Episode 19

The Fae

I said this was going to be up awhile ago, sorry its late. I erased some things from it and went a different direction so I had to research some things first. But, here it is! 

‘We need to stop the wedding.’ L said. The caravan did not leave until the day after the next. From what he heard, the wedding was tomorrow. Nothing could be done unless they took her out that night or in the early morning.

‘No we don’t. We only need to stop the wedding if she’s coming with us, we don’t know that she will.’ Hoya crossed his arms ignoring the look that flashed across his brothers face.

‘We don’t know that she will?’ L’s face contorted in disbelief as he looked at Hoya. ‘Do you really believe she would stay behind with these humans.’ The word had evolved for L since he had arrived. He hadn’t come to peace with the species, instead, his view on them worsened. It took all he had to not just grab Yeonjung and run. His eyebrows scrunched together as he looked at Yeonjung, or rather, Hyunsu. He couldn’t see her the way the humans did, he couldn’t understand how they saw what they did. It was like he saw a completely different person than they did.

‘I don’t know, maybe.’ Hoya scowled at the bandage wrapping L’s arm, mentally chastising him for being hurt by a human. His younger brother should have known better than to let himself be hurt by an inferior being.

‘I want to go.’ L and Hoya both looked over at Hyunsu who had spoken loudly. The brothers looked at her before looking at each other in confusion. She couldn’t possibly be speaking to them. There was no way she heard them speaking, she hadn’t changed yet, at least, not physically.

‘What are you saying? Go where?’ Zuko looked over at the two strangers with a flustered expression before he looked back at his sister. It was obvious that those two were some of the last people he wanted hearing the conversation. But there was nothing he could do, his sister was insisting.

‘I’m not talking to you,’ Hyunsu said with a huff as she walked away from her brother. ‘The people I’m talking to know what I mean.’ Hoya felt an incredulous smile creep onto his face as he looked at L. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She was actually choosing them? What did her brother say to her?

‘Hyunsu!’ Zuko’s voice was strained as he followed after her. ‘Don’t misunderstand, that’s not what I meant!’

‘Then what did you mean?’ She stopped at the front door and stared at her brother with a challenging look.

‘I don’t want to talk with them around.’ Zuko lowered his voice, unaware that the duo could hear him either way.

‘I don’t care.’ Hyunsu’s face was void of any emotion the only sign that she was upset was the judging glare that was in her eyes. L felt an uncomfortable jolt when he realised that her expression was the same as Sunggyu’s when he was upset. Apparently she was picking up more from them than he realised. ‘This isn’t something to joke about or take lightly. It can’t wait. So, did you mean what you said? Just tell me that.’

Zuko sighed heavily and looked away from her, focusing on the fireplace. During his silence Hoya looked at L questioningly, the two had been too busy talking to know what the siblings had been talking about earlier. ‘I did, it’s true.’ Zuko finally said. He looked at his sister slowly, regret was evident in his eyes. ‘Hyunsu?’

‘I’m going to see Sooki.’ Hyunsu tugged on her shoes, not looking at anyone in the room.

‘You can’t! You’re not allowed to!’ Zuko panicked and grabbed his sister’s arm. ‘If you’re caught you’ll get in trouble.’ Instantly, Hoya found his interest growing. What kind of person could make the humans panic at the thought of Hyunsu seeing them?

‘I don’t care. If I’m not going to get answers from you then Sooki is my only choice. She’ll know, and she will tell me.’ With a jerk, Hyunsu pulled away from her brother and walked out of the house.

‘Why can’t she see this, Sooki, woman?’ Hoya questioned as he watched Zuko stare conflicted at the door.

‘Because she’s not a woman.’ He reluctantly answered. ‘Sooki is the only Nymph in the village.’ Instantly Hoya snorted, she couldn’t be a Nymph. They hadn’t seen a single female with a pendant. No Nymph or Nix would ever willingly go without their pendant, even after they became human. ‘Why are you laughing?’ Zuko glared at Hoya. Obviously, his view on him had not changed, and it had no reason to.

