I'm fine..

oh my god, TAEMIN'S IN MY TENT!

Taemin's pov


Ahhh i wonder what ~~~~~ noona is gonna tell me.. i look around.. my cheeks hurt from smiling too much! :(


Then i hear someone say "Waiting for me oppa?" i smiled even wider and turn around expecting to find ~~~~~ nooona but only found Sulli.


"Sulli! what a coincidence! what are you doing here!"  "To claim what was originally supposed to be mine.." 


I gave her a puzzled look as she came foward me. "S-sulli, what are you doing?" "Oppa, just stay quiet and enjoy it"  Sulli whispers as she lays her lips on my lips.


OMG! Why do i feel like there's fireworks popping inside my  brian?!  i was too shocked to move but i heard someone dropping their bag behind me. I try to pull away but Sulli.. Man she has some strength and kissed me harder, forcing her tongue inside my mouth. 


I pulled away harder this time and surprisingly, Sulli let's me go.. hmm suspicious.. She smiled at me and winked "See you later Oppa~!!" and she walked away.


I look behind me to find a purse, i look around for the owner to claim it but no one but me was in the park (well.. and hobos.. but still!)  


i open the bag and see a cellphone, wallet, and lip gloss. hmm i look through the phone and the wallpaper is... ME AND ~~~~~ NOONA!??!!? 


i look around once more and open the wallet, i see a pic of ~~~~~ noona.. hmm OMG, TAEMIN HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID!? I look at the wallet to find where she lives. I close it and take her purse and run to her house.


Your pov


I run all the way to my house. When i get there, i lay on my bed and cry my eyeballs out. Stupid ~~~~~, your just his noona.. nothing more.. i mean what do you expect, He's a idol and soon Sulli is gonna be too.. They're perfect for each other.


But still, why does my heart hurt so badly when i keep picturing Taemin and Sulli kissing... i walk to the bathroom... and look in the mirror. There was a note from my mom saying how she's on a business trip and she's gonna be gone for a while.


I ripped the note and thought Taemin would want someone younger then him and fresher looking.. not some old noona... i sighed... i looked terrible....


Then i hear someone ringing my bell.. hmm who could that be? i go to my door to find Taemin standing there with a worried expression. 


"Noona, are you okay, you look terrible..." i nodded and let him in... we sit on the couch.. 


Awkwardness filled the air  and Taemin cleared his throat. "Noona, did you happen to see what me and Sulli did in the park?"


i look at him with an obvious expression.. "Noona.. about earlier-"  "i'm fine, you don't have to explain anything, i'm just wondering though, how do you know Sulli?.."


Taemin looks at me with a sour expression.. God do i look that terrible right now? " oh.. i-i just knew her since i was a trainee... we're good friends but noona.. we're nothin-"


i smile and push him out the door. You should really go, you have a busy schedule right? BYE!" and slam it..


i go back to my bed and cry again.. "no don't cry ~~~~, i'm fine......i'm fine" i tell myself... but i know i cant fool myself.


Sulli's pov


Yes! everything turned out exactly how i wanted it to be.. I texted Taemin oppa this "Opppa~~ this is Sulli! <33 have a good night sleepp ^^"


I got a reply "thanks." i pouted, he sent me a one-word-message.. this isn't a good sign. It usually means he doesn't want to talk to me.. :( But whatever because i stole his first kiss!! MWAHAHAHHA!!!


I jump a little as Krystal jumps on me.. (because i'm laying on my bed) "UNNIEE~~!! DID YOU HEAR?! WE'RE GONNA DEBUT TOMORROW!!!!"  


I sit up and and push her off me.. "SERIOUSLY??!!" and she nods excitingly... "KYAAAA!!" we both scream and jump on the bed, hugging each other. 


Luna and Victoria unnie comes in me and krystal's room and asks "what's wrong!?" "WE'RE GONNA DEBUT BABY!" me and krystal scream out together..


Then they both scream with us.. we all hug each other. Ah can this day get any better? i thought as i look and smile at my Unnies and donseong laughing and smiling.


When my sleepyness hit me, i lay on the bed that me and Krystal shares. Krystal is already there staring at me.. "Unnie, i can't sleep! i'm too excited!!" i chuckled and closed her eyes and whispered "Good night Krstal.." and she fell asleep in a blink..


hehe.. yes i have magical powers to make people sleep. >:D


I think about ~~~~~ unnie.. hehe sorry unnie but your life was so perfect that i had to steal it from you. then i close my eyes and snore away to dreamland.




A/N: hey guys~! How waas itt??? I still don't know where i'm going with this story so please understand!! and thanks to 

amuto-robstar for giving me ideas when i had a writer's block.. AND THANKS TO ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS FOR SUBSCRIBING ME!! <33 (Taemin is so happy that he got to kiss Sulli that's why i put that pic up.. also i think it's cute)

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cantresistTAEMtation #1
hahaha i knoww :D but i always got this evil vibe from her so i made her evil in this one.. haha
Sulli is so evil in this lol
Its so unusual xD
update soon
BabyYuuki1342 #4
cantresistTAEMtation #5
lol its okay, i was confused too at first :)
BabyYuuki1342 #6
Ooohhh thankyu I feel soo stupid right now hahaha
cantresistTAEMtation #7
lol when you click into the story, right underneath the title, there is a subscribe to story. and i put ~~~~~~~ so you can put your name into the story.. thank you for reading though!
BabyYuuki1342 #8
Ugh I'm new to this website and just made a profile how do I add stories to my favorites of to subscribe them
BabyYuuki1342 #9
Yu should make up a name and say "yur name here is ____." Other then that its good
amuto-robstar #10
It's okay! That means that there is always room for improvement! I hope you aren't mad at me for giving you tips! xD Anyway, it's coming out well, the plot is very interesting, but it seems a little.....I don't know but...rushed?<br />
<br />
Great chappie!