PM [2]

perfect Mark


Mark just entered his class to see you placed your head on your table. You looked to the other side so you couldn’t see him coming to you. You could hear him purposely clearing his throat that you turned your head quickly to meet his eyes. Well, you couldn’t even imagine that Mark stood there looking down at you. You repositioned yourself, sitting straight then formed a smile on your face.


“ oh hi, good morning “, you happily chirped then raised your hand and slowly folded it when you see his expression blank straight to you. You kept your smile on and dug further through your memories whether you’ve hurt him yesterday or day before.

“ what are you doing ? “, he asked straightforwardly.

It’s kinda funny for you to look at someone who looks like loser but speaking in a bold way. He sounds so manly and hey no stuttering at his front word.

“ well, I kinda forget that we got math homework yesterday and yeah.. “ you gestured your hand toward the math problems which haven’t finished yet even a number from 10 numbers there.

Mark peeked to your sheets only to find your scribbled numbers without any final results on it. “ I see you didn’t even do a number “, he asked with no teasing tone in it, purely a comment. You shrugged, “ yeah, I am stupid “ you smiled shyly and shrugged a bit when your eyes set on the same direction as him, your worksheet.


Mark put his bag on his table which placed behind you then dragged his seat beside you. “ I could help for the first number “, he suddenly joined you doing your work. He naturally took your counting note which full of your scribbles beside your hand. You watched closely whatever he wrote on your note, tried your best to understand about how the amount of it getting added or reduced and so on. You kept your eyes on it but you getting tired of it that you let a sigh then said, “ is it this long to find an answer for the first number ? “, you pressed first word tried to tell him that there’s 9 numbers left. Mark just nodded since it’s. Actually it’s not that hard for him, he remembered he finished 10 numbers in 15 mins last night. You pouted, not interested in doing it then closed your book which covered Mark hand as well. You abruptly interrupted his concentration.

“ since I’ve lost intention to do it, lets just stop here, “ you smiled to him, sincerely didn’t want him to waste his energy to make you understand things in a short time remain. You could see he looked at you in disbelief then let a ‘tch’ out and turned his body to open his bag. He dug out a note from his bag and put it in front of him.

“ you can copy it for now, I’ll make you understand next time, promise.. “, he said as his fingers flipped his book to his done homework. You closely watched him flipping each pages from his book and when he stopped, you lifted your eyes to him. You wanted to do well but you don’t have the skill to do even a number so far. You raised one of your eyebrows, hesitated whether to accept or refuse his kindness.

“ what ? “ he asked when he noticed your doubt feelings.

“ is it really okay ? “, you asked for his confirmation once again. He nodded. “ then, excuse me.. “ you slowly took his book from his front and moved it closer to you so you could take a good look.

Mark just let another sighed out from his lips. He couldn’t believe he let someone came closer this far to him when he gathered his mind back then to be a solo fighter in high school. He wanted to leave all the social life he had when he was junior high school. He just wanted to try a new thing. He was tired of being a center of attention.

Mark watched you closely and detail, afraid that you might just slipped your fingers and wrote the wrong answer. He kept his eyes in every of numbers you wrote and there the clumsy you kept making a mistake that he couldn’t even let his eyes off. Strangely for 2 numbers left, 9 and 10, he decided to just pass you a paper instead of letting you to keep copying his work from his note.

Once you’ve done copying his answer, you let your arms and head fell on your table then turned your head to Mark’s direction. You watched closely how he rechecked your note, looked closer to each line on your work sheet then mumbled while counted the right thing on his mind. He kept mouthing numbers and sometimes he mumbled an ‘added’ or ‘subtracted’ and stuffs. It’s not like you hate math, you are still trying. You just happened to flash a smile on your face the more you looked at him. How different he was yesterday and today. The today him just like the him you saw after school which most likely his true self.


You called your used to be private driver from your home which placed on few districts away after you got help by Mark. You asked him to buy your favorite bread from a popular cake shop there and dropped it to your school. You had that thought of giving Mark your favorite bread to show him how thankful you were for his help. You were new transferred student and got into such a trouble in the early times, you really felt like owing your whole high school life to him. Actually you wanted to just pass it to him in school but you missed the moment because a sudden call from your junior high friend. You quickly excused yourself from your phone and put it back to your bag then followed him. He happened to walk too fast for your liking and rather than shouting like a mad man calling his name, you decided to keep following his steps then ended up in front of his home. Indeed a crowded home, a restaurant in its first floor. You walked in small steps getting closer to its door then ended up eating mandu there. You kept your eyes on him from the very first time you sat inside his home. You were about eating your 5th mandu when your eyes met him. You wanted to smile but the mandu already got in between your teeth that you only managed to exchange looks with him. It’s been a long time for you eating mandu so you forgot the thought of talking directly to Mark plus he looks busy. So you talked to woman in cashier which happened to be his mom. She recognized you as Mark friend because of the same school uniform. She even asked to you how Mark is at school then you simply asked an apology and told her that you were a new transferred student and just got a help from him. You didn’t forget to pass the bread through her since you didn’t want to disturb the busy Mark and you thanked her for giving a birth such a nice son. You were so good at building a relationship that’s why it wasn’t hard for you to say such cute words to Mark’s mom. Building a relationship means ready to trust others and getting the trust. That’s why honesty is highly needed and you just told his mom an honest words that she has such a nice son.


