like that on purpose but it's this sentence, "she could see something tugging at him like a long" and then it just ends. I'm glad you're back I thought I wouldn't hear about this story anymore.
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update!
foreverrprom15e #4
Chapter 26: Thanks for updating :) I'm excited to see what happens next!
jjaehwa_ #5
Chapter 26: Awww our Dongwoo has changed :3 that's sweet of him XD I can't wait to know what would happen to both sides (with their egotistical personality , hah kidding). Anyway , thanks for updating aurthor-nim !!
Chapter 26: For some reason, this is even more astounding than what was imaginning. XD
But some things still don't make sense to me. But I will wait and see If there Will be more answers.
And Dongwoo actually hugging her and saying things like these... Things have really changed. o.o
Chapter 2: Please update soon, I really like it
lizharuharu #8
I came back to re read this story and I love it just as much as the first time I read this I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 25: Omg wait! Wait wait! I'm getting confused!!
First, who the heck in that gumiho, and what he have done that the Fae hate him so much? And who is Dalsun, that needed an amulet? It's a nymph?
And what Hwijae means with "She was too much like her father" and "that are poeple like her doesn't give you hope"???? By any chance... she's a half-nymph!? O.O' But how could Dongwoo know? And who are the people who raised her then? They must be somewhat family, to take her in.
Argh, L is not the only one that will get a headache... I just wish there could be more humans like Jinki and more nix/nymph/fae like Hwijae...
Chapter 24: Don't worry! It's a story worth waiting for! You have your own life to attend to :3 Good luck on your new job!!