The Clueless Princess [JAEDY]



















Dara's POV:


    I sighed remembering yesterdays happenings, god! We're completely busted, why the heck Yoojin is his cousin?, I sighed for the 2nd time now and closed my eyes when I saw byul coming.


"Yah!, yesterday's an epic revelation day." She laughed out loud, aigoo look at this girl! Can I even consider her as a friend?? Coz I tell you she's not helping at all, dara said in her mind glaring at her so called "Friend". "You don't see their faces, it was completely epic" she said between her laughs holding her stomach. "They even asked questions at the same time, and their expressions are more epic" she laughed. I just looked at her w/ an unreadable expression, aigooo! If I don't consider this girl as my friend, I already kicked her off to hell.


"You seems enjoying it huh!" I said mocking her, coz I swear if she don't stop laughing I'm going to kill her right now, she's making a scene here.. Aigoo! We're in our freaking classroom and our classmates are starting to look at us, confused of how this little fella laughed her off early in the morning.


"Who wouldn't??" she chuckled. "but yesterday's happenings  seems a blessing in disguise to you, now! That they already knew you don't have to pretend anymore."She said smiling. "But it was so unforgettable. . ." she said laughing her off again.




"They are actually very closed, I know they are bestfriends, right unnie? Oppa?" Yoo-jin said out loud, and I was badly shaking, noticing it! Byul immediately holds me, the guys are really shocked at the sudden revelation since me and jiyong treats each other as strangers, we keep's on ignoring each others presence.


"Wait..wait! Can somebody here enlighten us of what's going on here?, coz I am telling you guys my mind stopped functioning right now and I'm confused us hell!" Seungri blurted all of a sudden, looking at jiyong and dara who's overly quiet, maybe thinking of some excuses.


"I agree, hyung? I thought we're friends but why didn't you tell me about this whole thing?" Changmin said pouting, disappointed of his hyung.


Jiyong, who can't take it anymore stood up and faced everyone. "Yeah, its true we are bestfriends, but its all in the past now let's just leave it from there! Don't ask questions if what's the reason, it's between me and dara's and you guys have nothing to do w/ it." Jiyong said coldy then he walked out, yoojin! Whose confused but follewed jiyong immediately. And everybody turned to dara, she's crying. She's hurt "The problem is I also don't know the reason jiyong" she whispered, byul taps her shoulder and hugs her.


"Please everyone, can't you see she's crying?, save all your questions when she's okay" Byul said dragging dara out, everyones have their jaws dropped. Jae's all quiet! Can't believe that his best bud jiyong actually keeps secret to him.


"oMo..oMo!!! I can't believe this is actually happened" Junsu said holding his head.


"I'm curious if what happened to hyung and noona?, aigooo maybe that's the reason why hyung seems out of the world this past few days" seungri blurted w/ earned jae's attention.


"This can't be. . ." Jae whispered but enough for them to hear.


"Can't be what hyung?" Changmin asked him confused.


"Nothing" he replied. "This can't be. . . .no! think in a positive way jae" jae said in his mind.


     Yoojin's trying to catch up on jiyong since he really walks fast.


"Oppa!" she said holding him in the hand. "What's wrong?" she said confused. "Can you explain it to me oppa?, why'd you and unnie became like this! I wasn't really expecting this since . . . . " she said not finishing her words when jiyong suddenly turned to her.


"Shut up!!" jiyong said out loud, then he closes his eyes after realizing what he just did. "I-I'm sorry okay, please just leave me alone for now, I need space..i need to think" Jiyong said in a sad tone then he turned his back and leave her, yoojin just staring at his back until he was completely gone she clinched her fist "Until now Dara, you have this big effect on him!!    This the last time you'll hurt oppa like this" she said w/ full of hatred in her voice.


End of the POV::




      Dara's under the Big tree thinking, she was sighing every minute.


"I'm sorry" a voice suddenly wakes her up then she looks up.


"Jae!" dara said in a shocked tone. "W-what are you doing here?" she said nervously. Jae, who's looking very serious and sorry stood still looking down at her.


"I'm sorry Dara, we crossed the limit..jiyong's right! We should not interfere w/ your lives, I'm very sorry to make you cry" Jae said kneeling and sounds very sorry.


Dara smiled at him then she caressed his face "Its okay, I fooled you guys by the way so you have the right to asked questions" she said, making him sit beside her "can I lean on your shoulder Kim?" dara asked jae playfully.


Jae smiled "Of course you can Park!" he said, then dara leans her head in his right shoulder she found jae very comforting, his very caring and sweet if she's not inlove w/ his ex-bestfriend she should've fall in love w/ jae right now, she just smiles for that.


"Want to know our story??" Dara asked jae.


"It's okay if ur not ready to tell me everything, I understand" jae said to her, she just smiled hearing him.


"You're such a nice guy, aren't you?" she said chuckling looking at his face.


"I am!" he said w/ full of confidence."That's why you like me" he said conceitedly.


Dara just laugh at him "You aren't that conceited are you?" she said chuckling. "Who says I like you?" she asked him playfully.


"Come on Dara, spill it out already I know you like me" he said winking at her, dara just laughed out loud at this.


"Yeah! Yeah! Think all you want, I won't win over you anyway" dara said laughing at him.


"Huh! You just admit it" jae said chuckling.


"Conceited!" Dara said chuckling.


"Atleast, I made you laugh" jae said smiling.


"Thanks jae" she said hugging him "You're such a nice friend" she said closing her eyes,


"A friend! Just a friend" jae closes his eyes "Clueless princess" he said in his mind.


"What if someone applies to be your boyfriend dara?" jae asked her.


Dara opened her eyes and laughed at him "Are you serious?? Who's in the right mind would want me as his girlfriend??" she said laughing.


"Me!" jae said in a serious tone, dara thought his joking so she just laughed at him again jae just shook his head looking at the crazy clueless princess.





hahaha sorry i was carried away^^ i

'm a theian too:))


next for the apples!!!


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B2tyBlackjack #1
Nickhun or Donghae pls!!!!!!!!!!/with puppy eyes/83
DONGHAE i guess????hahahahahaha
hmmmmmm ... I think it better if dara was with youngbae , hahahahahha :)))<br />
and bom ended up with tabi a.k.a TOP :)))<br />
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waiting for your next update
Nichkhun - 2<br />
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Yunho - 2<br />
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Donghae - 2 (since my friend recommend him to me)<br />
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cnu ba tlga?, hahaha
i want yunho!!! he will be good for the role
LazyLizZie21 #6
unnieeeeeee, The new Guy should be Khunnie:)
can it be top instead hehehehe im a jaedy & tabisan biased sorry i love those guys for dara ....
Jaejoong Oppa for the win!!!!!
mybabyLILOREE #9
i want YUNHO...kekekeke..i just want something new... i've read couple of fanfics bout d two and its good though der are only few fanfics but its nice.. :)
browneyesmouse04 #10