Insanity level 2

100 days to insanity

She looked around,terrified as she walked down the crikety steps,the stairs creaking nosily beneath her. She couldn't bring herself to look behind. She know they were there, the paparazzis, the crowd, her boss and her members.... And there was him. She couldn't reveal herself in this state, mentally unstable and unsound. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her and she bumped into a wall with a mirror. Yeah, I must look pretty because there are cameras filming her. She took out her compact powder, her blusher, her eyebrow pencil and some concealer from her mini baby pink make up kit and put on her makeup. She dabbed a little powder onto her face and she smirked a little,feeling proud that nobody, not even him could see her flaws now.

"Hmm,what's this?" She spot a brown patch on her face and she frowned,thinking that the concealer did not do a good job in covering her scars.

However, when her fingers came into contact with her face, bits and pieces of her skin started peeling and drying up. Then, it falls off,white and flaky on her hospital gown and the floor. She panicked and tried to cover her face with make up but more bits of skin started to dry up like shirleved prunes. She heard the clicks of the camera, getting closer and nearer to her. She had to run. She had to hide. Her footsteps echoed loud on the stairs as she ran up frantically, crying and screaming as more sound,more cameras clicked and more noise buzzed behind her. 

You have no where to run now girl. You are just a plastic girl who is old and ugly, now show your damn face! A voice screamed right into her ear.

She scream and her knees hit the stairs hard. She had to keep running, she clenched her teeth and tear at her hair as tears streamed down her face. No, no stop it. Shut the up! She scream and she heard his voice, laughing and mocking her with her members. She couldn't take it anymore. She turned around and scream at the top of her lungs. She felt something wet dripping on her shoes,and when she touch her hand to her neck, crimson red liquid stain her fingers. I'm bleeding.... She looked up and the crowd stared at her with a blank look on their face. Then they walked slowly towards her, steps after steps as the paparazzis raised the cameras, blood shot out from the shutters and her members open their mouths to reveal fangs that glim in the light. She was horrified and she stood rooted to the spot,while they spread their wings out and swooped down with a group of vultures,looking for some fresh meat.

This is how a vulture looks like. So let your imaginations run wild and imagine if you are the one being targeted as their victims.

Then she open her eyes and a pair of eyes stared back at her. She scream and bumped her head into Yuri, who wince and fall off her bed.

"Ow, Taeyeon what the hell?"

She squint her eyes and look around. She was not in that eerie place. She was in her dorm room, hugging her stuff toy when she woke up screaming from her nightmare. Her stuff toy was tossed on the floor and she heard a loud groan. She sighed in relief and stumbled from her bed to help Yuri up. Man,I must have reacted pretty badly. She thought.

"Seriously,Taeyeon what is going on?" Yuri groan in pain and rub a bump on her forehead.

"Mianhae,I...I was having a nightmare. Are you okay?" Taeyeon ask and she felt guiity and worried for bumping into Yuri.

"I'm fine. I just..ow I saw you tossing and turning in bed with beads of sweat on your forehead. I was worried so I got up to take a good look at you and you are mumbling in your sleep. Are you okay Taeyeon?"

Taeyeon nodded her head in response and smiled to herself. Because finally someone said that she cared about her. Not that she loved attention, in fact up till now, she still felt pretty awkward when the spotlight is on her. From the day she entered the company, nobody ever said that to her, that they cared about her, that they love her. The members said that they loved her on broadcast and on television but in reality, it is just for the public's eye. In pirvate, they are just.... pretty much normal. Not evil, but not caring. 

Yet, when she looked into the concern eye of Yuri's, she felt a twinge of guilt for thinking that way. Perhaps, it was because of that terrible dream that made her mind a little off in the morning. She flashed Yuri an assuring smile and got up from her bed. She headed towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. It's 3.45 a.m, three hours before her busy day would begin. She had intended to head back to bed but she did not want to be welcomed by another nightmare in the dream realm. In fact, she had a number of recurring dreams these past few nights, where she was trapped in the same situation every time she fall into a deep slumber. She sighed, put the glass of water on the counter and lit up the screen of her cellphone. 0 message. 0 missed calls. Oh well. There is nothing upsetting about this. The day she entered the company, she lost almost all contacts with the outside world for a couple of years, her friends, her families. She used to cry over it during her trainee days but now, she just felt really numbed. It was as if she was immune to the pain and loneliness. 

