Insanity level 3

100 days to insanity

This is probably one of the days where Kim Taeyeon would smile brightly in the morning. She would usually wake up with a frown having to face endless schedules or having to deal with the loneliness of being with her other members. But today,she woke up bright and early with something to look forward to. As usual,she would tip toed out of her room in order not to wake the other members up and head for the bathroom to get ready for the day. She is due to meet Kevin by the Han River and 7.30 a.m. She didn't mind the timing though as long she gets to see his beautiful self right in front of her. His dark brown orbs glistening as he stare into her eyes. After the photoshoot last week, with them exchanging their numbers, they had been keeping in contact,in private of course since she don't want any gossips to happen.

After showering,she went into her room to look for the clothes that would look presentable on her. And of course for Kevin. It's their date after all. Nope, no Kim Taeyeon stop it. It's just a meet up with friends. Maybe he just feel comfortable in your presence. Stop it Kim Taeyeon. She opened the door of her closet and look at her clothes. All her clothes are just basically simple jeans,t shirt and some dresses which she did not wore in a long time. She sighed. If only Chaerin was here. You might be wondering if that's CL of 2NE1. Yeap that's her. Taeyeon's mind wondered back to the days when she was a trainee. She was originally a trainee from YG and one of the potential line ups from 2NE1. She was best friends with Chaerin back then and they trained together during that period of time. They did many things together, buying clothes, sharing stuff, gossiping about boys. With Chaerin around,she could behave like her normal self and confide in her whenever she misses her family. Things started to turn awkward between both of them after an incident. When she notice that Chaerin started avoiding her one day, she felt upset and alone as she is the one and only friend that she could really talk to and trust. However, when Taeyeon tried to talk to her that day, Chaerin just look at her with a dull expression on her face, expressing disinterest. Taeyeon got really fustrated and stomped out of the room,too angry to say a thing. She was still huffing and cooling down from her anger when she felt an arm wrapped firmly around her waist. She gasped and turned to see Chaerin smiled at her with a soft expression. 

"Unnie, I'm sorry for ignoring you these few days."


"It's just that it's hard for me, being around you like this and not....."

Taeyeon's furrowed her eyebrows and turned to meet Chaerin's eyes. What does she meant that it's hard for her being around? Does Chaerin dislike her or does she find her too annoying? Tears began to formed at the corner of her eyes she wouldn't meet Chaerin's eyes. 

"Wha...what do you mean? Am I too boring? Or too annoying?"

"No Unnie it's just......"

"No,Chaerin, you tell me. What is wrong. We are best friends remember?"

Taeyeon spoke softly,touching the other girl's arm lightly and looking into her black orbs for answer. When Chaerin still doesn't respond, her grip on her arms tighten and tears threaten to spill down from her eyes. She doesn't want to her the words. She doesn't want Chaerin to dump her for another friend just like what happened to her often when she was still schooling. Looking at Chaerin's face, she watch as the girl carasses her cheeks and swiped her thumb across a tear that spilled down. She didn't realise that she had been crying.

"Are you gonna...."

"Shh.....I'm not. Unnie,I'm just....."

"Just what?"

"I'm in love with you."


Taeyeon's eyes widened as she took in the news. Chaerin is in love with her. Her best friend Chaerin had a crush on her. She look at Chaerin with wide eyes as the taller girl looks back at her.

"I know. It's shocking and I didn't mean to tell you or I didn't mean it to happen but I just.... I don't know. It's just we both shared the same dream. Of desiring to become the top female rappers in Korea. We spent so much time together in the studio,writing lyrics,composing and all. And yes we talk about boys. However,I just don't feel the excitement or thrill when you said I'm compatible with Jiyong oppa. Instead, I just found myself looking at you. Thinking of how good it would be if we were to...... be a couple."

Looking at Chaerin, Taeyeon realise how broken and upset she must have been avoiding her all these time. However, Taeyeon is straight. She is not a lesbian and she doesn't have feelings for Chaerin. Thus, she found it difficult to open to tell her the truth. When Chaerin started leaning towards Taeyeon, just centimetres away from hers, Taeyeon considered closing her eyes. However, that would change her status with her in that instance when their mouth touches. She didn't want that to happen. She didn't want to hurt Chaerin's feelings but she didn't want to lie to her either.

Thus,when Chaerin's lips closes the gap between them,Taeyeon choses that moment and turned her head away. Chaerin look at her confused. Taeyeon did not dare to meet her eyes with Chaerin,she was afraid that if she looked,she might break down and cry.

"I'm sorry Chaerin, I just.... I can't. I don't feel the same way. I'm sorry."

