
Just An Ordinary Person

He let go of me and helped me stand up. My cheeks were warmer than usual and I was glad that Jackson couldn't see them too much because it was dark out. 

"Come one. Let's go. I want to show you Seoul," Jackson said with a twinkle in his eyes and held out his hand. I took it and he led me along.

We rode the subway and went to Namsan Tower. You could see almost all of Seoul from there, it seemed. There were other couples up there, too. Not saying that Jackson and I were a couple...That hug still had me confused, embarrassed, along those lines of emotions. It didn't hit me until now that we got along pretty well. His outgoing personality helped balance out my more reserved one. I always felt comfortable around him and that doesn't happen often with people I haven't known for a while.

For now, though, I just needed to enjoy the view and spending time with Jackson. The city lights glittered in the darkness and it seemed like they went on forever. I took a deep breath and let myself relax. The soft summer wind blew on my face and made me feel like I was back home. The view of the city was hard to describe, but it gave you a feeling of awe that people could create something so expansive and something that could change other people's lives. 

Jackson stood beside me leaning over the railing, admiring the sight as well. Even without us talking, the atmosphere didn't turn awkward. I could see from the corners of my eyes that he was looking at me, so I turned my head. When we made eye contact, I quickly looked away and Jackson started smiling his beautiful smile. 

Jackson and I went inside the gift shop when the terrace started getting more crowded. I looked around a little bit for something cute and bought a keychain that had a mini model of Namsan Tower. A few people recognized him and asked to take a picture with him. I was nervous that if they saw me with him, they would start rumors or something. Nothing like that happened, thankfully. They acknowledged me and said hello when they realized that I was hanging out with Jackson. 

More people started coming to the tower, so we just left and went to a restaurant since both of us were getting hungry. Samgyupsal popped into my mind and we agreed that that was a good idea. There were a lot of samgyupsal places and Jackson said he knew one around here that GOT7 had gone to for a celebration which had good food. We walked the streets for short time and Jackson looked for the place while I oggled at how everything was lit up. I knew Korea had a good night life, but I didn't know it would be this busy. 

Jackson guided me into the restaurant because I wasn't looking where I was going. It was a small space, but not cramped. The shop looked tidy and inviting with brick walls and modern furniture. We picked the table furthest from the entrance, so that way people passing by wouldn't see Jackson. He ordered the food after making sure it was okay with me. The meat and sides came out quickly and the waiter started the samgyupsal for us and left. 

"So how are you enjoying today?" Jackson asked me.

"I'm having lots of fun. I don't like going sightseeing by myself and I can't go to restaurants like this," I gestured to the shop," by myself because that is too much food for one person, probably two people, and I get lonely." Jackson nodded along in agreement while I was talking with an extremly serious face. I couldn't help but to laugh at what he was doing.

"What? Does my face look weird?" 

"You know what you're doing." 

"This?" And he made that face again and it was just as funny. 

The meat was done cooking and we gobbled it up along with the cabbage leaves and peppers for me. 

"I should've taken you to eat sooner. You're eating like you're starving!" 

"I just...I really like food, okay? Don't judge me, please," I said with pretend seriousness. I could really be my self around Jackson and that was great. I suddenly thought about his training and I started to get anxious.

"Don't you have training today, or I guess tonight?" My worry showed on my face.

"During the day, yeah. But not at night," he said with nonchalance and kept eating. I swear, I'm worrying more about his schedule than him! But, whatevs.

We quickly finished up our meal and Jackson paid the bill. We walked around a little and waited for the food to settle in our stomachs. It was getting late, so we rode the almost empty subway back to my apartment. My feet and legs started to hurt really badly, making me walk slowly. I couldn't keep up with Jackson and he noticed.

"Do you want a piggy back ride?" he asked while turning around.

"But we just ate. I might be heavy," I whined.

"I've been to the Olympics before! I'm pretty sure I can carry you," he was already turning around for me to hop up on his back.

I walked over and jumped on and told Jackson where to go. He insisted that he already knew where to go. It was actually fun getting a piggy back ride. When we arrived at the door step of the apartment building, he set me down carefully and I swiped my card to open up the door. We took the elevator up to my floor and walked down to my door. It was time to separate and that was when I began to feel lonely even though Jackson was right beside me. Right before I put in my passcode. I remebered something.

"I have a present for you!" we both said at the same time. Jackson motioned for me to go first.

"It's something I bought earlier and thought it might be cute for you," I said and then brought out the keychain. He smiled and his eyes followed. Jackson reached his hand out and took it and put it on his keychain. 

"Now a piece of you is with me where ever I go and so will all of our good memories," he said quietly and took out his gift for me.

"Look at it when you get inside, okay?" Jackson said while handing me it. I nodded my head and gently toom it from his grasp.

"Thank you," I said and gave him a quick hug and then punched in my passcode. The door opened and I stepped in. 

"Sweet dreams," Jackson told me, still grinning from my hug.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite," I said back, smiling. 




A/N: How are you guys liking the story so far? I feel like they need time to bond and stuff before going super fluffy. Also, what do you think the gift from Jackson is? Hmm... Should all of GOT7 show up soon? We shall see! Even I don't know, honestly. I'm just writing it as I go. ^^







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Thank you to valerie_millenia, Soulx95, and summerliz99! Maybe I'll do some picture spam for you guys when we reach 10 subs. Sound good? ^^


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Chapter 9: It's so funny to see Mark (who is the oldest in the group) doing aegyo and being so adorable. He's so cute.
naylaa #2
Chapter 8: I love your story !
mauge92 #3
Chapter 8: Wow i'm working right now and i almost cried! I feel so bad for her.
Awesome update!
summerliz99 #4
Chapter 8: AWWWH! I really loved this one. I like how Chrystal gets homesick and Jackson would totally know the feeling.
summerliz99 #5
Chapter 7: Hehe how cute :)
mauge92 #6
Chapter 7: I didnt get the 119 joke u.u.
Woow so much ship between these lovers, i love it. I thought something was going to happen in her apartment, you gave fake hopes :(.
Great update, till next chapter.
summerliz99 #7
Chapter 6: This is really good! Love it!! And I'm glad the boys got to warm up to the MC a bit more. Hmm you're a really good writer, so I don't want to influence the story! It's amazing the way you write it!
mauge92 #8
Chapter 6: Awesome, i´ll suscribe.
summerliz99 #9
Chapter 5: I feel like I'm the only one commenting and it may get annoying....BUT ANYWAAAY~ I really liked this chapter! And that pabo, leaving the MC his credit card, pshhh. :)
summerliz99 #10
Chapter 4: Ahh I love it! I think the gift is a bracelet! And I totally agree w/the bond before complete fluff. I LOOOOVE fluff because it's so nice and cute and clean, but they do need to give it time. After all, we did just meet. ;) Haha but really loving the story so far!