
Just An Ordinary Person

It had been about week since I had last met with Jackson. He told me that his showcase was coming up soon, so that was probably what was happening. I really needed to see him because of something important. How could he let this happen? It made me giggle at his carelessness.

When he gave me his gift, it wasn't exactly what I expected. 

He gave me his credit card.

I waited everyday during and after work to return it to him, but he was really busy. Finally at the end of the week just at closing time, he came in to the coffee shop. I saw him look around for me and he gave his signature laugh when he spotted me. I gave him a smile and waved to him and he came up to me at the register. 

"This is yours, right?" I held up the credit card while chuckling.

"What? Ohhh...that. Yeah, that's mine," he reached up and tried to take it from me, but I withdrew my hand before he could take the card. He raised his eyebrow at me. I laughed and handed it to him. 

"You should be more careful. You're lucky I'm not some fan that's out to ruin your life," I said, giving him a stern look and then smiling.

"You better not be out to ruin my life because I have something to make your life a million times better," Jackson siad with a glint in his eyes and handed me the gift I'm pretty sure he meant to give me. 

The pass for GOT7's showcase. He watched my reaction and saw my face light up. I was going to see GOT7 live and backstage! I felt touched that Jackson would consider me close enough to invite me to something like this. I came out from behind the counter and gave him a quick hug. He looked extremely proud and happy with his gift choice. 

"So I take it I'll see you at the showcase?" Jackson asked with a chuckle. I nodded my head and pocketed the pass. 


Right before I left my house I made sure that I looked okay and had everything with me. I wore stripped white and blue shorts with a floral white top. My hair was pinned up in a bun that had a few strands sticking out. I double checked that I didn't lose the pass and tucked it safely in my bag. 

I headed out and took the subway to the venue where I saw literally hundreds of fans waiting to enter. I made my way to the doors through the fans and showed my pass to the security person who let me in. The place was empty and a couple technicians were checking last minute things. I went to the back and saw GOT7 getting ready for their showcase by warming up their voices or stretching. All eyes me when they saw someone they didn't recognize and even more eyes turned to me when Jackson called my name.

"Hey Chrystal! I'm glad to see you here! Let me introduce you to the members, but I'm sure you already know their names," he said with enthusiam. Jackson seemed really excited for this and it was showing.

"Everyone this is my friend Chrystal. Please take care of her well!" Jackson said formally. I bowed and smiled a shy smile.

He introduced me to the members one by one and all of them were a little bit awkward except Bam Bam. He seemed happy to meet me.

"Ah, hyung. So this is the girl you talked to us about, right?" BamBam asked. Jackson just rolled his eyes at BamBam trying to cause trouble. Jackson showed me where his spot was and found me a chair. I sat down and watched him get his outfit on. He was shirtless and I covered my eyes after letting out a small squeal, at which I was very embarrassed. 

"Relax. You're going to see a lot of that backstage, just to let you know," Jackson said laughing at my embarrassment. I sighed in defeat.

"My poor eyes are going to be tainted after this," I whined. He gave me a look of disbelief.

"You're complaining about seeing guys shirtless? You are one interesting girl," Jackson said and walked off to get his final touches.

I shrugged and continued looking around at the hustle and bustle of a changing room. I saw BamBam approaching me after talking to some of his bandmates. He looked flawless with his makeup and hair done.

"Annyeonghaseyo," said shyly to him. He smiled at how shy I was and sat next to me on the stool that was left over from someone else. 

"Hello. Are you excited for our showcase tonight?" he said in his soft voice. 

"Yes. I've been looking foward to it since news of your comeback came out," I said while almost making eye contact. 

"How long have you known Jackson?" BamBam asked me while scanning the area for him.

"Hmm...Well he's been coming to the coffee shop I work at for about six months, but I've only really got to know him this past month," I said afraid that Jackson would get in trouble for inviting someone who wasn't well known to the company, a stranger basically.

BamBam nodded and Jackson walked over after seeing that we were talking. BamBam said something to Jackson really quick and left. He came and sat next to me where BamBam was and asked me what that was about. I just said he wanted to know if I was excited and how long I knew him. Jackson gave me a strange look before he left again .

It was time for GOT7 to go on stage and I told all of the members fighting. They all nodded and went on stage where they were greeted with a huge reaction. I gave Jackson a playful punch on his arm and smiled before he went up. I watched from the side of the stage and the first song they started with was "A." I caught Jackson looking my way a couple times and we both chuckled when that happened. They delivered one awesome performance after the next and it was finally time for the questions which were given by Miss A's Min.

