I'm sorry,I can't...

Bittersweet one_shot collection

nicole woke up,exhausted,it was morning already.she sighed.

she moved her hand around to search for her phone.she finally found it on the floor.she lazily pick it up. when she checked her phone there was one voicemail.

its you...

she sighed then looked at the clock.it was 8:11 am.

"today is....28..."

she threw her phone on her bed without listening to the voicemail.

she walked out into the kitchen.drink one glass of water.

 she looked out the window then looked around the living room. the atmosphere was quiet.

"everything...here...is different now without you..."

she slowly sat on the couch.

"after waking up...you usually jumped on this couch and watch television..."

remembering the memories she had with him,she laughed softly.

"i thought its cute when you whined to me saying that you dont want to go out and you just want to stay inside watching dvd together"

her eyes was teary.

"i...cant erase it..."

but she quickly wiped it off.

"i should get ready",she said to herself before walking into the bathroom.

after the shower,she dressed up in a white dress.

"i wonder...if you still remember those memories we had"

she glance at the clock again,its 9:07 am. while she was brushing her hair infront of the mirror,tears started falling down slowly on her cheeks.

"should i really go there?",she asked herself.

"tears again...i've been crying alot since you left...i wasn't like this before...i'll usually hold it back...but thats because i know you're still there for me..."

she wiped off the tears and get her phone from her bed. before going out her apartment she decided to listen to the voicemail she had earlier.


-voicemail one-

"nicole...its me," she heard his voice.

"your voice..."

then it continue.

"i know you're still mad at me..but i'm getting...marrie..."

she ended it before it could finish. tear started falling down her cheeks again.hearing his voice,she know she missed him so much.

 then she fell on her knee.

"i cant...i really cant woohyun...",she said with a shaky voice and she was trembling.

"i...i..cant forget you..."

suddenly her apartment door flew open and there,she see Hoya standing staring down at her who was still crying holding her phone.

"she's crying again...why?wh..why cant you just forget about him?..."

Hoya slowly approached her,he bend down and look at her in the eyes.

"Ho..hoya...i cant..i cant go to his wedding..",nicole said with a trembling voice.

"i...i...really want to meet him..but..."

Hoya sighed,then hugged nicole.

"just go,hes waiting for you",he whispered.

nicole pushed him,but not to hard just that she can see his face.

 "i..i cant hoya",she said still crying.

"its okay...im with you..." hoya stood up,then offered his hand to nicole. nicole stared at him for a second then finally decided to hold his hand.

then both of them walked out,headed to hoya's car and he drove as fast as he can. while in the car,nicole was fixing her make up cos its was smeared by her tears earlier.

when they arrived,the wedding not yet started. nicole nervously open the car door.while hoya just walk out and tidy his messy tuxedo.

"Nicole lets go",he said while taking her hand but she let go.

"wh...what..if",before she could finish hoya cut her off.

"dont worry,im here",he said then pulled nicole in with him. there was alot of people inside,probably woohyun's friends.

hoya told nicole to wait for him while he was looking for the groom's room. nicole wait nervously.

"what should i say when i see him??",she thought to herself.

"now lets go nicole,i've found the room",he said then lead nicole to the room.

when they arrived outside the room,hoya want to left nicole to give them some privacy but nicole hold him back.

"hoya dont go,stay here with me",nicole said while holding hoya's hand.

"why?just spend some time with him okay?",he said then try to free his hands from nicole's grips.

"no!please stay here with me!",she said almost shouting. hoya gave up and decided to wait outside the room and nicole agreed with him.

nicole slowly knocked the door before opening it. inside,she see woohyun infront of a mirror wearing a white tuxedo.

when he noticed that nicole was there he quickly turn. he smiled widely like a mad person. he was happy that nicole decided to come to his wedding.

nicole slowly walked toward him with a weak smile on her face. she held out her hand to him.

"congratulation on you wedding",she said with a weak smile.

"ah ye..yes",woohyun said with a low voice and shook her hand. after that there was awkward silence between them.

"how are you?",woohyun asked nicole who was looking away from him.

"i..i'm fine..how bout you?",she answered with a shaky voice and still looking away from him.

"really?i'm...not...",he said then nicole turn her face to him completely confused with his answer.

"i...i missed you so much that i..i..",he said while trying to hold back his tears. nicole put her hand on in disbelief of what she just heard.

"i...i'm sorry nicole..",he continued.

then suddenly the door opened.

"oppa!",seungyeon ran toward woohyun.

"seungyeonie~what are you doing here?",woohyun ask his fiancee.

"i missed oppa so much!",she said with a cute voice totally ignoring nicole's appearence.

not wanting to watch them nicole walked out with teary eyes.

"Nicole!!",she could hear woohyun calling her but ignore him. hoya managed to catch up with her.

she stopped running when they reach the garden where no one else was there except for them. her back was facing hoya.the she turn around staring at him with teary eyes and all her make up were ruined.

"hoya...i",before she could finish hoya hugged her. "stop crying,i hate to see you cry,so please stop crying..",he whispered to her.

nicole buried her face on his chest still crying. without knowing,woohyun was watching them from behind. tear slowly fell down his cheeks.

"i'm sorry nicole..hoya please take care of her",he said softly before leaving them.

after that the wedding ceremony started.

when the wedding ceremony ended. woohyun called hoya and asked if he can see him.hoya agreed to meet him.

"hoya,can you do me a favor?",he asked.

"what is it?",hoya asked confused.

"please take care of nicole for me",he said with a serious tone.

"huh?but..i",before he could finish woohyun cut him off.

"since..since i cant give her happiness..i hope you can...you're the only person i trust...",woohyun said with a low voice. hoya sighed then said,

"dont worry,i will",then he went off with a smile.

"hoya please dont hurt her like what i've done...",woohyun thought while looking at hoya and nicole.

 author note~hello~!!! i hope you like it eventhough its lame T.T please comment and tell me what you think of this OS!:D

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Christie887 #1
Can you make one with myungsoo and nicole please!
I hope that you will update a new one shot. ^_^
Chapter 5: In this chapter I will give 8/10 stars
* I think the fanfic with a combination of 2 songs was great idea
* I don't give this chapter full star because I think you can make a better chapter next time with the same idea
*hope to read more great chapter with different members of infinite pairing with nicole
Chapter 4: In this chapter I will give you 10/10 stars
* I think this is the sequel or should I say epilogue for Chapter 2
* Love this chapter anyway
* I hope for Hoya and Nicole Chapter soon
Chapter 3: In this chapter I will give 10/10 stars
* The storyline was fun and interesting
* Author you make me want to read the sequel
* Love the interaction between Kara and Infinite dork
* Please update soon the sequel
Chapter 2: In this chapter I give 5/10 stars
*This chapter seems not yet complete
* This chapter was same like chapter 1 when Hoya and Sunggyu be the one to cover up Nicole's heart after being wounded by Woohyun
Chapter 1: For this chapter I give 7/10 stars
* It nice because at the end all of the get their partner
*Yes this chapter a litter bit lame but I hope I can be Nicole.
Even she lost someone that she love but she get someone that love her at the end
KrisCole #8
sequel for sungyeol and Nicole please :)
insrame #9
sungyeol and nicole please i really want to know what happening
omg. i've jjust finished reading all the oneshots and i just realized that i've read them before so i checked the comments and i was right! aigoo, silly me! but i really enjoyed reading your oneshots :)