‘It’s silly, don’t you think? To stop your sister from meeting with a Nymph. Meeting with one will do nothing to her. So why stop it.’ Hoya stared at Zuko patronizingly as he waited for an answer. Instead of answering, Zuko scowled and left the house. ‘That was interesting.’ He muttered before looking at L who had a smile on his face. ‘What?’

‘Did you hear her?’ L’s smile curled into a smirk as he settled into his seat, his whole countenance was arrogant. ‘She just chose us. She said she’d leave with us.’ Hoya’s eyebrows furrowed as an uncomfortable expression flashed across his face. ‘What?’ L sat up, his lips curling into a slanted smile as he shot his brother a knowing look. ‘What’s wrong.’

‘Nothing.’ Hoya scowled and walked past his brother. He pressed his palm into his chest as if that would get rid of the feeling that had unbiddingly flooded his body.

‘She’s one of us, Hoya. There’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.’ L stood up and stepped towards his brother. ‘She’s family. And just like we won’t leave without her, she won’t let us leave without her. She can feel the calling. I know she can.’

‘We don’t know that,’ Hoya said with a growl. ‘She isn’t Yeonjung.’

‘Not yet,’ L admitted. ‘But she will be.’ Hoya frowned and looked at his brother. How could he be so sure? He didn’t want to admit that he was always feeling something different with her. He wanted to refuse the feeling he was receiving from her as much as possible. But he didn’t know if he could do that much longer.




In the end, Hyunsu hadn’t seen Sooki like she had wanted. Instead, she got pulled off course by her mother who had started talking to her about wedding details. She hadn’t gotten most of what was being said, she had purposefully blocked it out. The one thing she had hoped to hear was that Hyoheon would cancel the wedding because he couldn’t stand the thought of it being held when he had a broken nose, but no such luck.

That was why she was currently glaring at her own reflection, scowling at the white clad bride. And the dress was, indeed, white. It turned out that Hyoheon’s family had bought it from the caravan for her the day before. Hyunsu would have thought that it was a pretty dress, except for who bought it and why. The body of the dress was made with a thick cloth and was loosely covered with a thin white netting that had multiple flowers stitched into it. The same netting also covered her arms and was used for a veil. As her eyes drifted to the veil, she clasped it with a scowl. She changed her mind, the dress was suffocating her. Did it have to cover her whole body?

‘How are you doing?’ Buyoung smiled as she walked into the room. Her eyes were full of pride as she looked at her daughter.

‘How do you think,’ Hyunsu said with a scowl as she turned to stare at her mother. As soon as she spoke, she closed her eyes, wincing as she looked away. ‘I’m sorry.’ Swallowing whatever negative words might have come out, she focused on her own reflection again. ‘I don’t want to do this.’ She felt regret after speaking that way to her mother, caretaker, whatever category the woman fell into.

‘I know.’ Buyoung rested her hands on her daughter's shoulders. ‘But you have to, it will keep you safe.

‘Why not Jinki? Why Hyoheon? Why can’t it be anyone but him.’ Hyunsu’s voice cracked with desperation as she looked at her mother, begging her matriarch to cancel the ceremony.

‘You know Jinki is promised already.’ Buyoung sighed and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the stinging that was signalling tears. ‘I wish I could do more for you.’ She sighed and looked at Hyunsu through the mirror.

‘Zuko told me I wasn’t his sister.’ Instantly Buyong let go of her and stumbled back.

‘Did he?’ She sniffed and looked away, trying to hide the paling of her face from Hyunsu. ‘What else did he say?’ Her voice cracked with guilt as she walked towards the window, refusing to look over at the bride.

‘Nothing else.’ Hyunsu felt her jaw clench, she had wanted her mother to refuse, to fight against it, instead she had retreated. She felt guilty of all things.

‘Good, that’s all you need to know.’

‘No, it’s not. Am I even your daughter? How can I be your daughter if I’m not Zuko’s sister?’ Hyunsu’s voice shook as she glared at the woman she had once trusted with her whole being. Now, she most certainly did not trust her. In fact, she wasn’t even sure what she felt for the woman. Were they related?

‘Not anymore,’ Buyong said with a trembling voice.

‘Anymore?’ Hyunsu echoed. What did that even mean? This wasn’t making it better, in fact, everything Hyunsu was hearing made it worse.