"Now I'm sure you know that you can't escape this type of question. Am I right?"  Some of GOT7 looked at her with confusion while others laughed.

"What is your ideal type?" This question earned a large response from the crowd.

I heard eveyone's answer, but I only remembered Jackson's.

"My ideal type is someone who I can trust easily. I don't want to have to worry about her cheating on me or going out late at night," he said. His answer made a lot of fangirls excited and boosted the atmosphere.

"Good answer, Jackson! Now that you've learned about their ideal types it's time for the last song. Time has flown by so fast, hasn't it?" The crowd agreed. "The last song is Forever Young," Min said before going off to the side of the stage. The song began and the everyone seemed to be regretful that this was the last song. 

The showcase ended and the audience finished off their fanchants while the members left the stage, waving. All of them came backstage sweaty and worn out. I went to all of the members individually and told them that the worked hard and to rest well. I went back over to Jackson's spot and asked him if had fun.

"I had lots of fun. Everytime we go on stage I feel that everything that I've given up was worth it. The feeling of having all of those people wanting to see you makes you feel a certain high," he said while dabbing his face with napkins. I smiled.

"Did you enjoy our stages?" Jackson asked and looked straight at me.

"Of course! I especially liked the stage for Playground. It reminds me of when when went and got patbingsoo, Namsan Tower, and the playground. All of those things," I said. Jackson nodded and smiled in agreement. 

"Well I guess I better get going. You guys are probably going to go out and celebrate, right?" I asked and he nodded. "Don't go too crazy, alright?" I said. For some reason I was a bit sad that the whole thing was done.  Jackson told me to get home safe and to not get lost.

I was just past the exit of backstage when I heard someone talk in a bit of a raised tone to Jackson.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing bringing a person we don't even know backstage!?" I could tell it was JB's voice. "For all we know she could have been a crazy fan who wanted to steal our things!" he was confronting Jackson.

"She wouldn't do that. Trust me. I've been watching her for about half a year now! She isn't like that!" Jackson said back. I heard him come closer to the exit and to where I was standing. He saw me and was surprised that I hadn't left yet.

"Did you hear all that?" Jackson asked cautiously. I nodded, feeling deflated that s thought that of me.

"Don't worry about what JB said. He doesn't know you yet. He's always like that with new people. Paranoid and stuff," Jackson said trying to comfort me. I tried to be understanding, but I still felt offended.

"I think I should go now, Jackson," I said wearily. He tried to stop me, but he didn't want to force me to do anything. I think he knew that I was upset. He let me go and went back to the changing room after looking back at me with a concerned expression.

"Great JB! Now you just made her upset!" I heard Jackson say from backstage, which I was walking quickly away from quickly, almost at a run.


A/N: This chapter is the longest one I've ever written! I think I'm getting a little bit better at this authoring thing. Soooo, please comment your reactions and subscribe if you want to. And also, I know that that wasn't Jackson's ideal type, but for the sake of the story let's pretend it is. :P Thank you! ^^













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Thank you to valerie_millenia, Soulx95, and summerliz99! Maybe I'll do some picture spam for you guys when we reach 10 subs. Sound good? ^^


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Chapter 9: It's so funny to see Mark (who is the oldest in the group) doing aegyo and being so adorable. He's so cute.
naylaa #2
Chapter 8: I love your story !
mauge92 #3
Chapter 8: Wow i'm working right now and i almost cried! I feel so bad for her.
Awesome update!
summerliz99 #4
Chapter 8: AWWWH! I really loved this one. I like how Chrystal gets homesick and Jackson would totally know the feeling.
summerliz99 #5
Chapter 7: Hehe how cute :)
mauge92 #6
Chapter 7: I didnt get the 119 joke u.u.
Woow so much ship between these lovers, i love it. I thought something was going to happen in her apartment, you gave fake hopes :(.
Great update, till next chapter.
summerliz99 #7
Chapter 6: This is really good! Love it!! And I'm glad the boys got to warm up to the MC a bit more. Hmm you're a really good writer, so I don't want to influence the story! It's amazing the way you write it!
mauge92 #8
Chapter 6: Awesome, i´ll suscribe.
summerliz99 #9
Chapter 5: I feel like I'm the only one commenting and it may get annoying....BUT ANYWAAAY~ I really liked this chapter! And that pabo, leaving the MC his credit card, pshhh. :)
summerliz99 #10
Chapter 4: Ahh I love it! I think the gift is a bracelet! And I totally agree w/the bond before complete fluff. I LOOOOVE fluff because it's so nice and cute and clean, but they do need to give it time. After all, we did just meet. ;) Haha but really loving the story so far!