"I'm Sorry..."

Bittersweet one_shot collection

woohyun’s p.o.v

“yah!gongchan stop running!”,I shouted.

“aish,why your mom always busy with her job?,I said while chasing him.

“hehe catch me if you ca-“,*dok*

“ouch..”,gongchan whined while sitting on the ground. he bumped into someone,aish this child.

“see!i told you!ah im really sorry!my son is really naughty!”,I apologize while bowing down.

“woohyun?”,a voice sound familiar called me. I stopped bowing and look up,its her…

>flashback 7 years ago…<

woohyun’s P.O.V

“woohyun!what’s wrong with you huh??why are you always like this?”Nicole shouted.

“can you just stop it?just shut up!”,I replied to her.

“fine!just forget it!”,she shouted with teary eyes and stomp out of my apartment.

“Nicole…”,I sighed as i sat down on the couch. we always fight,even just because of small thing. I dated Nicole 2 years ago,we’re happy back then but now we’re broken. always fight,cursing each other. but the fight usually doesn’t last longer.

~at night~

I went to the nearest club to release my stress.

“hye woohyun!what’s up?single now?”,my friend asked me.

“oh hye,I don’t know man,its complicated”,I said while sipping my drink.

“oh,by the way this is seungyeon,she’s single too”,my friend said while offering me her hand.

“hi I’m woohyun”,I introduced myself. then she smiled. we talk and talk,I look at her from head to toe. she’s really pretty . I think I’ve fallen for her.

~few weeks later~

its already been 2 weeks since Nicole left me,she didn’t answer my call or try to contact me. I secretly date with seungyeon since then.

she’s a nice girl,how I hope Nicole was like her. Nicole is a tomboy,she always act like boys. I even bring seungyeon to my apartment sometimes. we’re so in love until…

~one day~

someone knocked on my door,I hurriedly open it.

“woohyun…”,Nicole said with teary eyes. she’s back!i was really happy that Nicole finally comeback to me! I wont let go of you Nicole,never.

that night we both make up Nicole said she missed me so much. I missed her too,really missed her. I didn’t tell her about seungyeon yet.

I secretly called seungyeon saying that I wanted to meet her to tell her something. she said she wanted to tell me something too. I’m planning to break up with seungyeon since Nicole already comeback.

that night, I meet up with seungyeon,she hugged me.

“woohyun-ah what do you wanna tell me?”,she asked.

“ah,its…er…you want to tell me something too right?what is it?”,I replied trying to change the topic. I don’t want to tell her straight away that I wanted to break up.

“well,umm…I’m pregnant.”,she said. I was shocked,really shocked.

“woohyun you’re gonna be the father of this child right?,she continued. I didn’t answer her question cos I was too shocked.

at that moment nicole’s face appeared in my head. I told seungyeon that I’ll meet her tomorrow. that night I cant sleep at all. thinking bout Nicole.

what should I do now. what I’ve done. cheating on her,and now seungyeon’s pregnant. now I can’t do anything. I’ve to take my responsibility.

the next day,before meeting seungyeon I go to nicole’s place first.

“Nicole!listen,I didn’t mean it…”, she slapped me,its okay cos I deserved that.

“I trusted you,w..why?”

“I’m sorry…hit me,kick me,do whatever you want!”,i told her while taking her hand. she release her hand from me,and pushed me before walking away.

now its really the end for both of us. after what happened,we’ve never see or contact each other again.

>end of flashback<

Woohyun’s P.O.V

I stopped bowing and look up. she smiled at me. that smile,the smile that always make me happy before.

she’ve changed so much,her hair is long now unlike before.

“how are you?”,she asked me.

“I’m fine!how bout you?”,I replied while smiling trying to look happy.

“I’m fine too,this is your son?”,she asked while pinching gongchan’s cheek.

“yea,he’s a troublemaker”,I said then we both laughed. suddenly there’s a guy behind her,hugging her on the waist then kissed her.

my smile fade away.

“Hoya!stop it!oh this is hoya my husband”,she introduced her husband.

“you’re married?congratulation!oh I’m woohyun”,I replied then offer a hand shake to him.

“woohyun I’m sorry but we got to go to the movie now”,Nicole said.

“oh its okay,have fun at the movie!”,I said then wave her goodbye.

she look happy with him unlike before when she was with me.

the woman I loved with all my heart now belong to someone else. I regreted everything now.

i know its too late to apologize but...

Nicole,I’m sorry…

hi hi hi ^^
another WooNi one-shot!!XD
sorry if the ending is always sad!><
and i'm still trying to make a happy one-shot X)
actually this is my old one-shot but i never post it,sorry if its lame!><
i got this from a manga i read,but i lost it already lol
and sorry for not updating part 2 of 'the mic,the ring and your smile',cos its not finish yet.
anyway please comment and tell me what you think of it!!^^
BTW,@BBcare hyee sorry!!!the other WooNi story is not done yet,thats why i post this first!><
hope u like it!:D

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Christie887 #1
Can you make one with myungsoo and nicole please!
I hope that you will update a new one shot. ^_^
Chapter 5: In this chapter I will give 8/10 stars
* I think the fanfic with a combination of 2 songs was great idea
* I don't give this chapter full star because I think you can make a better chapter next time with the same idea
*hope to read more great chapter with different members of infinite pairing with nicole
Chapter 4: In this chapter I will give you 10/10 stars
* I think this is the sequel or should I say epilogue for Chapter 2
* Love this chapter anyway
* I hope for Hoya and Nicole Chapter soon
Chapter 3: In this chapter I will give 10/10 stars
* The storyline was fun and interesting
* Author you make me want to read the sequel
* Love the interaction between Kara and Infinite dork
* Please update soon the sequel
Chapter 2: In this chapter I give 5/10 stars
*This chapter seems not yet complete
* This chapter was same like chapter 1 when Hoya and Sunggyu be the one to cover up Nicole's heart after being wounded by Woohyun
Chapter 1: For this chapter I give 7/10 stars
* It nice because at the end all of the get their partner
*Yes this chapter a litter bit lame but I hope I can be Nicole.
Even she lost someone that she love but she get someone that love her at the end
KrisCole #8
sequel for sungyeol and Nicole please :)
insrame #9
sungyeol and nicole please i really want to know what happening
omg. i've jjust finished reading all the oneshots and i just realized that i've read them before so i checked the comments and i was right! aigoo, silly me! but i really enjoyed reading your oneshots :)