‘I-I’ll leave you to calm down. Don’t want you getting the jitters on your wedding day.’ Buyoung’s body shook as she exited the room.

‘Jitters?’ Hyunsu stared down her reflection in the mirror, trying to ignore the helpless face looking back at her. ‘That’s the least of my worries.’ She grasped the dress and lifted it, testing the weight. ‘I need to go. I need to. But I can’t.’ She dropped the skirt of the dress with a scowl. ‘Can I?’ She just wanted to go, she wanted to run. She wanted to go back to the forest and not come back.

‘I’ll get you out.’ Hyunsu in a breath as she turned around as fast as she could. Her dress ballooned around her, swishing in the warm air. Hoya stared at her with a clenched jaw and folded arms. ‘L and I won’t be able to follow you, it’ll raise suspicion. But I can get you on your way to the forest.’

‘You would do that?’

‘Of course.’ Hoya said as he looked away from her. He hated the way his words filled her with visible hope. If he were honest, he would admit that he had wanted her to stay with the humans. He had wanted her to get married to the strange human man and to never invade his own world again. But, he had no right to keep her from it if she wanted to be there. ‘You have to understand if I help you now, then you can never come back here. You won’t be able to say goodbye. So, what are you going to do?’ Hyunsu faltered and looked back at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t know.





 When L entered the room that Hyunsu was supposed to be, it was empty. He gritted his teeth as the thought that he was too late crossed his mind. That was quickly destroyed when Hyoheon stormed into the room, his face was flushed, and his nose had a thin layer of grime from the potato slices that had been put on top of his nose. All L could say about the leftover suds, was that they did their job and Hyoheon's nose wasn't nearly as swollen and bruised as it could have been.

 'Where is she?' Hyoheon growled out as he started pacing the room, he didn't seem to notice L, instead he seemed to be focused on the floor as he searched for signs of Hyunsu.

 'It seems she got the jitters.' Aeko trailed after him with a scowl on her face. Her eyes flickered to L before she focused her attention on the young blacksmith again. 'You shouldn't be surprised, she's always been like this. Have you seen her?' Finally Aeko acknowledged L who responded by looking away. 'Sure.' She rolled her eyes, not surprised by the way he was ignoring her. The members of the caravans were always extreme in their social lives, either they were overly eager to talk and socialize, or they were like him and were cold towards outsiders.

 'It's my wedding day,' Hyoheon said, talking as if Aeko had never spoken a word. 'How dare she disappear on my wedding day.'

 'It's her day too.' L lifted his eyes to meet Hyoheon. They both stared the other down without saying a word. Aeko shuffled in discomfort, not understanding the flood of conversation that was occurring between the two men.

 Snorting, Hyoheon crossed his arms, with a move he ended their wordless argument. 'She was supposed to be watched over, she has a habit of getting scared. She's weak, that's why she needs me. Women need a strong hand to guide them, a man to lead them through their uncertainty.' His lips curled into a smirk as a look of contempt overcame his heavily set face. Instead of responding, L's chin lifted as he stared Hyoheon down. With a small scoff and a roll of his eyes L walked out the door. If Hyunsu really was missing that meant that he should be spending his time finding her, not continuing his talk with the hunk of rotten meat in the corner of the room.

 'I can't find her in any of her usual places.' Zuko announced as he walked by L to Hyoheon. The albino stared at L suspiciously as they passed each other, for some reason he felt uncomfortable around Howon and Myungsoo (as the humans knew them). He felt like he had to watch his back whenever they were around. He was validated in his thoughts, because as the feeling of paranoia started gnawing at him, L was glaring at him and considering deaths that were fitting for a human like Zuko. Someone who would willingly desecrate pure acts like marriage.

 Before he could hear more, L left the building. His eyes scanned the ground as he looked for signs of Hyunsu leaving. The dirt around him was well-trampled, but there were no signs of her. Stuffing his hands in his pockets again, he circled around the house, when he came to the window of the room he caught two sets of footprints leading from the house. His lips parted as he breathed out a heavy breath of disbelief. Crouching to get closer to the prints, he confirmed what he already knew. Hoya had lead Hyunsu out of the house. His eyes followed the marks towards the small shack that contained animals.

