Plan B(f?)


        Bammie PoV

   l wandered around only a bit more hoping l wouldn't get scolded so quickly before l found an escape route. Plan A was to make and break, but Mark already knows me. Plan B, stay with the maid gig and go with it until the party. l don't like having to beat around the bush but Plan B seems much more low profile. l walked back to the main lobby, and the hallway was right underneath the staircase just like he said. The green acre of land spread before my eyes,and it was a lushious bright green, with water fountains and gardens scattered over the area. Mark was sitting down at the table to my right,so l headed over and served him his breakfast.

''Here you are Sir,'' l plattered it for him and pulled out the serving cart. ''What kind of tea would you like?- Black, iced with lemon if you will,'' l poured out hot water into the press and slowly pumped down, letting it steep. l wasn't all too focused, l still had to find exit plans.

''Here you are, your black tea- Don't let your eyes wander, l know what you're thinking. l'll have guards stationed around every perimeter of this household, there's no way you'll get anything out of me Sophie,'' Way to be a about it. l'll play along just for a little while and make my way out of here...? Was that a knock on the front door? Mark glanced at me for a moment and back to his tea. l'm supposed to get everything now?! So hating this job already. l walked back to the looby and to the front door, while l saw a few maids and others taking little peeks at me while l walked. Who's gossiping about me? l've got nothing to let them know. l cracked open the giant wooden door and a girl just stomped right in without saying a word, walking straight to the patio where Mark was. Ooh~This was going to be good. l quickly followed suit behind her trying to act like l wasn't letting her pass. She was hollering for Mark as she went to the patio and l followed on her heels.

''Mark! How can you be relaxing right now? We're in trouble!'' The woman looked a bit older than him, probably his worker or something.

''Sheila what's wrong?- Our company has been White Knighted!'' Wow that for you.

''The board of old men l suppose?- Obvioiusly they did it, your father was instantly put out of his place of the company just this morning,'' Mark stood up and grabbed the document out of her hand. His eyes look steeled, and sighed heavily.

''So we can't claim what we've put in to the company fundings?'' He sat back down and flung the papers onto the table, looking quite defeated and pissed.

''They'll allow you some of the company stock to be returned and sold off for you, but you won't be able to do anything more. What's worse is that news was leaked that your father wanted to tunnel the company's money after becoming a silent partner for investments and supervisory, that's how they had him kicked in moments,'' Sheila looked panicked. The tall brune woman picked up a glass from the serving cart and poured herself a long hard drink.

''One more thing Mark,'' The woman sounded absolutely serious here, ''Almost 25% of the company was cut due to the board's want for saving money, l mean what kind of money do you need to lay off nearly 100 perfectly good employees? l barely survived, but this  is hitting the fan too soon,'' Mark said nothing but just looked at his half-empty cup of tea. 

''l'll get revenge for your fellow colleagues, and get the wreck restored, l promise. Just keep doing your best until then, ok?'' She took back the documents and walked back out quietly and more composed than when she entered. Now l kinda felt bad for him, but what am l going to do? Donate my stash? Hell no.

''Sir? Are you going to do something about this?- Later. Take the morning off and pack your bags,you're coming here,'' That sounded generous enough. l nodded my leave, and walked back to the door and into the Lincoln Navigator back home. Luckily everyone was already gone, but the two bodyguards were waiting in the living room to pack my stuff up. how am l going to explain this to my parents? Let alone the humiliation from my siblings. He'll know l bullshat my story too soon! At least the payroll should be nice. ''Miss are you done yet?- Just about,'' l handed them my bags and l got the rest, heading out ASAP. Without a backwards glance l just got into the car and back to the mansion.

Just as l arrived back, l got a call from someone. The person who answered was Kevin's voice. ''Hey Bammie can you do me a favor? l have to go restock on some things for the mansion so please help me dust while your attending Sire? Thanks alot bai~'' Dafuq? The ENTIRE house? AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NUMBER AND NAME? Psh,fine l'll go dusting. He better have not blabbed about our encounter...

   Later that day when l got finished with the dusting and chores, Mark called me up and led me to the other side of the second floor and shoved me into  what could've been Mark's room. Large window walls leading to a terrace, pearl-washed walls, and a stunning amount of clothing and furniture pieces and art, my favorite. Wait, why am l in his room? Lucky l brought my gun in my leg holster. l was just about to aim my gun to his head,when he swooped his arm behind my waist and planted one on me. l struggled to get away, but he was fierce my face away for the devil. Ugh,do l HAVE to kiss him back to get him off me? l made a quick Russian Doll swipe and pushed him off me, giving me leverage to point my threat right to his face...or the little one poking attention downstairs.

''Explain, or it'll cost you more than a bullet to fix your face,'' He put his hands up, and just walked around to the minibar of his room, and sat for a drink.''Sherry, if my mind doesn't recall wrong?- l prefer bourbon, straight,'' He poured a stiff breeze and l sat next to him,cautious of any moves.

''l'm not going to you- You bet that's right. Can't you just tell me what's wrong?'' He took a sip and l did as well, savoring the little bit of strong liquor. ''How's your back, Sophie? l hope l didn't cause any harm to your shoulder,'' So,he does remember, should've killed him on the spot.

''Well, something's on your mind, isn't it Nate?- l need help with a mark,'' Ha,l knew it! ''Okay,and why should l help you?- You'll get quite the share of cash to your accounts from the job. l want you to help me take down my old company, they've been useless ever since the board of old hags stepped in,'' White Knight your own company? Well it isn't even yours now...

''You owe me, Sophie,or Bambam, whatever. And this opportunity for a quick grift is perfect for you. All of my crew have tried to get in,but they updated everything,and now our mark knows our face just a bit too smoothly. We need a professional Grifter, c'mon Soph,'' Hmm,l don't mind it that much, but one thing is bothering me quite much.

''Who's involved? lt better not be- Sterling,'' 

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catsKatty #1
Chapter 7: Aigoo.... To be honest... I got a little confused about how to read the story. But not all of it... I can still understand... That's why i love this story! Hehehe ^~^ anyway... Please updated the next chapter author-nim!! Hwaiting!! Always here waiting for the next chapter~~~
JiminKookie96 #2
Chapter 2: Wait....... bammie is a boy or a girl? Why he wearing a skirt???
MinMin_SL #3
Chapter 1: nice but its kind of difficult to read
Chapter 1: helloooo~~~ im so happy theres another markbam fanfiction at aff>.< but first, can i tell you something? i love your story but its kinda hard for me to read it cuz you didnt put the space like this - ......make sure you're not too stressed over anything,''That's nice and all,but,why do l need one?- its better if you write it like this, with space -..make sure youre not too stressed over anything, [space] "Thats nice and all, but, why do i need one?"- like that!:) sorry if i make you confused lol fighting with your stories~ im sure gonna love this cuz itsss markbaaaammmm!^~^