Meeting with THEM.

Am I lucky or not?

~After School~

Kiseop's POV

I noticed that, ever since we met Stephanie...Kevin is always spacing out. Is he inlove with her? I smirked. Oh, and I forgot. UKISS wants to meet Stephanie and Hee Young. But... our assignments our flooded. Being a 4th year student is sooo hard. As in hard. 

How can I say it to them?!... Oh wait! I have a plan! I walked to the lockers section just to find Stephanie. I saw her with Hee Young. Perfect. I walked towards them. "Oh, Hi Kiseop~!" Hee Young said. She's such a cutie. "Hello~" I replied. "Oh, Hello kiseop~" Stephanie said. "Hi~" I replied. "Uhm, are you two free? Ukiss wants to meet you in a cafe" I asked them. "Oh sure~ but can we do our assignments there?" Stephanie said. "Sure" I said and smiled at them. "Let's go to the cafe~" I said. They nodded.

~@ the cafe~

Stephanie's POV

Why do they want to meet me and Hee Young? Geez, I wish Hee Young will stop fangirling once she saw them >_<

When we entered the cafe, Kevin waved at us. I blushed and waved back. We then seated on their table. Luckily I remembered I reminded Hee Young that she needs to relax when we meet with ukiss. Ukiss introduced theirselves to Hee Young. I saw Hee Young blushed when Soohyun introduced his self to her. I started doing our assignments. Hee Young did the same, too. I felt somebody is looking at me while i'm writing. And because of that, My writing became TERRIBLE! I wrote 유산시키다 instead of 유산! "oops!" I said. I took my correction tape out and put some on the '시키다'. "Lost your concentration, Tiffany?" Kevin said. "Ne, a little bit" I answered him. I looked up at him and blushed. Then I looked back on my notebook. I saw Kevin stand up and walked towards the counter. 'I wonder what he likes to drink' I thought. He came back with 2 espressos. He handed one to me. "T-thanks" I said. He nodded and smiled at me. I took a sip from the espresso and worked back on my assignment. It was quite easy that I finished faster than Hee Young. "Need help, besh?" I asked her. She nodded. "About what?" I asked. She pointed on something on the book. "Oh, ok so" I explained it to her. "You two are really best friends" Soohyun smiled at us. "Both of you helps each other" He added. "Yes" was the reply from us. She finished her assignments. "Oh, guys~ Manager said we need to go to the studio." Soohyun said."Nice meeting you Hee Young"He added. "Nice meeting you guys, too." She said, blushing. Soohyun leaned his hand and Hee Young leaned hers and they shaked hands. Her face was like a tomato. A really red one.


Hee Young's POV

zomg!! I held Soohyun's hand!!!! I blushed so hard. Stephanie laughed at me. I just pouted and told her we need to go home. She nodded. When I got home, I took my secret diary out and wrote at it.

Dear Diary,

              Today i'm really really really really really really happy! I met Soohyun oppa, my love and I have the chance to hold his hand! And he smiled at me! I blushed really hard! but yeah~ I'm the most happiest woman in the world now.

                                                                                                                                                                             ~Hee Young Min

After writing on my diary, I drifted to dreamland to met my love, Soohyun oppa again.

@ Hee Young's Dream

HY (Hee Young): oppa, let's go out today~

SH (Soohyun): sure~

~@ lotte world~

HY: it's so good in here...Thanks for bringing me here oppa~

SH: It's nothing~ oh, let's go to the park here~

HY: okay!~

~@ the park~

[they are sitting on a bench]

Soohyun leaned in to kiss Hee Young..

But Then...

A sound of an alarm clock waked her up.

"Sheesh! It ruined my dream!!! Soohyun oppa is going to kiss me already!" I pouted. But then I prepared to go to school. 


Guys, sorry short chap. 

Please comment and subscribe :DD

~myunghee17ukiss ;)


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RaiNah #2
Imma leave now! *le pops out*
RaiNah #3
anyways,Dongho is cute..xDD
RaiNah #4
i won't read this...too long! :P
RaiNah #5
eiiiiii....anotha kevin fic? *le pouts*
@themepebbles unnie<br />
wheeeeeee~~~ thank you unnie!~<br />
but sometimes im too.. LAZY lololol :DD
codewhiteee #7
Weee! I love you to dongsaeng <3<br />
Love your updates. :D
@themepebbles<br />
YAY!~ ~(^o^~) <br />
i love you unnie!!~~~~~~<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
codewhiteee #9
Sure ^_^<br />
Just give me enough time.<br />
Okies? <3
@themepebbles<br />
unnie i got bored!<br />
unnie! Can you make a oneshot of me and Kevin? KEKEKEKE~~<br />
Thank you unnie!~ :DDD<br />