Taeyeon pushed Chaerin gently away and ran out of her dorm room. For the rest of the day, she couldn't face Chaerin the same way again. Both of them stopped talking to one another ever since, even though she know both of them are avoiding one another. They grew more distant when Sandara Park came in to live with them. From then on, Taeyeon isolate herself and she feels lonely as Chaerin now had a new best friend with her. She transferred to SM later on after she left YG for year to take care of her mother, who was ill at that time. She knew when she left YG that she couldn't return again. She would definitely missed Chaerin but she just can't return her feelings. 

Looking at the her range of clothes, she realise instantly that she still miss Chaerin as a friend. Her awesome fashion sense is just what makes Taeyeon feel good going with her. To be honest, Taeyeon prefers hip hop style, graphic tees and sneakers to her usual image of cute heels and dresses. In fact, she doesn't good promoting the songs that the company gave her. She thought that they would allow her to produce her own songs which she desired for so many years yet nothing came out of it. She wanted to be a rapper but the company wouldn't allow her and trained her on her vocals instead. Although she excels in her vocals, she really want to stand on stage one day, as a rapper and show the world her songs that she wrote,but sadly that wouldn't happen. Without Chaerin, she is just a lost sheep. A lonely lost sheep. Although she have eight members with her now, she always felt invinsible and no members would adknowledge her existence unless she is on stage. She knows the members cared about her but she just can't help but feel that way. 

She was still wandering in her train of thoughts until her phone began vibrating. She looked down and realise that it was Kevin. . She panicked as she looked at the time and fumbled with her phone. She took a deep breath before answering.


"Hey Taeyeon, it's me Kevin. Why don't we meet at your dorm downstairs?"

"Huh? It's abit risky...."

"No,it's okay. I brought my car here so nobody would be able to spot you."

"Ah. Thank you. Well... I will see you in awhile."

"Sure. See you!"

. There is no time to think much about what to wear now. Taeyeon threw on a black tee with graphic design, a gift from Chaerin. Whatever. And her skinny jeans and rush out of her room. She grabbed her red converse sneakers and her clutch and ran out of her house. When she reach the first floor, Taeyeon put on her Gucci sunglasses even though it's 6 in the morning but still who knows paparazzi might be lurking in the corner. She spotted Kevin waving at her from his car, and hurried into it. When she got inside, she smiled shyly at him and he smiled back,giving her one of his eye smiles.

God damn it. Could he be more handsome? She reach over to pull her seat belt out but due to her sweaty palm and the fact that Kevin was sitting close beside her,she struggled and blush when she heard him chuckle behind her.

"Here let me help you."

She watch as he reach over close by and pull the seat belt for her, his face dangerously close to hers. She inhaled his scent as he pulled the seat belt over and she nodded a thanks to him,all the while trying not to scream out like a maniac. 

"Nice tee by the way."

She smiled and flushed with pride at his comment as Kevin drove off towards their destination. During their journey, they talk about their dorm lives and shared funny stories with one another. She love the way that he seems really down to earth and not the kind of guy who would show off to her and boast about how much money they have. She was lost in thought, wondering what they would be doing for their date later. Not date exactly but still, Kevin and her alone. Date seems like a legit term to describe the moment now. 

"By the way, Taeyeon I'm bringing you to meet someone later. You know her too."

"What? Who?"

"You will know later." 

Hmm who could it be? Taeyeon feels a little disappointed as she wouldn't be alone with Kevin but rather there is someone else joining. So much for anticipating a date. However, she also wondered who could it be. How is she related to Kevin? The thought of the other party being Kevin's girlfriend makes her feel a tiny twinge of jealousy. Could it be Chaerin? Nope,stop thinking of her. She knew she miss Chaerin but she doesn't want to spoil the modd right now thinking of her. She covered her disappointment with a smile and stepped out of the car when they reach their destination. She close her eyes and breathe in the fresh air at Han River. It's been a pretty long time since she had been out like this without worry. She looked over at Kevin who was closing his eyes,enjoying as the breeze caress his cheeks and his hair. He looks so handsome it's almost painful.  

"You know what's beautiful?" Kevin opened his mouth.


"Being able to enjoy the scenery here with your loved ones."

Even thouugh Taeyeon knew that loved ones wasn't refering to her, she can't help but blush at his words. Both of them stood silently for awhile until Kevin reached out to her face suddenly. She stared at him as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. She blushed and her heart beat quickens and she swears that for one minute, she thougt Kevin was going to kiss her. But no. He turned back to the scenery right in front of him. Nevertheless, she smiled to herself. 

Their moment of silent was interupted when she heard a female voice calling Kevin in the distance. Kevin look up and smile widely while she squinted, wondering who could it possibly be. The next thing she knew, a slender female went up to hug Kevin, then she run up to embrace Taeyeon. What the...... Why is she here? 