 'What are you doing back here?' L turned and raised his eyebrows at Hoya who stared back blankly, pretending he had no idea what L was mutely questioning.

 'Did you hide the rope?' He questioned as he came to understand the conflicted expression that was on Hoya’s face.

 'Of course.' Hoya nodded his head to the rope that was neatly coiled around a wooden placer that was in the outer wall of the shed. L gave a faint nod to acknowledge that he heard Hoya as his hand gripped the pendant he was supposed to give Hyunsu. Their job would be harder than hers. They had to come off as completely innocent to a group of paranoid humans that would be panicking and looking for her. He felt his head start to throb as someone started yelling in the background. They had two more days of this before they could leave, just two more days.



 ‘I don’t understand how she left!’ L covered his face as he listened to Hyoheon pace around the room. Somehow, Hyoheon seemed to think that L cared what he thought and made sure that he was in the room with his other buddies. ‘We had the gate of the village closed so that everyone could join.’

 ‘Maybe she’s not gone. She could just be hiding.’ Minhyuk said as he crossed his arms. ‘Have we checked the caravans.’

 ‘What are you insinuating? That we helped her?’ L scowled at the human who stared back at him with a suspicious glint in his eyes.

 ‘How do we know you didn’t. It’s rather odd, don’t you think, that you attacked Hyoheon so suddenly. In fact, ever since you got here all you’ve done is fight.’

 ‘Minhyuk!’ Hyoheon snapped, ‘leave him alone.’ No, L couldn’t understand the sudden camaraderieship the human male felt for him. He could only hope that it would help keep attention off of him and Hoya. ‘We’ll ask the leader of the caravans if their stuff could be looked through. Hyunsu might have hidden there without asking.’

 ‘I’ll talk to Hwijae for you, but I can’t guarantee his response.’ L watched as Hyoheon gave him a pleased look, he couldn’t help but feel dirty because of it. He hated that human, the one who disrespected the very idea of marriage.

 ‘Thank you. I’ll talk to Zuko, he would know the kind of place she would hide out in.’

 ‘So do you.’ Minhyuk scowled, acting as if it weren’t strange that Hyoheon knew as much about the girl that hated him as her brother. ‘Look, we don’t need some strangers help.’

 ‘We’ll need all the help we can get.’ Hyoheon crossed his arms and glared at the air. ‘We need to make sure we stay strong until we can launch an attack on the Fae.’ Hyoheon’s reminder of his plan sparked thoughts in L’s mind. Things he could do. L turned away so that the humans couldn’t see him as his lips curled into a small smirk. As the humans tried to find Hyunsu, he and his brother could stall the event. They could find ways to sabotage the humans before they even began.

 ‘I will go find Hoya, then, we will look for Hyunsu.’ L looked back at the humans with his usual blank expression. ‘Any ideas where to start?’

 ‘I don’t care, she just needs to be found.’

 ‘Okay.’ L walked out of the room and instantly sought Hoya out. The further he walked, the more his lips curled into an arrogant smirk, and his eyes started to spark with mischievous light. ‘Howon!’ He called out when he saw his brother staring up at the sky.

 ‘Myungsoo,’ Hoya said as he turned to look at L. ‘What is it?’

 ‘We’re looking for Hyunsu.’ His shoulder brushed against Hoya’s as he leaned towards him. ‘The humans are looking for her, we should stage it, so it looks like she was kidnapped.’

 ‘Why?’ Hoya looked at his brother out of the corner of his eyes, as his thick eyebrows furrowed.

 ‘They are going to attack us no matter what. We need to start getting the upper hand now. Hyoheon will take charge, that’s how he is. And if he believes we took her from him right before the wedding, he’ll be infuriated. The more we make him believe that he is right, the easier we will be able to surprise him.’

 ‘Then we’ll need to build some evidence.’ Hoya smirked and started looking around the village. ‘We should bring attention to where I helped her escape, the animal pen. Make them think it’s a weakness.’

