Yay! The Weekend!

Dorm Life: With The Six Korean Princes.

You woke up around 11 o'clock to the sound of your brothers voice?

You: Jae Wook oppa?

JW: Anngyong~ dongsangie!

You: What are you doing here?!?!

You said excitedly.

JW: Here to take you home for the weekend.

You: Why?

JW: Because we are getting you your car today.

You: I don't want a stupid car. I just want my motorcycle.

JW: Well mom and dad won't let you so c'mon and get dressed and ready so we can leave meet me at my car.

You got ready and wore a oversized block v-neck t-shirt with a denim vest over it and ripped up leggings and some high heel boots.

As you walked towards one of the schools cafe's near the front of the school you quickly found your brothers dark sliver car. You opened the door to find...

You: Heechul?!?!

JW: You guys know each other?

Heechul: Of course we are classmates! We are besties!

You: Umm.. no we are most definitely not. I hate you!

JW: Yah! Don't talk to him like that.

You: Why not?! He's mean he and his little posse kidna-

Heechul quickly covered your mouth. Then you threw his hand off and it hit the window hard.

You: Fine! If hes coming with us then I get to bring a friend.

JW: Cool that works. Aww my little Jun-hee is making friends.

You: Shut up be right back.

You ran to your dorm really quick and saw that only Jeongmin was there. You really didn't want to bring him because you thought he was too bubbly and happy like but it was better than just that Heechul kid there.

Jeongmin: Hey aren't you supossed to be back in Seoul.

You: Well I was but I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me. Are you busy today?

Jeongmin: Nope No one came to see me today. So I guess i could go.

You: Cool Let's go then.

Jeongmin: Okay let me change really quick.

Jeongmin walked out of the bathroom and looked quite classy. It looked nice. He wore a dark gray v-neck
(they matched shirts ahaha) some dark wash navy blue skinny jeans and a dark blue cardigan with some grey boat shoes with his hair straightened.

You: you look nice.

Jeongmin: Thanks should we go?

You: Yeah let's.

You guys walked to the car and Heechul was now if the front seat but you didnt care much so you sat in the back with Jeongmin.

On the drive there it was quite interesting.

JW: Oh so Junhee might this cute boy be your boyfriend?

Heechul, Jeongmin, You: NO!

Heechul quickly turned his head to look out the window.

You: He's just my roommate. You know I don't even want to get married of have kids oppa~ you tease too much.

Jeongmin: I didn't know Junhee had an older brother. You guys are totally different.

JW: Oh I know right? haha I am just kidding. We are actually a lot alike.

Heechul: Really now.

Jw: Stop being such a wise Heechul.

You: So how do you guys exactly know each other?

JW: You don't remember? When you guys were either 7 or 8?

You shook your head and looked down.

Heechul: Jun-hee merry christmas!

You: What the hell are you talking about its November 2nd.

Then you just rememebred.


Little Jun-Hee at Heechuls parents christmas party.

You were walking around upstairs as some boys ran past you and pushed you and you bumped your head on the railing. A cute little boy (Heechul) helped you up.

Little Heechul (LH): I am sorry are you ok?

You: Umm yeah.

LH: I'm Heechul by the way my parents are hosting this party.

You: Oh soo you're the little boy everyone is talking about.

LH: Hey kid I'm older than you talk to me with some respect here.

You: Oh yeah? I'm 7 how old are you?

He was clearly older by looking at his height.

LH: Well I just happen to be 11. haha junior!

You: Whateveys.


Hey sorry to cut the chappie short no time to updte gah!


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Melodie94 #1
Chapter 31: Awwwww hahahah Domi :3 actually that is the name of a friend of mine who is Chinese and is a boy XD hahahahaha though I wanted to know more about the Youngmin's part owww I wanted to hug him so badly OAO
Melodie94 #2
Chapter 30: Omo!! so cute~
Melodie94 #3
Chapter 29: Update~ I need to see with whon she ends up!! >^<
IWillLoveYouForever #4
Update soon please :) !!
Chapter 16: please update this story....
Chapter 14: updateeeee!
B2UTY-K #7
Update soon~!
EunhyukOppaXD #8
EunhyukOppaXD #9
I would be pissed if my parents took my motorcycle away >:/