You enjoyed recalling few scenes from yesterday while staring at him. You widened your eyes and let an ‘oops’ slipped out then naturally smiling when Mark caught you stared at him with your smile on.

Mark knew you looked at him, detailed. He didn’t really care but when you started to form a smile, it made him a bit burdened that he turned his sight. He wanted to know your reaction when he caught you red handed stared at him while smiling. He was more than glad to see your cool reaction which just an oops and still comfortably remained in your position. He averted his focus back on to your note.

“ what are you trying to hide ? “, you asked and folded your arms both on your table to use it as your pillow. You still set your eyes on him, wanted to look on his lil expressions. Looking at two different him, you started to think how much effort he had put in it. The way he represented himself everyday at school or may be.. “ do you want to be an actor ? “

Mark widened his eyes as he listened to your last question. You already sat straight, started to believe that he did all of these so he could be an actor. “ what kinda nonsense is that ? “, he mumbled still with his eyes on your notes, tried to gather his focus back at once.

“ then why ? “ you asked and still tried to find an answer by yourself since he was too busy checking your answer which you believed it all will be correct since you got his guidance till your pen last . You turned your face to see his side feature.

“ you should be those kinda guy who got girls drooling over you “, you slightly giggled when Mark just shrugged and kept his eyes on your notes with his finger traced on your notes to upgrade his concentration so he wont miss a thing.

“ do you like me ? “

Mark just getting tired of listening to your words and he really wished that you could be more quiet after he asked you the question. The question which could just make you rolled your eyes and stopped talking to him when he tried to concentrate.


“ yes I do “ you answered while nodded. Your answer successfully turned his full attention to you.

“ why wouldn’t I ? “, you turned your face to meet his.

“ First, let’s bet you’ll look cool without that glasses on and the way you style yourself.. “, your eyes looked at him from his collar till his shoe. “ wow, you really put an effort “, you smiled at him.

“ second, you are nice and third.. “, you tapped your notes which well gripped by his hand,” smart “, you finished telling him the reasons why girls will drool over him and why you like him. You managed to flash a smile on him before played with your pen between your fingers. You may like him but you don’t have that confidence to be a couple with him. You just told him everything objectively about him in a neat and clean way, far from those crazily heart beating inside you. You used to meet cool, handsome and smart guys but rarely meet the real nice one. Addressing Mark as nice because he helped you yesterday and today when he didn’t really close to you. You could feel how he tried his best to push people away  from his high school life and it seemed like you ruined everything. To let you ruined his ‘dream’ is also the reason why you addressed him nice.


Mark passed you your note as his eyes set on you, “ then tell me what are you hiding “. You just cant believe how he repositioned the way he sat, looking straight at you with his arms folded in front of his chest, waiting for your answer.

“ you are one of nation billionaire’s daughter “, he said, smirked in satisfaction. “ why did you choose to attend this school and why the teachers didn’t even make a big fuss over it ?”

You were pretty surprised and touched that Mark recognized you and knew your family background which people on your age rarely know about your Dad especially. “ you do really like moto gp “, you muttered under your breath than giggled a bit before shifted your eyes on him. Your family is one of those who love to sponsor any moto gp events and work in moto gp development.


“ so what are you trying to hide ? “, he asked once again. The way he talked to you really amused things inside you. You just liked it how he asked you the exact same question with the one you used to him. You also liked it how he could recognize you but at the same time you felt like don’t really want to answer that question. Somehow it felt bitter under your tongue to tell him why you ended up here, in a high school which placed so far away from your home. A bit part inside of you satisfied that you still could feel bitterness when you thought you were so getting used to it. One thing for sure to the question he asked to you that you aren’t hiding anything.


“ I am not trying to hide anything, Mark ..” you mentioned his name, tried to convince him that you really didn’t have any thoughts of hiding anything. Your weak smile followed as your eyes went down avoiding his eyes. You lifted up your head then threw your eyes staring into the empty space in front of you.



“ I am the one who is being hidden “




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[140717] i am still mad. i want to be in love with Mark. can anyone make a poster for this story ?


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Chapter 6: thats nice that henry stood up for her, and aww her and mark first kiss ^-^
Chapter 5: this is so cuteeee ekekekeke :3
cynthiaaxo #3
Chapter 3: nicee pls update soon :)
Chapter 4: cant wait~~~~
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 2: Nice..cant wait the update
StarTravelMallow #6
Chapter 1: Awesome~~~