 ‘While you’re doing that, I’ll be setting up other events.’ L walked away from Hoya, listening to the faint scraping sound of his older brothers feet against the ground. His feet led him to the backyard of the Nahm’s house. His eyes swept over the garden that contained most of the herbs and food of the village. Kneeling, he brushed his fingers over the tips of some of the plants. His nose picked up the subtle variation of scents from all of the different things growing around him.

 ‘With the end of a season, change comes,’ he spoke softly in Nymphean. ‘Prosperity may fall prey to the creatures that hunt within nature, and weather may seek to destroy what was growing. In return for their actions, may their crops fail and their land weaken.’

 ‘Myungsoo! What were you doing?’ L stiffened and looked behind him, wide eyed at Buyoung, Hyunsu’s mother. ‘Were you looking at the plants? I’m sure they’re fine.’ She laughed awkwardly before she smiled at him. ‘You’re helping look for Hyunsu, aren’t you? I’m sure she wouldn’t be around here.’ The woman’s eyebrows scrunched together as her eyes darkened. ‘I can’t believe she ran away. Disgraceful.’ She whispered quietly enough that if L were not a Fae, he would not have heard her.

 ‘I was just talking with Hyoheon.’ His voice came out rough, Buyoung looked taken back before she nodded. L couldn’t believe the woman in front of him. She had helped create the repulsive mimicry of a wedding and was calling Hyunsu disgraceful for leaving. ‘We split up to look for her, I was just talking to Ho-Howon.’ He caught himself before he said Hoya.

 ‘I see.’ Buyoung sighed and knelt down to look at the plants. She frowned and ran her finger through the dirt, scowling when a small bug scuttered away. ‘I’ll have to talk to my husband, beetles have found their way into the garden. I thought I had put down enough oil.’ She trailed off before shaking her head. ‘We’ll need to get this fixed.’

 ‘I’ll leave you to figure it out.’ L shot her a smile. Buyoung felt a strange chill from the look he was giving her, shaking off her reaction, she smiled back before looking around the garden more to check for more bugs. He watched her a growing look of amusement before he turned around and walked away.

The Fae never tried to attack the village before they only hurt those that left at night or were in their forest. But that had all changed and that was because of the humans. If they had been wise enough to not start a fight, they wouldn’t come to experience the true power of the Fae. L wasn’t sure they would even have time to regret their actions before they were finished.

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HunTy1204 #1
Chapter 27: Oh my god :'( finallly, this story has ended. Thank you for the amazing story, author. I am truly grateful for this
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 26: I love this update <3 one thing I want to just clear up so she is really one of them now. Also there's a sentence that I'm not sure if you left it like that on purpose but it's this sentence, "she could see something tugging at him like a long" and then it just ends. I'm glad you're back I thought I wouldn't hear about this story anymore.
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update!
foreverrprom15e #4
Chapter 26: Thanks for updating :) I'm excited to see what happens next!
jjaehwa_ #5
Chapter 26: Awww our Dongwoo has changed :3 that's sweet of him XD I can't wait to know what would happen to both sides (with their egotistical personality , hah kidding). Anyway , thanks for updating aurthor-nim !!
Chapter 26: For some reason, this is even more astounding than what was imaginning. XD
But some things still don't make sense to me. But I will wait and see If there Will be more answers.
And Dongwoo actually hugging her and saying things like these... Things have really changed. o.o
Chapter 2: Please update soon, I really like it
lizharuharu #8
I came back to re read this story and I love it just as much as the first time I read this I hope you can update soon :)
Chapter 25: Omg wait! Wait wait! I'm getting confused!!
First, who the heck in that gumiho, and what he have done that the Fae hate him so much? And who is Dalsun, that needed an amulet? It's a nymph?
And what Hwijae means with "She was too much like her father" and "that are poeple like her doesn't give you hope"???? By any chance... she's a half-nymph!? O.O' But how could Dongwoo know? And who are the people who raised her then? They must be somewhat family, to take her in.
Argh, L is not the only one that will get a headache... I just wish there could be more humans like Jinki and more nix/nymph/fae like Hwijae...
Chapter 24: Don't worry! It's a story worth waiting for! You have your own life to attend to :3 Good luck on your new job!!