Idols can't really date because of their image thus, the members actually dated secretly when they debut without the boss's permission. Taeyeon dated in secrecy before during her Gee days, where the song got really popular. She still remembered running around hand in hand with her other half in wigs on a busy street in Seoul, dating in cars and kissing in the back seat of the cinema hall. It was thrilling and fun,yet when she felt she was ready to reveal her relationship to the public, her date rejected the idea, thinking that it would ruin his image and his fans would be hurt. She was upset, but she didn't mind and respect his decision. However, what woman would want to date in secrecy? As much as it was important to protect their image, Taeyeon felt that she had to be honest with her fans no matter what. So, they broke up a few months later.

Taeyeon had a huge desire to go into a relationship, but Lee Sooman, her boss discourages her from it. Sometimes, she had the strange desire to disobey her boss, to leave the company but it means leaving her group and the members. Plus, her fans would be really disappointed if she ever leaves the group. Her wish was to produce a song that she wrote on her own and get into a public relationship with the man she loves, yet her songs got rejected constantly and she have no freedom to get into a relationship,let alone going out with a male idol. 

Her thoughts were interupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing and feet shuffling out from the room. She went to open the door and her manager stood right outside with a clipboard in her hand. 

Oh no. My busy day is here. She thought.

"Girls get up! You have to get ready for the day. We are heading for a photoshoot scheduled at 7 am and you have to get your hair done by 630." Kim Minjae, Girls Generation's female manager roared into their apartment, waking all the members up. Sooyoung grumbled and tumbled off the bed, her eyes half open with sleepiness. Hyoyeon remained asleep on the comfy sheets of the bed and Taeyeon had to slap her face several times for her to open one of her eyes.

"Ya, Kim Hyoyeon, open your eyes. There is fire around you!"

"What do you think you are doing now? If there is a fire, then switch it off." Hyoyeon mumbled angrily at her.

"Ya seriously, wake up. You don't want to be late for the schedule."Taeyeon frowned, feeling a little annoyed at Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon grumbled and threw a pillow at Taeyeon before scruffling off the bed. Seohyun, the maknae was up early as usual and she busied herself arranging the breakfast that she had made for all of us on the table. Taeyeon wrinkled her nose and threw a pillow back at Hyoyeon. She laughed as Hyoyeon gave an angry expression then she broke into laughter and a pillow fight started on the bed. Tiffany, who loves having fun in the morning, went to join in. Taeyeon was glad that she was able to bond with her members and they all had something to laugh about despite having to wake up really early in the morning. 

"Ya, I'm going to eat all the food if you girls don't stop this!" Jessica shouted from the living room.

This is one of the rare mornings where Jessica would wake up really early for a photoshoot. Usually, she would be the last to get out the bed unless there is something that would be worth waking up for. She must have been working out the past few days in the gym and the members laughed when she does exaggerated poses of a model, showing off her newly formed abs, and pretend that she is walking on a run way for a fashion show.

The girls arrived at their destination and head to the backstage to get their clothes for the photoshoot. As usual, Taeyeon and Seohyun would greet the staff with 90 degrees bow while the members just walked past with their head held high as they make their way past them. Taeyeon head over to the dresser where her stylist have already place a set of clothes on the chair next to it. She took the set of clothes and gasped. It was one of the most revealing outfit she had since she debuted. The top was a purple glittery sleeveless crop which was way too short it looks like a bra and it was paired with a blue and purple shorts. She even had to wear knee length black high cut boots and a small hat on her head. It looks like a revealing cosplay photoshoot. She called her stylist over for a change of outfit but her stylist just ignored her and busied herself with other things. She was a little angry at the rudeness of her stylist but she decide to put that aside for now. She had little time left for the photoshoot thus, she had no choice but to put on that skimpy outfit of hers. However, she sighed in relief as soon as she spotted Seohyun in a tight clevage revealing red mini dress. 

This is Taeyeon's outfit for the photoshoot.

It appears that she was not alone, other members came out with similar revealing outfits as well, but the bad news is, hers was the most revealing among her members. She squirmed uncomfortably in her skimpy outfit and cross her arms over her chest as she felt cold. She noticed Seohyun pulling uncomfortably at her red dress,trying to hide her legs while covering her chest with her hands. She took a towel and wrapped around Seohyun's body while she stood there shivering from the cold. 

"Unnie, do you need a towel too?" Seohyun asked with concern.

"I'm fine. The photoshoot is about to begin anyway." Taeyeon forced out a smile and gritted her teeth when a breeze of cool air from the huge fan in the studio blew in her direction.

