First Mark.


       That Afternoon...

''Sophie'' PoV

    l walked in with my earbud in place and phone ready, when l found our mark. Ugly, just like any other corporate liar. They have a very distinctive ugliness. This man was almost into his forties from what l could tell. Starting to lose his black hair, shifty brown eyes, and-over-the-top-by-just-a-little-bit fatness about him. The stockiness didn't cover anything. l walked up to him and cleared my throat, to which he turned around in slight suprise.

''Hello, Mr.Soojung?'' Using my British accent l instantly saw a sudden flicker of emotion cross him. Something of nervousness. ''l'm Anna Lancaster from the British Transport and Trade lnitiatives. We agreed to have a meeting today?'' His tell was too easy to see through. The shifty eyes, and look of split-second uncertainty tipped everything to my field. ''Ah, yes. Ms.Lancaster right this way. l'll be with you in a few moments,'' l swiped his wallet and took his passcode card to the offices while l went for a seat. ''Are you govenment?- Nono, business consultant. We're looking to encourage infrastructure development and more trade route openings- l'm sorry but l don't think l have the ability to help you, or understand what you're looking for- Why don't we go to a more informal place to talk?'' l skimped out on the details and walked right out. He was hooked in a second. ''Jr. you're up,''

   3rd PoV

 Jr pushed a few buttons and hacked the secretary's computer, causing it to blue screen. ''Nononono,'' The secretary was a bit frantic. She called up the lT station downstairs, and was re-wired to Amber. ''Hello, this it l.T. how may l help you?- Yes hi, my computer just suddenly shut down, can you help?'' Jr. bragged just a tad about how to tell Amber what to say. ''We can send a specialist up in just a few minutes- Thank you so much - No problem,'' And with that Jackson was on his way to be the hunky I.T. specialist. He looked a little off wearing cargo pants and a plaid shirt with glasses, but hey, it worked and the secretary ate it up...while Amber was placing the bugs.

  Soph PoV

 l represent the tradelines that are trying to be re-established in the more rural areas of Britain, closer to the countryside in order to maintain convenience,'' We walked outside to the front plaza over looking the fountain and hedge garden below. Through the earpiece l could hear Mark giving me the play. ''Oh, Johannesburg?- Ok he's testing you you you want Blum Fontaine,'' We continued to walk down the stairs next to us, ''No, keep away from the hubs, we vitalize the regional airports. Well we can't name any others besides Blum Fontaine for example. We want to do our best in domestic and international flights. South Africa was one of our project developments. lt's Nigeria we've focused on,'' The mark was quizzical,'' Those runways are a mess- Yes but with new comfortable designs we believe it will give our passengers more safety in mind,'' He still pressed on,

''l don't recall talking about new airplanes,'' Stop being a hardass and play with the scam you wanker!

''Victor...both you and your chief engineers are going to share at the shareholder's meeting- l think you know more about my business than l do,'' And here's the ride.

''l've done my homework, and l've found you fascinating,'' Giving him a suggestive glance while heading to the courtyard...

   3rd PoV

 While Amber made her way from the ceiling panels into Soojung's office, Jackson was distracting the clerk very well. Jr was a little whiny about it, ''Wait shouldn't l be the computer guy?- No because lneed you to be the real computer guy,'' Amber got to the mark's desk and planted an obvious bug to lure in the mark, right under the table. ''Amber you got the USB in- lt's all clean, coming back,'' Jackson was taking his sweet time seducing the clerk. ''...You are strong for an l.T. guy- Well, l try my best to stay big for when l dress up as a Klingon at the conventions...BAKALLA!'' He joked around a little, but Jr. was taking this a bit seriously, ''Woahwoahwoah, you and l are gonna have a strong talk about this later...'' Jackson quickly made his exit and Amber back up into the rafters.

  Sophie PoV

    We made it to the side of the Han River outlooking towards the other side of Seoul. ''Ms.Lancaster- Anna- OK, Anna, how about this? When we release the new model, you can buy as many models as your little heart desires,'' Ok, you know what do to, hit 'em. ''Our position on it is to build them in Africa fly them in Africa and sell them over the rest of the world- Ah that's very ambitious, do you have all of the manufacturing facilities to do all of that?''

 ''Oh forget it we can easily raise enough money when we get there, if we know for certain that we can get the contracts,''

''Anna, l'm sorry but l can't help you... and l really do have- l understand,''

''l can take my business to Pierson's instead,'' Soojung looked mortified.

''P-Pierson's well okay, l mean they're a great company but l don't think they can help you,'' He struggle to spit those words out with some confidence in him.

''Oh but they have a reputation for long-term investments and you don't. They're innovators. Yeah, it's probably a better fit,'' ln HQ l could hear Jr. babbling.

''l'm aware, that you are trying to manipulate me but with Pierson it's going to be a long contract of regret.- l hope so. Hundreds of thousand of new contracts all signed by their company. l wonder who gets the short stick then? All the press, news, all at your door...,'' He hesitated, but a look of uncertainty signaled defeat.

''Okay, l'll take it up in the meeting- l'll have my office call you, day after tomorrow?''

''Uh, yea of course look doing, business,'' l walked out away from Soojung hearing barely a thing over my return to grifting profesionally, and hopefully the rest of the con was easier...

    Mark PoV

   ''Yo Mark check this out. l got all of his account traces and passwords,haha,'' l gave him a good pat on the back and went for the billiards table where Jackson was. ''Pool for 5- You're looking better than when we started,'' Oh yea? Jackson continued,'' And that bothers you huh?- Uh, l, well l mean this isn't supposed to feel- Good?'' There was a split second of silence between us.

''lt's not that hard to figure out, the good guys stealing out of your old company in where you have to find them and hunt them down, and with your good guy brain you think they're the bad guys and your conscience is clear...- Wanna take your shot?''

He took a sip of beer, ''Hmm. Hey listen, l'm sorry about your brother...'' l sighed lightly, ''You don't know anything about that- Oh yea, everybody knows. A guy like you already going on the streets, alot of people notice. And it was a bad story too. And how did they justify that claim?''

l had a flashback to the window panel, where my brother had started losing heart beats... ''They said it was an experimental accident. Jackson, you and l are not friends....?- Right, right. Cuz you have so many of them...lncoming,'' And with that he walked away. Sophie walked over and lifted the earbud to me,'' Hey, help me with this earpiece?- What happened to master?'' He stared coldly. ''Just help me, l don't need Jr. poking around in my ear cavities...'' He lifted the wig up just a slight bit and l pushed the earbud in, ''Thanks...So, this time you really are inside my head...''


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catsKatty #1
Chapter 7: Aigoo.... To be honest... I got a little confused about how to read the story. But not all of it... I can still understand... That's why i love this story! Hehehe ^~^ anyway... Please updated the next chapter author-nim!! Hwaiting!! Always here waiting for the next chapter~~~
JiminKookie96 #2
Chapter 2: Wait....... bammie is a boy or a girl? Why he wearing a skirt???
MinMin_SL #3
Chapter 1: nice but its kind of difficult to read
Chapter 1: helloooo~~~ im so happy theres another markbam fanfiction at aff>.< but first, can i tell you something? i love your story but its kinda hard for me to read it cuz you didnt put the space like this - ......make sure you're not too stressed over anything,''That's nice and all,but,why do l need one?- its better if you write it like this, with space -..make sure youre not too stressed over anything, [space] "Thats nice and all, but, why do i need one?"- like that!:) sorry if i make you confused lol fighting with your stories~ im sure gonna love this cuz itsss markbaaaammmm!^~^