"Taeyeon, this is my new girlfriend Tiffany. Well, we have been wanting to give you a surpirse so..."Kevin scratched his head.

Tiffany? Stephanie Hwang Mi young? What the ? That was so unexpected. And she thought that Tiffany was single this whole time. And that thing with Eli? What the ? She have been flirting with Eli the whole time yesterday. And now she is dating Kevin? She can't believe that. And she thought she had a chance to date but Tiffany beat her to that. Well Tiffany always beat her to that. But still, she forced a smile out and mock chided Tiffany for not telling her although she was hurting and feeling a little angry on the inside. 

She kept quiet throughout their whole journey and watch as Tiffany and Kevin flirted and whisper sweet nothings with one another. When she watch as Kevin feed Tiffany with a small slice of cake, Taeyeon cleared and excused herself to the toilet. She texted Tiffany to meet her there. After waiting for a few moments, Tiffany showed up.

"Taeyeon, what is it? We could talk outside."

"With Kevin there? Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" Taeyeon asked,getting a little angry.

"Well, I wanted to give you a little surprise."

"Even if it is, still your thing with Eli. Aren't you interested in him?"

"What? Since when? My dear Taeyeon I guess you think too much. I'm faithful to Kevin."

"Sigh...What the actual "

"Woah hold up. Why are you so angry? Do you like Kevin too?"

"N...No. I'm just... you didn't tell me. And the others." 

"Well I'm planning to and besides his anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun. Chill honey. I will be outside." Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's and walked out.

What is she trying to say? That Taeyeon lacked asset? Well she do but still there is no need for someone to remind her. She fumed and wash her hands,all the while staring at the mirror. 

Things got worst when she and Tiffany got back to SM entertainment that afternoon. She was taking her break after practising her dance for Girls Generation upcoming concert when Baekhyun, her junior and a member of EXO greeted her in the hall ways. She nodded and smiled. She knew Baekhyun is a fanboy of her as he always like to after he joined the company and debuted. Seeing the look on his face, she knew she was in for another round of his teasing.

"Noona, you are dating right?" He smiled teasingly.

"What? No. What are you talking about?" Taeyeon look at him,confused.

"Eh, don't deny."

Baekhyun then took out his phone and showed a photo to her. Her eyes widened as she saw herself in the photos. Her smiling shyly. Kevin standing beside her, tugging a strand of hair behind her ear. The background is on the bridge at Han River. How the hell did he get that? Did he stalked her? This photo could cause a thousand rumors if it was release.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT?"she raised her voice.

She must have scared Baekhyun because he backed a few steps and look horrified. She huffed a little and glare at him. He then smiled sheepishly and showed the name of the sender.

"Erm.. Tiffany noona sent that."

What the ? How could she? When she was the one dating Kevin she sent a photo of Taeyeon and Kevin looking like a couple together. Without responding to Baekhyun, she took his phone and stormed into the practice room. The members turned to looked at her, a startled look on their face.

"HWANG MIYOUNG!" she screamed.

Tiffany get up from sitting on the floor and everyone turned to stare at her. She grabbed Tiffany by the arm and everyone look at her like she was crazy. Seohyun looks scared and worried while the other members have a confused look on their faces. 

"WHY DID YOU SENT THIS TO BAEKHYUN?!" Taeyeon confronts her the moment they were out of hearing range.



"I... well the company has already started to suspect that I'm a relationship with someone from U kiss but they don't know who. You know Baekhyun is a smart guy so I don't want him or anyone to suspect...."


"I'm sorry, but I really can't let the company know. You know how the company favours you and besides, you have more authority so please just help me cover..." Tiffany pouted.

"Hwang Miyoung,I already said time and again I'm NOT going to cover your mistakes. AND DOES THE MEMBERS KNOW?"




Taeyeon sighed angrily. Should she help? Or should she not? She looked at Tiffany with anger in her eyes. Should just abandon her members in times of trouble or should she get up and help?


HEYY GUYS I'M BACK AGAIN HAHAH!! Personally I just think that Tiffany is being pure mean in this chapter but yea and poor Taeyeon. Do you think Taeyeon should help her? Comment and subscribe to the story :D



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Iloveexalot #1
Chapter 3: No she shouldn't help her! She should fix her own mistakes! ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) anyways can't wait for your next update!
lolalovetae #2
Chapter 3: No. I hate people who think about themselves like Tiff. Spare my Taeng's heartache T^T anyway...this is a very interesting story authornim!
bronzenimbus108 #3
Chapter 1: The story sounds interesting...keep updating author nim!!
taeng's character in this story is somewhat the same as i feel lonely...