She wondered how Tiffany would have the guts to strut around in that revealing outfit of hers in the studio while the cameraman drooled over her body. She watched as Tiffany bend over perhaps on purpose to retrieve her make up kit from the dressing table, while the male staff around tried their best not to look right inside her dress. Tiffany loves it when people stare at her like that. It makes her feel that she had the power to attract males around her. Taeyeon felt disgusted whenever she think of it. 

"Girls, there will be a male idol group joining you for the photoshoot. Get ready and remember to greet them!" Their manager shouted over to them.

"Ne." All of us answered and we made our way towards the front of the studio.

Taeyeon dragged her feet heavily towards the front. She really disliked it when she wears a revealing outfit. Worse of all, she had to meet a male idol group for a photoshoot. She felt really disgusted when some of her juniors looked at her hungrily when she walked on stage with a revealing outfit although they tried to hide it, their expression say otherwise. 

"Girls, they are here." The manager said and Taeyeon have never felt more nervous than before. 

She heard voices chatting loudly and before she spotted who it was. She was surprised and nervous when six handsome boys stood before her. It was none other than U KISS. She met U KISS before at several events and never once had she stood before them in such a revealing outfit. She could clearly tell the way Kevin was a little surprise by their outfit while Jun, the new member was trying hard not to show that he was embarass. His face was a shade of red and he couldn't stop fidgeting around until Soohyun told him to stay still. When she look over, Hoon smiled and bowed at her while Eli just stared at all of us with that piercing gaze of his. Taeyeon could tell that Tiffany was trying to flawn her figure by the way she stand and the flirty look she gave to Eli. Taeyeon would not be surprise if he had an in the middle of the photoshoot. However, she felt more nervous as one, Kevin was smiling at her and two, she had a crush, not a celebrity crush but a really huge crush on Kevin. She bit her lips and smiled shyly as her palms became really sweaty.

It did not help when she had an individual shot with Kevin and there was one part where he have to put his hands dangerously close to her . She feel giddy and breathless when he did that and it was a difficult task to pose for the camera while trying hard to ignore the fact that he is pressing up so close to her body. Although she really dislike it when other guys stared at her, she secretly hope Kevin would stared at her more and when he did, it was all she had to do not to grab him right there and kiss him. Her face flushed and she felt hot as Kevin stare right into her eyes as the camera clicked on.

"Cut! Next!" The cameraman shouted and Taeyeon snapped right out of her daze.

She went to check her photo and she could feel Kevin just right behind her looking over her shoulders. She tried to focus on what the camera man was telling her but she felt really giddy and had to make an excuse to sit on chair. She fanned herself and blew out a sigh of relief when she finally get to sit alone without Kevin beside her. She scolded herself at how she must have act just now when someone tapped her on her shoulders. She jumped and bumped right into Kevin.

"Oh god!" She screamed.

"Woah, sorry did I scare you?" Kevin chuckled.

Kim Taeyeon seriously. Stop acting so nervous in front of him. You look stupid.

"Hey, you look uncomfortable just now. Are you okay?" Kevin asked her.

"Erm yeah...I'm just... cold."

Taeyeon looked over and spotted one of the cameraman trying to check her out. She squirmed in her seat and Kevin must have felt it because he took off his jacket and covered her body and the cameraman look away in disappointment.


"No problem." Kevin said and scratched the side of his head.

She had a feeling Kevin wanted to ask her something. Well, she had something to ask him too. She made eye contact with and open the same time he open his.

"Can I have your number?" Both of them said in unison and burst into laughter.

"Erm I was thinking since we would be meeting each other this few days, it would be convenient if we exchange numbers. I'm not making a move or anything just yeah..." Kevin said.

"Sure why not." Taeyeon smiled and blushed.

This is probably one of the days that Kim Taeyeon would smile brightly just like a normal person.

A/N: HEY, new chapter is up. HAHA would anything happen between Taeyeon and Kevin? Read more to find out! Comment and subscribe! :D



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Iloveexalot #1
Chapter 3: No she shouldn't help her! She should fix her own mistakes! ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) anyways can't wait for your next update!
lolalovetae #2
Chapter 3: No. I hate people who think about themselves like Tiff. Spare my Taeng's heartache T^T anyway...this is a very interesting story authornim!
bronzenimbus108 #3
Chapter 1: The story sounds interesting...keep updating author nim!!
taeng's character in this story is somewhat the same as i feel lonely...